PHP:验证decimal Mysqli数据类型。

时间:2021-11-15 00:50:51

I have a table with the column data type like this:


price decimal(6,2) unsigned NOT NULL,

And my validation code is like this:


if ( (!empty($_POST['price'])) && (is_numeric($_POST['price'])) && (isset($_POST['price'])) > 0 ) {
    $price = ($_POST['price']);

} else{
    $price = FALSE;
    echo '<p> Only accept number and must be higher than zero</p>';


I use the $_POST form for users to submit the value. But you know,


1/ When the user types any non-numeric value such as a,b,c etc, it also validates well. 2/ When the user types the value zero in, it validates well too.


However, the question is that when I tested it with no value typed in. I mean that I left the value empty and hit the 'submit' button, the error message still returned as per the }else { part does, but the value was still inserted into the table column with a value of 0.00 technically at the same time.


To my limited knowledge, I can guess that the problem was probably at the Mysqli data type of the table I chose, but i don't know how to correct it.


Can you help me, please?


2 个解决方案



I think the solution you're looking for is to simply move the inserting code to the first if statement. That way it'll only insert the value if it is numeric and not empty.




What you describe means that you've failed to stop the insert when $price===false (i.e. the problem is not the evaluation; it has given you the correct message. You've some programming logic error elsewhere)




I think the solution you're looking for is to simply move the inserting code to the first if statement. That way it'll only insert the value if it is numeric and not empty.




What you describe means that you've failed to stop the insert when $price===false (i.e. the problem is not the evaluation; it has given you the correct message. You've some programming logic error elsewhere)
