
时间:2021-08-25 19:58:24

I have a Windows batch file that processes a bunch of files. As part of this I use the following line:


forfiles /p "%~dpn1%LogDir%" /m "%SupportLog%*" /c "cmd /c logreader.py @file > \"%~dpn1%ParsedLogDir%\@file_Logreader.txt\"

This works OK, but essentially loops through all my files (%SupportLog%*) and passes each one by one into the logreader.py script.


What I really want to do is to create a list or parameter of all these files and pass all of them at once into the Python script, such the command that should be run would resemble:


logreader.py "logfile.log" "logfile.log.1" "logfile.log.3" .....

I tried to use the set command within the forfiles command like that:


forfiles /p "%~dpn1%LogDir%" /m "%SupportLog%*" /c "cmd /c set PARAMS=%PARAMS%@file "

However, when run this and leave the ECHO ON, I see:


forfiles /p "C:\Path\log" /m "logfile.log*" /c "cmd /c set PARAMS=@file "

This is incorrect. And when I do echo %PARAMS%, I get no result.


Is there a way of achieving this?


3 个解决方案



forfiles is complicated or may even be buggy. It does not support the quotes within /c "cmd /c ...." must be replaced by hex characters 0x22, or by \".

forfiles很复杂,甚至可能是错误的。它不支持/ c“cmd / c ....中的引号。必须用十六进制字符0x22或\”替换。

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /A-D "logfile.log.?"') do (
    set _logfile=!_logfile! "%%a"
echo logreader.py %_logfile%


logreader.py  "logfile.log.1" "logfile.log.2" "logfile.log.3" "logfile.log.4" "logfile.log.5"



forfiles creates a new cmd instance per each loop iteration, so a variable PARAMS only exists as long as the containing instance.


If you want to use forfiles and work around that issue, you might do the following:


rem collect all items in a temporary file as a single line:
del /F /Q "loglist.tmp" 2> nul
forfiles /P "%~dpn1%LogDir%" /M "%SupportLog%*" /C "cmd /C echo | set /P _=\"@file \" >> \"loglist.tmp\""
rem pass over the content of temporary file as parameters:
for /F "usebackq eol=| delims=" %%L in ("loglist.tmp") do logreader.py %%L
rem clean up temporary file:
del /F /Q "loglist.tmp" 2> nul

Relying on a variable for collecting the parameters rather than a temporary file, the following could work:


rem collect all items in a variable:
set "PARAMS="
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "delims=" %%L in (
    'forfiles /P "%~dpn1%LogDir%" /M "%SupportLog%*" /C "cmd /C echo.@file"'
) do set "PARAMS=!PARAMS!%%L "
endlocal & set "PARAMS=%PARAMS%"
rem pass over the content of variable as parameters:
if defined PARAMS logreader.py %PARAMS%



Thanks all. I eventually used a combination of the pointers listed above (and elsewhere) to come up with the following (an excerpt of the full batch file):


setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

Set SupportLog=support.log
Set LogDir=\var\log

for %%A in ("%~dpn1%LogDir%\%SupportLog%*") do (
    set PARAMS=!PARAMS! "%%A"

logreader.py %PARAMS% > "%~dpn1%ParsedLogDir%\%SupportLog%_Logreader.txt"

So, the a shortcut to the batch file is created in the "SendTo" folder, I can then right click the zipped log file and "SendTo" the batch, and all works as expected.


Perhaps I should switch to PowerShell for things like this going forward.




forfiles is complicated or may even be buggy. It does not support the quotes within /c "cmd /c ...." must be replaced by hex characters 0x22, or by \".

forfiles很复杂,甚至可能是错误的。它不支持/ c“cmd / c ....中的引号。必须用十六进制字符0x22或\”替换。

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /A-D "logfile.log.?"') do (
    set _logfile=!_logfile! "%%a"
echo logreader.py %_logfile%


logreader.py  "logfile.log.1" "logfile.log.2" "logfile.log.3" "logfile.log.4" "logfile.log.5"



forfiles creates a new cmd instance per each loop iteration, so a variable PARAMS only exists as long as the containing instance.


If you want to use forfiles and work around that issue, you might do the following:


rem collect all items in a temporary file as a single line:
del /F /Q "loglist.tmp" 2> nul
forfiles /P "%~dpn1%LogDir%" /M "%SupportLog%*" /C "cmd /C echo | set /P _=\"@file \" >> \"loglist.tmp\""
rem pass over the content of temporary file as parameters:
for /F "usebackq eol=| delims=" %%L in ("loglist.tmp") do logreader.py %%L
rem clean up temporary file:
del /F /Q "loglist.tmp" 2> nul

Relying on a variable for collecting the parameters rather than a temporary file, the following could work:


rem collect all items in a variable:
set "PARAMS="
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "delims=" %%L in (
    'forfiles /P "%~dpn1%LogDir%" /M "%SupportLog%*" /C "cmd /C echo.@file"'
) do set "PARAMS=!PARAMS!%%L "
endlocal & set "PARAMS=%PARAMS%"
rem pass over the content of variable as parameters:
if defined PARAMS logreader.py %PARAMS%



Thanks all. I eventually used a combination of the pointers listed above (and elsewhere) to come up with the following (an excerpt of the full batch file):


setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

Set SupportLog=support.log
Set LogDir=\var\log

for %%A in ("%~dpn1%LogDir%\%SupportLog%*") do (
    set PARAMS=!PARAMS! "%%A"

logreader.py %PARAMS% > "%~dpn1%ParsedLogDir%\%SupportLog%_Logreader.txt"

So, the a shortcut to the batch file is created in the "SendTo" folder, I can then right click the zipped log file and "SendTo" the batch, and all works as expected.


Perhaps I should switch to PowerShell for things like this going forward.
