
时间:2022-02-21 07:04:46

I'm trying to find the name of the file I'm editing inside of Vim. So I can use it to map F5 to compile this file. Would of course be great if I could recognize the file format, and choose compiler accordingly, but really not necessary. If I find the name of the file, I could do that myself. But I really can't find any way to get the name of the file I'm editing.


I know of the :make command, and have already mapped that, but for small scripts/testing programs, I really don't want to first have to write a simple makefile.


6 个解决方案


I'm trying to find the name of the file I'm editing inside of vim.


For the current buffer this will give you name of the file,


echo "You're editing " bufname("%")

(just put it in some file.vim, and source it ":so %". But I don't think this is what you need.


So I can use it to map F5 to compile this file, for testing purposes. Would of course be great if I could recognize the file format, and choose compiler accordingly, but really not necessary. If I find the name of the file, I could do that myself. But I really can't find any way to get the name of the file I'm editing.


You could do several things. If vim recognizes the filetype you're editing, you could map F5 to your compiler command and put that command in its specific ftplugin directory, so it will be valid only for that filetype. For example, you put


nmap <f5> :!compilername %<cr>

in cpp.vim, fortran.vim, python.vim, etc. The % gives the name of the current file you're editing. This will execute the compiler just like if you called compilername file.cpp in the command prompt.

在cpp.vim,fortran.vim,python.vim等中。%给出了您正在编辑的当前文件的名称。这将执行编译器,就像在命令提示符中调用compilername file.cpp一样。

Of course, compilername will be different for each filetype; you're not going to compile fortran with cpp compiler, you put fortrancompiler % in that case.


That is one option. You could also try according to extension set autocmd commands in your .vimrc so it recognizes the filetype according to extension of the file. This is all standard usage of vim, nothing uncommon. Now, I'm not sure how you'd like to go about this, so I'll just point you to Vim Wiki where you can find all kinds of articles that cover this (and also a few tips for some compilers).

这是一种选择。您还可以根据.vimrc中的扩展集autocmd命令进行尝试,以便根据文件的扩展名识别文件类型。这是vim的所有标准用法,没有什么不常见的。现在,我不确定你是怎么想这样做的,所以我只想指出Vim Wiki,在那里你可以找到涵盖这个的各种文章(以及一些编译器的一些技巧)。

I know of the :make command, and have already mapped that, but for small scripts/testing programs, I really don't want to first have to write a simple makefile.


Yes, that seems like overkill. Personally (when I'm on Windows), I find simple batch file much easier to write for most things except big projects. If the program is in one or two files, I just compile it using some oneliner mapping.



You can use the % character in vim commands to get the current filename with the extension. For example,


:!javac %

to run javac on the current file.


You can find out more with


:help filename-modifiers


The other points are very useful. I would add that you probably want to use :p, to ensure that the file name is passed as a fully qualified path. Without it, Vim may pass it as a path that is relative to Vim's current path, which may or may not be the same path as the compiler uses. So one solution is:


nnoremap <silent> <f5> :!javac %:p<cr>

If you want to detect the file type automatically you could use AutoCommand


autocmd FileType java       nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <f5> :!javac %:p<cr>
autocmd FileType cpp        nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <f5> :!gcc %:p<cr>


As others have already mentioned, % is expanded to the current file. If you want to get that string in vim script, use expand("%").


But you may want to simply set makeprg to something like "compiler-command\ %" and run :make - you gain quick-fix support that way. (open errors/warnings window with :copen)

但您可能只想将makeprg设置为类似“compiler-command \%”的内容并运行:make - 您可以通过这种方式获得快速修复支持。 (打开错误/警告窗口:copen)


Well, it's % as a substitution code inside things like :w. So :w blah% writes a copy of your file with 'blah' prepended. Or !!echo % replaces the current line with it. Dunno if that addresses your needs or not.

好吧,它是%作为替换代码,如:w。所以:w blah%写了一个文件的副本,前面加上'bl​​ah'。或者!! echo%用它替换当前行。 Dunno,如果它满足您的需求。


Use % as a substitute for your filename. But personally, I really think you can push :make to do exactly what you want.


I used to do exactly what you want to avoid: just hack out a two-line Makefile for every single folder I was in. I enjoyed :make's quickfix support so much that whipping out a two-line Makefile just seemed like a small overhead in the big picture.


... I've since learned better. You can use an autocmd or ftplugin to set the makeprg option, configuring :make to use your command of choice based on the current filetype. In itself, that saves you a bit of work.


The problem starts when we work a tool whose error messages don't look just like GCC's. To get around this, vim also provides the errorformat option. errorformat is very sophisticated. If you really want to learn about it, start with :h error-format. In the long term, the sophistication is really great. It means that, once you learn how to use it, you can parse virtually any compiler output and format it for viewing with quickfix (:cope or :cl).

当我们使用一个错误消息看起来不像GCC的工具时,问题就出现了。为了解决这个问题,vim还提供了errorformat选项。 errorformat非常复杂。如果您真的想了解它,请从:h error-format开始。从长远来看,复杂性非常好。这意味着,一旦您学会了如何使用它,您几乎可以解析任何编译器输出并对其进行格式化以便使用quickfix(:cope或:cl)进行查看。

In the short term, it can be a bit of a bad thing, because it means that the first couple of times you hack an error format together yourself, you're going to be spending a fair bit of time puzzling over the vimdocs and re-loading and building files that will trigger the various error messages your compiler can produce. That's definitely not what you want if you're only briefly working outside your comfort zone, or your boss is over your shoulder urging you to fix this bug now.

在短期内,它可能有点不好,因为这意味着你自己一起破解错误格式的前几次,你将花费相当多的时间来困扰vimdocs和re - 加载和构建将触发编译器可以生成的各种错误消息的文件。如果你只是在你的舒适区之外短暂工作,或者你的老板在你的肩膀上敦促你现在解决这个问题,那绝对不是你想要的。

Hopefully (and likely), someone has already gone through this pain for you, and either configured errorformat appropriately for your default ftplugin, or released it as part of a vim script that they're just waiting for the community to install and adore.


As a quick demonstration, here's a couple of lines I hacked together for my .vim/ftplugin/haskell.vim file:

作为一个快速演示,这里有几行我一起攻击我的.vim / ftplugin / haskell.vim文件:

setl makeprg=ghc\ --make\ %
setl errorformat=%E%f:%l:%c:,%C\ %.%m,%Z,%f:%l:%c:%m

I use setl here so that these options are only configured for haskell source files; if I edit a different kind of source file simultaneously, it can use a different configuration instead.


If you end up using :make, I also recommend configuring your switchbuf setting. I found it a bit annoying having to press ctrl-O after a build if quickfix gets excited and jumps you to the wrong file. I use:


set switchbuf=useopen,usetab,newtab


I'm trying to find the name of the file I'm editing inside of vim.


For the current buffer this will give you name of the file,


echo "You're editing " bufname("%")

(just put it in some file.vim, and source it ":so %". But I don't think this is what you need.


So I can use it to map F5 to compile this file, for testing purposes. Would of course be great if I could recognize the file format, and choose compiler accordingly, but really not necessary. If I find the name of the file, I could do that myself. But I really can't find any way to get the name of the file I'm editing.


You could do several things. If vim recognizes the filetype you're editing, you could map F5 to your compiler command and put that command in its specific ftplugin directory, so it will be valid only for that filetype. For example, you put


nmap <f5> :!compilername %<cr>

in cpp.vim, fortran.vim, python.vim, etc. The % gives the name of the current file you're editing. This will execute the compiler just like if you called compilername file.cpp in the command prompt.

在cpp.vim,fortran.vim,python.vim等中。%给出了您正在编辑的当前文件的名称。这将执行编译器,就像在命令提示符中调用compilername file.cpp一样。

Of course, compilername will be different for each filetype; you're not going to compile fortran with cpp compiler, you put fortrancompiler % in that case.


That is one option. You could also try according to extension set autocmd commands in your .vimrc so it recognizes the filetype according to extension of the file. This is all standard usage of vim, nothing uncommon. Now, I'm not sure how you'd like to go about this, so I'll just point you to Vim Wiki where you can find all kinds of articles that cover this (and also a few tips for some compilers).

这是一种选择。您还可以根据.vimrc中的扩展集autocmd命令进行尝试,以便根据文件的扩展名识别文件类型。这是vim的所有标准用法,没有什么不常见的。现在,我不确定你是怎么想这样做的,所以我只想指出Vim Wiki,在那里你可以找到涵盖这个的各种文章(以及一些编译器的一些技巧)。

I know of the :make command, and have already mapped that, but for small scripts/testing programs, I really don't want to first have to write a simple makefile.


Yes, that seems like overkill. Personally (when I'm on Windows), I find simple batch file much easier to write for most things except big projects. If the program is in one or two files, I just compile it using some oneliner mapping.



You can use the % character in vim commands to get the current filename with the extension. For example,


:!javac %

to run javac on the current file.


You can find out more with


:help filename-modifiers


The other points are very useful. I would add that you probably want to use :p, to ensure that the file name is passed as a fully qualified path. Without it, Vim may pass it as a path that is relative to Vim's current path, which may or may not be the same path as the compiler uses. So one solution is:


nnoremap <silent> <f5> :!javac %:p<cr>

If you want to detect the file type automatically you could use AutoCommand


autocmd FileType java       nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <f5> :!javac %:p<cr>
autocmd FileType cpp        nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <f5> :!gcc %:p<cr>


As others have already mentioned, % is expanded to the current file. If you want to get that string in vim script, use expand("%").


But you may want to simply set makeprg to something like "compiler-command\ %" and run :make - you gain quick-fix support that way. (open errors/warnings window with :copen)

但您可能只想将makeprg设置为类似“compiler-command \%”的内容并运行:make - 您可以通过这种方式获得快速修复支持。 (打开错误/警告窗口:copen)


Well, it's % as a substitution code inside things like :w. So :w blah% writes a copy of your file with 'blah' prepended. Or !!echo % replaces the current line with it. Dunno if that addresses your needs or not.

好吧,它是%作为替换代码,如:w。所以:w blah%写了一个文件的副本,前面加上'bl​​ah'。或者!! echo%用它替换当前行。 Dunno,如果它满足您的需求。


Use % as a substitute for your filename. But personally, I really think you can push :make to do exactly what you want.


I used to do exactly what you want to avoid: just hack out a two-line Makefile for every single folder I was in. I enjoyed :make's quickfix support so much that whipping out a two-line Makefile just seemed like a small overhead in the big picture.


... I've since learned better. You can use an autocmd or ftplugin to set the makeprg option, configuring :make to use your command of choice based on the current filetype. In itself, that saves you a bit of work.


The problem starts when we work a tool whose error messages don't look just like GCC's. To get around this, vim also provides the errorformat option. errorformat is very sophisticated. If you really want to learn about it, start with :h error-format. In the long term, the sophistication is really great. It means that, once you learn how to use it, you can parse virtually any compiler output and format it for viewing with quickfix (:cope or :cl).

当我们使用一个错误消息看起来不像GCC的工具时,问题就出现了。为了解决这个问题,vim还提供了errorformat选项。 errorformat非常复杂。如果您真的想了解它,请从:h error-format开始。从长远来看,复杂性非常好。这意味着,一旦您学会了如何使用它,您几乎可以解析任何编译器输出并对其进行格式化以便使用quickfix(:cope或:cl)进行查看。

In the short term, it can be a bit of a bad thing, because it means that the first couple of times you hack an error format together yourself, you're going to be spending a fair bit of time puzzling over the vimdocs and re-loading and building files that will trigger the various error messages your compiler can produce. That's definitely not what you want if you're only briefly working outside your comfort zone, or your boss is over your shoulder urging you to fix this bug now.

在短期内,它可能有点不好,因为这意味着你自己一起破解错误格式的前几次,你将花费相当多的时间来困扰vimdocs和re - 加载和构建将触发编译器可以生成的各种错误消息的文件。如果你只是在你的舒适区之外短暂工作,或者你的老板在你的肩膀上敦促你现在解决这个问题,那绝对不是你想要的。

Hopefully (and likely), someone has already gone through this pain for you, and either configured errorformat appropriately for your default ftplugin, or released it as part of a vim script that they're just waiting for the community to install and adore.


As a quick demonstration, here's a couple of lines I hacked together for my .vim/ftplugin/haskell.vim file:

作为一个快速演示,这里有几行我一起攻击我的.vim / ftplugin / haskell.vim文件:

setl makeprg=ghc\ --make\ %
setl errorformat=%E%f:%l:%c:,%C\ %.%m,%Z,%f:%l:%c:%m

I use setl here so that these options are only configured for haskell source files; if I edit a different kind of source file simultaneously, it can use a different configuration instead.


If you end up using :make, I also recommend configuring your switchbuf setting. I found it a bit annoying having to press ctrl-O after a build if quickfix gets excited and jumps you to the wrong file. I use:


set switchbuf=useopen,usetab,newtab