珠海邀请赛个人解题报告 Problem B: Magic Matrix

时间:2022-02-28 19:27:54

  Problem B: Magic Matrix

A new term of Hogwarts Magic School is coming, while the most powerful black
magician Voldemort is also going to come back. In order to resist Voldemort and save the  magic  world,  Hogwarts  Magic  School  has  to  practice  white  magic  diligently.
Hogwarts’ principal Dumbledore and Harry Potter plan  to  set up a magic matrix  to resist the attacks from Voldemort.
N magicians stand  in n  fixed positions. Each of  them concentrates  their magic power to cover a circle of a certain radius. A magician can move inside his/her circle.
If the i-th magician and the (i%n+1)-th magician are at the same place they can give their magic power to each other. However, there is a restriction that the i-th magician’s circle can NOT overlap with (i%n+1)-th magicians’, otherwise the whole magic matrix will be unstable. When Voldemort comes, all magicians must concentrate their magic power and transmit it to Harry Potter. Now the question comes. Can they succeed in setting up the magic matrix? If so, output the radius of each magician’s power circle, and NONE  if  impossible. There may be several solutions, so you must maximal  the circle of Harry Potter, the reading role of the whole story, who's the first magician.
The input has multiple test cases. For each test case: The first line is an integer n (n<=1000), the number of magicians. Each of next n lines contains two real numbers, giving the coordinate of the each magician.
If it is impossible, just output NONE.
If  it  is  possible,  you  should  output  n  lines.  Each  line  contains  a  number
representing the radius of a magician. Two digits after the decimal point are required.

Sample Input
0 0
3 0
3 4

Sample Output
Radius 0 is possible.




设魔法师依次为 A[1...N] ,那么先按顺序算出相邻两个人的距离

A1 + A2 = Dis[1][2]
A2 + A3 = Dis[2][3]
Ai  +  Aj =  Dis[i][j]

另外,这道题的Memory Limit 是 8192K,用高斯消元来解会爆空间。不过这个方程组每行只有两个未知数,所以可以推出公式来求解


    r1 + r2 = d1
    r2 + r3 = d2
    r3 + r1 = d3
 则:r1 = d1 - r2 = d1 - (d2 - r3) = d1 - (d2 - (d3 - r1))
 化简得: r1 = (d1 - d2 + d3) / 2

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