如何从Elastic Beanstalk环境中删除RDS数据层

时间:2022-06-08 12:06:48

How do you remove an RDS database from an Elastic Beanstalk environment?

如何从Elastic Beanstalk环境中删除RDS数据库?

There doesn't appear to be an option to do this. I understand I can create an EB environment and have it create an RDS server with it, which we did. Now we just want to get raid of the RDS server by itself but leave the app servers running. I don't see how we're suppose to do this unless I just delete it from the RDS GUI, but I'd think the proper way to do it is remove it from the EB environment.

似乎没有选项可以做到这一点。我知道我可以创建一个EB环境并让它创建一个RDS服务器,我们这样做了。现在我们只想自己突袭RDS服务器,但让应用服务器保持运行状态。除非我只是从RDS GUI中删除它,否则我没有看到我们如何做到这一点,但我认为正确的方法是将它从EB环境中删除。

1 个解决方案



According to this answer on Amazon aws forums:

根据Amazon aws论坛上的这个答案:

There is currently no way to remove RDS from an Elastic Beanstalk configuration. You would need to create a new Elastic Beanstalk application configuration that excludes the RDS configuration, launch your app in this new environment, and then change DNS to point to the new environment.

目前无法从Elastic Beanstalk配置中删除RDS。您需要创建一个新的Elastic Beanstalk应用程序配置,该配置不包括RDS配置,在此新环境中启动应用程序,然后将DNS更改为指向新环境。





According to this answer on Amazon aws forums:

根据Amazon aws论坛上的这个答案:

There is currently no way to remove RDS from an Elastic Beanstalk configuration. You would need to create a new Elastic Beanstalk application configuration that excludes the RDS configuration, launch your app in this new environment, and then change DNS to point to the new environment.

目前无法从Elastic Beanstalk配置中删除RDS。您需要创建一个新的Elastic Beanstalk应用程序配置,该配置不包括RDS配置,在此新环境中启动应用程序,然后将DNS更改为指向新环境。

