如何将数组附加到现有的json数组并在node js中写入文件

时间:2022-03-31 19:29:27

I have a example.json file.


  "tc" :
    {"name" : "tc_001"},
    {"name" : "tc_002"},
    {"name" : "tc_003"},
    {"name" : "tc_004"},
    {"name" : "tc_005"}

In here I need to add another array to the tc[0]th index. In Node JS I tried this:

在这里,我需要向tc[0]索引添加另一个数组。在Node JS中我尝试过:

var fs = require('fs');

var obj = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('example.json', 'utf8'));
var arr1 = {bc :[{name:'bc_001'}]}
var arr2 = {bc :[{name:'bc_002'}]}
obj.tc[0] = arr1;
obj.tc[0] = arr2;

But when printing that obj, obj.tc[0] has replaced by value of arr2. The final result I want to achieve is:


  "tc" :
       "name" : "tc_001"
       "bc" :
            {"name" = "bc_001"},
            {"name" = "bc_002"}
    {"name" : "tc_002"},
    {"name" : "tc_003"},
    {"name" : "tc_004"},
    {"name" : "tc_005"}

I also want to write this back to the same json file. I'm trying to achieve here a file containing number of tcs with unique names. Furthermore one tc can have multiple bcs, and bc has a name attribute.


I also accept suggestion on a better json structure to support this concept.


1 个解决方案



A solution for more than one item to add to the object.


It uses an object o where the new values should go and a value object v with the keys and the items to assign.


Inside it iterates over the keys and build a new array if not already there. Then all values are pushed to the array.


function add(o, v) {
    Object.keys(v).forEach(k => {
        o[k] = o[k] || [];
        v[k].forEach(a => o[k].push(a));

var obj = { "tc": [{ "name": "tc_001" }, { "name": "tc_002" }, { "name": "tc_003" }, { "name": "tc_004" }, { "name": "tc_005" }] };

add(obj.tc[0], { bc: [{ name: 'bc_001' }] });
add(obj.tc[0], { bc: [{ name: 'bc_002' }] });
document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(obj, 0, 4) + '</pre>');



A solution for more than one item to add to the object.


It uses an object o where the new values should go and a value object v with the keys and the items to assign.


Inside it iterates over the keys and build a new array if not already there. Then all values are pushed to the array.


function add(o, v) {
    Object.keys(v).forEach(k => {
        o[k] = o[k] || [];
        v[k].forEach(a => o[k].push(a));

var obj = { "tc": [{ "name": "tc_001" }, { "name": "tc_002" }, { "name": "tc_003" }, { "name": "tc_004" }, { "name": "tc_005" }] };

add(obj.tc[0], { bc: [{ name: 'bc_001' }] });
add(obj.tc[0], { bc: [{ name: 'bc_002' }] });
document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(obj, 0, 4) + '</pre>');