
时间:2022-03-27 12:17:53

I'm a solo developer working on a typical web project (Django + PostgresSQL) using Eclipse as my IDE and Subversion for source control. So far I've been working on a single development machine that I have setup myself. Recently, I've been asked to do some work at the customer site and there have also been a few occasions when it would have been useful to have access to the site at home. I'm thinking about what the best way to set this up is. Unfortunately, for various reasons a laptop is not a viable solution, so the solutions I am thinking of are:

我是一个开发典型Web项目(Django + PostgresSQL)的独立开发人员,使用Eclipse作为我的IDE和Subversion进行源代码控制。到目前为止,我一直在研究我自己设置的单个开发机器。最近,我被要求在客户现场做一些工作,并且有一些时候在家中访问该网站是有用的。我正在考虑设置它的最佳方法是什么。不幸的是,由于各种原因,笔记本电脑不是一个可行的解决方案,所以我想到的解决方案是:

  1. Installing all the necessary development tools on each machine (PostgresSQL, Eclipse, Django, Python + librariries etc.) and keeping the code in sync using SVN.
  2. 在每台机器上安装所有必要的开发工具(PostgresSQL,Eclipse,Django,Python + librariries等),并使用SVN保持代码同步。

  3. Setting some kind of VNC access on my development machine and accessing it remotely to do work.
  4. 在我的开发机器上设置某种VNC访问并远程访问它以进行工作。

  5. Creating a Virtual machine and copying the image between all the machines using a pen drive.
  6. 创建虚拟机并使用笔式驱动器在所有计算机之间复制映像。

The advantage of #1 is fast local development, but then I have to setup all the tools on each machine and deal with their configurations and keeping everything in sync. Also, to share code between the machines, I'd have to check it into SVN even if it's not "ready." Solution #2 solves this problem, but at the expense of slower UI experience. Finally, #3 seems like a nice solution, but I'm not sure if I can really fit a virtual image on a pen drive and I'm not sure about the performance.


I guess there's not really a "correct" answer, but I'm throwing this out to get ideas and suggestions from people who have been doing this longer than me. :)

我想这并不是一个“正确”的答案,但是我把它扔出去得到那些比我做得更久的人的想法和建议。 :)

5 个解决方案


I'd say option number 1 is still the best. I'd assume you only have one computer at home and you can work off of that one, so the setup should hopefully just be a one time thing.


You're right though, the setup time is quite tedious, however it does in fact make up for the slow UI of using something like VNC to work remotely. Your problem with committing code that may not work is a valid one, however if you're concerned about that, simply comment out the broken code and ensure that your latest version compiles.


Working through a repository is the most efficient method, especially if you're working on a fairly large project. It's too bad you don't have a laptop, setting up all the tools on a laptop makes coding/working from anywhere (provided you have an internet connection) especially convenient.


Anyways, option 1 is my preference, I hope it helps.



If the machines have e-sata ports this might be what you’re looking for. Why not do a combination of one and three, create a base vm deploy it to all your machines at once and keep the code in sync using svn or some other synchronization tool? If you don't want to constantly check in and out of source control something like drop box would allow you to keep working directories in sync as long as you don't mind having a third party be able to view your code although they probably won't bother. Another option would to create a "working" branch that you always check in and out of, and only move code to the trunk when it's stable enough and somewhat finished.



Use version control. If you are worried about checking in "incomplete" code, use branches (branch for development) or tags (tag "completed" code). Committing "in progress" work has its advantages (good undo, helps you write good changelogs, etc.). Also, documenting your "setup" process so it's easier to reproduce is good too.



Also, to share code between the machines, I'd have to check it into SVN even if it's not "ready."


Git very much solves this problem explicitly. As far as offline development goes you should give Git a try. It makes managing offline repositories really simple. And because of its distributed architecture offers a handful of conveniences when moving between environments. It was designed to make the workflow checkin early checkin often. I think you will find it offers things that SVN doesn't.


For example you can keep different repositories around for different environments and easily merge changes between them. That way you can have repositories bundled with your VM images. And they can diverge dramatically but still be easily to merge back together.


The merging is what makes Git such a dream to use.


Watch these two presentations for a nice overview.


Linus Torvalds on Git (more on the design philosophy of Git)

关于Git的Linus Torvalds(更多关于Git的设计理念)


Randall Schwartz presentation (more practical overview)

Randall Schwartz演讲(更实用的概述)



Running a VM from a pen-drive (even a fast one, which most aren't!) will suck big time.


You could copy it locally or use a USB HDD though, or even a solution like Live Mesh to sync it.

你可以在本地复制或使用USB硬盘,甚至像Live Mesh这样的解决方案来同步它。


I'd say option number 1 is still the best. I'd assume you only have one computer at home and you can work off of that one, so the setup should hopefully just be a one time thing.


You're right though, the setup time is quite tedious, however it does in fact make up for the slow UI of using something like VNC to work remotely. Your problem with committing code that may not work is a valid one, however if you're concerned about that, simply comment out the broken code and ensure that your latest version compiles.


Working through a repository is the most efficient method, especially if you're working on a fairly large project. It's too bad you don't have a laptop, setting up all the tools on a laptop makes coding/working from anywhere (provided you have an internet connection) especially convenient.


Anyways, option 1 is my preference, I hope it helps.



If the machines have e-sata ports this might be what you’re looking for. Why not do a combination of one and three, create a base vm deploy it to all your machines at once and keep the code in sync using svn or some other synchronization tool? If you don't want to constantly check in and out of source control something like drop box would allow you to keep working directories in sync as long as you don't mind having a third party be able to view your code although they probably won't bother. Another option would to create a "working" branch that you always check in and out of, and only move code to the trunk when it's stable enough and somewhat finished.



Use version control. If you are worried about checking in "incomplete" code, use branches (branch for development) or tags (tag "completed" code). Committing "in progress" work has its advantages (good undo, helps you write good changelogs, etc.). Also, documenting your "setup" process so it's easier to reproduce is good too.



Also, to share code between the machines, I'd have to check it into SVN even if it's not "ready."


Git very much solves this problem explicitly. As far as offline development goes you should give Git a try. It makes managing offline repositories really simple. And because of its distributed architecture offers a handful of conveniences when moving between environments. It was designed to make the workflow checkin early checkin often. I think you will find it offers things that SVN doesn't.


For example you can keep different repositories around for different environments and easily merge changes between them. That way you can have repositories bundled with your VM images. And they can diverge dramatically but still be easily to merge back together.


The merging is what makes Git such a dream to use.


Watch these two presentations for a nice overview.


Linus Torvalds on Git (more on the design philosophy of Git)

关于Git的Linus Torvalds(更多关于Git的设计理念)


Randall Schwartz presentation (more practical overview)

Randall Schwartz演讲(更实用的概述)



Running a VM from a pen-drive (even a fast one, which most aren't!) will suck big time.


You could copy it locally or use a USB HDD though, or even a solution like Live Mesh to sync it.

你可以在本地复制或使用USB硬盘,甚至像Live Mesh这样的解决方案来同步它。