为本地ruby on rails开发复制大型数据库?

时间:2021-10-07 11:33:04

There is a massive database (GB) that I am working with now and all of the previous development has been done on a slicehost slice. I am trying to get ready for more developers to come in and work so I need each person to be able to setup his own machine for development, which means potentially copying this database. Selecting only the first X rows in each table to cut size could be problematic for data consistency. Is there any way around this, or is a 1 hour download for each developer going to be necessary? And beyond that, what if I need to copy the production DB down for dev purposes in the future?


Sincerely, Tyler


4 个解决方案



Why not have a dev server that each dev connects to?


Yes all devs develop against the same database. No developement is ever done excpt through scripts that are checked into Subversion. If a couple of people making changes run into each other, all the better that they find out as soon as possible that they are doing things which might conflict.


We also periodically load a prod backup to dev and rerun any scripts for things which have not yet been loaded to prod to keep out data up-to-date. Developing against the full data set is critical once you have a medium sized database because the coding techniques which appear to be fine to a dev on a box by himself with a smaller dataset, will often fail misreably against prod sized data and when there are multiple users.




databases required for development and testing rarely need to be full size, it is often easier to work on a small copy. A database subsetting tool like Jailer ( http://jailer.sourceforge.net/ ) might help you here.

开发和测试所需要的数据库很少需要完全的大小,所以在小的副本上工作通常比较容易。像Jailer (http://jailer.sourceforge.net/)这样的数据库子设置工具可能在这里对您有所帮助。



To make downloading the production database more efficient, be sure you're compressing it as much as possible before transmission, and further, that you're stripping out any records that aren't relevant for development work.


You can also create a patch against an older version of your database dump to ship over only the differences and not an entirely new copy of it. This works best when each INSERT statement is recorded one per line, something that may need to be engaged on your tool specifically. With MySQL this is the --skip-extended-insert option.

您还可以针对数据库转储的旧版本创建一个补丁,以便只交付差异,而不交付一个全新的副本。当每一行都记录一条INSERT语句时,这是最有效的,这可能需要在您的工具上特别关注。对于MySQL,这是-skip- extension -insert选项。

A better approach is to have a fake data generator that can roll out a suitably robust version of the database for testing and development. This is not too hard to do with things like Factory Girl which can automate routine record creation.




In case anyone's interested in an answer to the question of "how do I copy data between databases", I found this:




It answered the question I asked when I found this S.O. question.




Why not have a dev server that each dev connects to?


Yes all devs develop against the same database. No developement is ever done excpt through scripts that are checked into Subversion. If a couple of people making changes run into each other, all the better that they find out as soon as possible that they are doing things which might conflict.


We also periodically load a prod backup to dev and rerun any scripts for things which have not yet been loaded to prod to keep out data up-to-date. Developing against the full data set is critical once you have a medium sized database because the coding techniques which appear to be fine to a dev on a box by himself with a smaller dataset, will often fail misreably against prod sized data and when there are multiple users.




databases required for development and testing rarely need to be full size, it is often easier to work on a small copy. A database subsetting tool like Jailer ( http://jailer.sourceforge.net/ ) might help you here.

开发和测试所需要的数据库很少需要完全的大小,所以在小的副本上工作通常比较容易。像Jailer (http://jailer.sourceforge.net/)这样的数据库子设置工具可能在这里对您有所帮助。



To make downloading the production database more efficient, be sure you're compressing it as much as possible before transmission, and further, that you're stripping out any records that aren't relevant for development work.


You can also create a patch against an older version of your database dump to ship over only the differences and not an entirely new copy of it. This works best when each INSERT statement is recorded one per line, something that may need to be engaged on your tool specifically. With MySQL this is the --skip-extended-insert option.

您还可以针对数据库转储的旧版本创建一个补丁,以便只交付差异,而不交付一个全新的副本。当每一行都记录一条INSERT语句时,这是最有效的,这可能需要在您的工具上特别关注。对于MySQL,这是-skip- extension -insert选项。

A better approach is to have a fake data generator that can roll out a suitably robust version of the database for testing and development. This is not too hard to do with things like Factory Girl which can automate routine record creation.




In case anyone's interested in an answer to the question of "how do I copy data between databases", I found this:




It answered the question I asked when I found this S.O. question.
