SDL for iPhone有多成熟?

时间:2021-12-08 03:07:18

For a while I've been thinking of trying to do a port of one of my favorite classic PC games, The Ur-Quan Masters (aka Star Control 2) to the iPhone. UQM uses SDL for all its graphics, sound, input and other gamey stuff and there does seem to be a port of SDL to iPhone but it doesn't look very mature at this point.

有一段时间我一直在考虑尝试将我最喜欢的经典PC游戏之一,The Ur-Quan Masters(又名Star Control 2)移植到iPhone上。 UQM将SDL用于其所有图形,声音,输入和其他游戏内容,似乎有一个SDL到iPhone的端口,但此时它看起来并不十分成熟。

Has anyone put the iPhone SDL port through its paces? How well does it work? What kinds of issues can I expect taking this project, which is already cross platform code to iPhone?

有没有人把iPhone SDL端口放进去?它的效果如何?我可以期待这个项目有哪些问题,这已经是iPhone的跨平台代码?

If SDL isn't an option can anyone reccomend an alternative framework to look at that will bridge the gap between SDL and the native libraries like OpenGL ES and Core Audio? Or is coding to those frameworks the best option?

如果SDL不是一个选项,那么任何人都可以推荐一个替代框架来解决SDL与OpenGL ES和Core Audio等本机库之间的差距吗?或者编码那些框架是最好的选择?

Edit to add: Here's a link to a forum thread on the UQM forum about doing an iPhone port.


2 个解决方案



This answer is really out of date, so you can stop up voting it!


I no longer use SDL for iPhone development because it doesn't fit the iPhone model. e.g. SDL insists on owning main(), the audio subsystem doesn't know about AudioSessions, it's hard to pick up on view orientation changes, etc. It was nice to see a familiar face but in the end SDL introduced more problems than it solved.


2009 answer
The svn version's working well for me.


I had one problem and that was a crash in atexit(SDL_Quit).


So I disabled cleanup.


Plus the library names are not sensible, but you can change that.


The hardest part for me was porting my SDL code to SDL-1.3, and porting my OpenGL code to OpenGLES.


OpenGLES works as you'd expect, the accelerometer shows up as a 3 axis joystick, and sound is solid.


I give iPhone SDL 4.5 out of a possible 5 stars.

我给出了可能的5星级iPhone SDL 4.5。



The iPhone port works as expected, and it does have a bit of an unfinshed feel to it. As delivered it's not that easy to integrate with the SDK, that may be OK for some games, but I think most users expect more out of games today, like social network connections.


Fortunately with a little effort you can use most of the iPhone SDK with SDL.

幸运的是,只需稍加努力就可以将大部分iPhone SDK与SDL结合使用。

See my tutorial here, Bridging the Gap.


and blogs on the Simple DirectMedia Layer Forums.

和Simple DirectMedia Layer Forums上的博客。

SDL tends to mess up touch events in tableviews, but you can fix that by run in with a separate cfrunloop.


Performance is close to working with just plain vanilla OpenGL.

性能接近于使用普通的OpenGL OpenGL。



This answer is really out of date, so you can stop up voting it!


I no longer use SDL for iPhone development because it doesn't fit the iPhone model. e.g. SDL insists on owning main(), the audio subsystem doesn't know about AudioSessions, it's hard to pick up on view orientation changes, etc. It was nice to see a familiar face but in the end SDL introduced more problems than it solved.


2009 answer
The svn version's working well for me.


I had one problem and that was a crash in atexit(SDL_Quit).


So I disabled cleanup.


Plus the library names are not sensible, but you can change that.


The hardest part for me was porting my SDL code to SDL-1.3, and porting my OpenGL code to OpenGLES.


OpenGLES works as you'd expect, the accelerometer shows up as a 3 axis joystick, and sound is solid.


I give iPhone SDL 4.5 out of a possible 5 stars.

我给出了可能的5星级iPhone SDL 4.5。



The iPhone port works as expected, and it does have a bit of an unfinshed feel to it. As delivered it's not that easy to integrate with the SDK, that may be OK for some games, but I think most users expect more out of games today, like social network connections.


Fortunately with a little effort you can use most of the iPhone SDK with SDL.

幸运的是,只需稍加努力就可以将大部分iPhone SDK与SDL结合使用。

See my tutorial here, Bridging the Gap.


and blogs on the Simple DirectMedia Layer Forums.

和Simple DirectMedia Layer Forums上的博客。

SDL tends to mess up touch events in tableviews, but you can fix that by run in with a separate cfrunloop.


Performance is close to working with just plain vanilla OpenGL.

性能接近于使用普通的OpenGL OpenGL。