Leetcode 详解(股票交易日)(动态规划DP)

时间:2021-11-19 07:24:27




class Solution {
int maxProfit(vector<int>& prices) {
//It's wrong if you choose the minimum price for buy2 , but you can maximize the left money.
int buy1 = INT_MIN, sale1 = 0, buy2 = INT_MIN, sale2 = 0;
for(int i=0; i<prices.size(); i++){ //the more money left, the happier you will be
buy1 = max(buy1, -prices[i]); //left money after buy1
sale1 = max(sale1, prices[i] + buy1); //left money after sale1
buy2 = max(buy2, sale1 - prices[i]); //left money after buy2
sale2 = max(sale2, prices[i] + buy2); //left money after sale2
return sale2; }

此方法的核心是对于每个数据,我都以相同的处理方法(动态规划),在此,把问题解决转化为手头的剩余的钱的变化, 每一步的处理都是为了手上留下的钱更多。

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