
时间:2021-07-12 01:10:27

I have an application written in .NET 3.5 that uses FTP to upload/download files from a server. The app works fine but there are performance issues:

我有一个用。net 3.5编写的应用程序,它使用FTP从服务器上传/下载文件。该应用程序运行良好,但存在性能问题:

  1. It takes a lot of time to make connection to the FTP server. The FTP server is on a different network and has Windows 2003 Server (IIS FTP). When multiple files are queued for upload, the change from one file to another creates a new connection using FTPWebRequest and it takes a lot of time (around 8-10 seconds).

    连接到FTP服务器需要很多时间。FTP服务器位于另一个网络上,并具有Windows 2003服务器(IIS FTP)。当多个文件排队上载时,从一个文件到另一个文件的更改将使用FTPWebRequest创建一个新的连接,这将花费大量时间(大约8-10秒)。

  2. Is is possible to re-use the connection? I am not very sure about the KeepAlive property. Which connections are kept alive and reused.


  3. The IIS-FTP on Windows Server 2003 does not support SSL so anyone can easily see the username/password through a packet sniffer such as WireShark. I found that windows Server 2008 supports SSL over FTP in its new version if IIS 7.0.

    Windows Server 2003上的is - ftp不支持SSL,因此任何人都可以通过包嗅探器(如WireShark)轻松查看用户名/密码。我发现windows Server 2008在其新版本iis7.0中支持SSL / FTP。

I basically want to improve the upload/download performance of my application. Any ideas will be appreciated.


** Please note that 3 is not an issue but I would like people to have comments on it


18 个解决方案



I have done some experimentation (uploading about 20 files on various sizes) on FtpWebRequest with the following factors


KeepAlive = true/false

KeepAlive = true / false

ftpRequest.KeepAlive = isKeepAlive;

Connnection Group Name = UserDefined or null

Connnection Group Name = UserDefined或null

ftpRequest.ConnectionGroupName = "MyGroupName";

Connection Limit = 2 (default) or 4 or 8

连接限制= 2(默认)或4或8

ftpRequest.ServicePoint.ConnectionLimit = ConnectionLimit;

Mode = Synchronous or Async


see this example


My results:


  1. Use ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=true took (21188.62 msec)

    使用ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=true take (21188.62 msec)

  2. Use ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=false took (53449.00 msec)

    使用ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=false take (53449.00 msec)

  3. No ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=false took (40335.17 msec)

    没有ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=false (40335.17 msec)

  4. Use ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=true;async=true,connections=2 took (11576.84 msec)

    使用ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=true;async=true,connections=2取得(11576.84 msec)

  5. Use ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=true;async=true,connections=4 took (10572.56 msec)

    使用ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=true;async=true,连接=4 (10572.56 msec)

  6. Use ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=true;async=true,connections=8 took (10598.76 msec)

    使用ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=true;async=true,连接=8 (10598.76 msec)



  1. FtpWebRequest has been designed to support an internal connection pool. To ensure, the connection pool is used, we must make sure the ConnectionGroupName is being set.


  2. Setting up a connection is expensive. If we are connecting to the same ftp server using the same credentials, having the keep alive flag set to true will minimize the number of connections setup.

    建立连接是昂贵的。如果我们使用相同的凭据连接到同一个ftp服务器,将keep alive标志设置为true将最小化连接设置的数量。

  3. Asynchronous is the recommended way if you have a lot of files to ftp.


  4. The default number of connections is 2. In my environment, a connection limit of 4 will give to me the most overall performance gain. Increasing the number of connections may or may not improve performance. I would recommend that you have the connection limit as a configuration parameter so that you can tune this parameter in your environment.


Hope you would find this useful.




It doesn't matter if the individual connections take long to connect as long as you can launch many in parallel. If you have many items to transfer (say hundreds) then it makes sense to launch tens and even hundreds of WebRequests in parallel, using the asynchronous methods like BeginGetRequestStream and BeginGetResponse. I worked on projects that faced similar problems (long connect/authenticate times) but by issuing many calls in parallel the overall throughput was actually very good.


Also it makes a huge difference if you use the async methods or the synchronous one, as soon as you have many (tens, hundreds) of requests. This applies not only to your WebRequests methods, but also to your Stream read/write methods you'll use after obtaining the upload/download stream. The Improving .Net Performance and Scalability book is a bit outdated, but much of its advice still stands, and is free to read online.


One thing to consider is that the ServicePointManager class sits there lurking in the Framwework with one sole purpose: to ruin your performance. Make sure you obtain the ServicePoint of your URL and change the ConnectionLimit to a reasonable value (at least as high as how many concurrent requests you intend).




Debug Network


A few tricks for simple network debugging:


  1. Check the response times when you ping the FTP server from the application server.
  2. 当您从应用服务器上ping FTP服务器时,检查响应时间。
  3. Check the response times for a trace route (tracert from a DOS shell).
  4. 检查跟踪路径的响应时间(来自DOS shell的tracert)。
  5. Transfer a file from the command-line using the ftp command.
  6. 使用ftp命令从命令行传输文件。
  7. Connect to the FTP server via Telnet: telnet server 21.
  8. 通过Telnet: Telnet server 21连接到FTP服务器。

The results will provide clues to solving the problem.


Network Hardware


For a slow trace route:


  • Determine why the two computers are having network issues.
  • 确定为什么这两台计算机有网络问题。
  • Upgrade the network hardware between the slowest link.
  • 在最慢的链路之间升级网络硬件。

Network Configuration


For a slow ping:


  • Check the network configuration on each machine.
  • 检查每台机器上的网络配置。
  • Ensure the settings are optimal.
  • 确保设置是最优的。

Validate API


A slow command-line FTP session will tell you that the problem is not isolated to the FTP API you are using. It does not eliminate the API as a potential problem, but certainly makes it less likely.

一个缓慢的命令行FTP会话将告诉您,这个问题并不孤立于您正在使用的FTP API。它并没有将API作为一个潜在的问题加以消除,但肯定会降低这种可能性。

Network Errors


If packets are being dropped between the source and destination, ping will tell you. You might have to increase the packet size to 1500 bytes to see any errors.


FTP Queue Server


If you have no control over the destination FTP server, have an intermediary server receive uploaded files. The intermediary then sends the files to the remote server at whatever speed it can. This gives the illusion that the files are being sent quickly. However, if the files must exist on the remote server as soon as they are uploaded, then this solution might not be viable.


FTP Server Software


Use a different FTP daemon on the FTP server, such as ProFTPd as a Windows service. (ProFTPd has plug-ins for various databases that allow authentication using SQL queries.)


FTP Server Operating System


A Unix-based operating system might be a better option than a Microsoft-based one.


FTP Client Software


There are a number of different APIs for sending and receiving files via FTP. It might take some work to make your application modular enough that you can simply plug in a new file transfer service. A few different APIs are listed as answers here.


Alternate Protocol


If FTP is not an absolute requirement, try:


  • a Windows network drive
  • 一个Windows网络驱动器
  • scp, rsync, or similar programs (Cygwin might be required)
  • scp、rsync或类似的程序(可能需要Cygwin)



This link describes ConnectionGroupName and KeepAlive affects: WebRequest ConnectionGroupName

这个链接描述ConnectionGroupName和KeepAlive影响:WebRequest ConnectionGroupName。



You should definitely check out BITS which is a big improvement over FTP. The clear-text passwords aren't the only weakness in FTP. There's also the issue of predicting the port it will open for a passive upload or download and just overall difficulty when clients are using NAT or firewalls.


BITS works over HTTP/HTTPS using IIS extensions and supports queued uploads and downloads that can be scheduled at low priority. It's overall just a lot more flexible than FTP if you are using Windows on the client and server.


BITS for PowerShell






Personally I have migrated all of our apps away from using FTP for file upload/download, and instead rolled a solution based on XML Web Services in ASP.NET.

就我个人而言,我已经将所有的应用程序从使用FTP迁移到文件上传/下载,转而使用ASP.NET中的XML Web服务来进行解决。

Performance is much improved, security is as much or as little as you want to code (and you can use the stuff built in to .NET) and it can all go over SSL with no issues.


Our success rate getting our clients' connections out through their own firewalls is FAR better than running FTP.




Look at this page - http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc959.txt


It says of using different port when connecting to be able to reuse the connection.
Does that work?




I strongly suggest Starksoft FTP/FTPS Component for .NET and Mono. It has a connection object that you can cache and reuse.

我强烈建议使用。net和Mono的Starksoft FTP/FTPS组件。它有一个可以缓存和重用的连接对象。



I'd recommend switching to rsync.
Pros :
Optimised for reducing transfer time.
Supports SSH for secure transfer
Uses TCP so makes your IT dept/firewall guys happier


No native .NET support
Geared towards linux server installations - though there are decent windows ports like DeltaCopy


Overall though it's a much better choice than FTP




I have had good results with EDT's ftp library:






To resolve the problem about performance you simply need to set:


ftpRequest.ConnectionGroupName = "MyGroupName"; ftpRequest.KeepAlive = false; ftpRequest.ServicePoint.CloseConnectionGroup("MyGroupName");

ftpRequest。ConnectionGroupName = " MyGroupName”;ftpRequest。KeepAlive = false;ftpRequest.ServicePoint.CloseConnectionGroup(“MyGroupName”);



I know it's an old thread, but I recently had to go through a similar situation.


We needed to download 70+ XML files from an ftp server in under 25 minutes without opening more than 5 connections during that time-frame.

我们需要在25分钟内从ftp服务器上下载70+ XML文件,在此期间不打开超过5个连接。

These were all the alternatives we tried:


  • wget - It was fast, but every GET meant a new connection. We had to stop due to the amount of connections created. We were having some issues with GETM that's well-documented in the web so that wasn't an option.
  • wget——速度很快,但每次GET都意味着新的连接。由于创建的连接数量太多,我们不得不停止。我们在web上有很多关于GETM的文档,所以这不是一个选项。
  • FtpWebRequest - Every Create call would log a new connection, even though we used the KeepAlive and ConnectionGroupName properties. Plus it was very slow.
  • FtpWebRequest——尽管我们使用了KeepAlive和ConnectionGroupName属性,但每个Create调用都会记录一个新的连接。而且速度很慢。
  • Webclient - We didn't check if it created a new connection for every file (although I assume it does), but it copied 1 file/minute. So it wasn't an option.
  • Webclient——我们没有检查它是否为每个文件创建了一个新的连接(尽管我假设它为),但是它复制了一个文件/分钟。所以这不是一个选择。

We ended up using old-fashioned ftp batch script. It's fast and I only use one connection to download all the files. It isn't flexible, but it's much faster than everything else I've tried (75 files in under 20 minutes).




KeepAlive is working. FtpWebRequest caches connections inside, so they can be reused after some time. For details and explanation of this mechanism you can look to ServicePoint.


Another good source of information is to look into FtpWebRequest source (you can do it on VS2008).




AFAIK, each FtpWebRequest has to set up a new connection - including logon to the server. If you want to speed up the FTP transfers, I would recommend that you use an alternate FTP client instead. Some of these alternate clients can login and then perform multiple actions using the same command connection.


Examples of such clients incldue: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/IP/FtpClient.aspx which also includes a good explanation as to why these libraries can operate faster than the standard FtpWebRequest and http://www.codeproject.com/KB/macros/ftp_class_library.aspx which looks like a simple enough implementation also.


Personally, I rolled my own implementation of FTP back in the .NET 1.1 days before the FtpWebRequest was introduced and this still works well for .NET 2.0 onwards.




Single Point of advice:




Reason: Many more disk i/o, memory i/o, ftp stream init and many many more factors




I did some benchmarks on FtpWebRequest, similar to @Sid 's response above. Setting KeepAlive to true does improve, but not the asynchronous calls in my test. The test consists of


1) FtpWebRequest for check of file existence 2) FtpWebRequest for upload 3) FtpWebRequest for rename file on server

1) FtpWebRequest检查文件是否存在2)FtpWebRequest for upload 3) FtpWebRequest for rename file on server

Test FTP client 30 files of size 5 Kbytes took ... 14.897 seconds Test upload (alive true, connection name) 30 files of size 5 Kbytes took ... 34.229 seconds Test async(alive true, connection name) 30 files of size 5 Kbytes took ... 40.659 seconds Test send thread (alive true, connection name) 30 files of size 5 Kbytes took ... 38.926 seconds, 30 files

测试FTP客户端30个大小为5 Kbytes的文件…14.897秒测试上传(活动真实,连接名)30个文件大小为5 Kbytes。34.229秒异步测试(live true, connection name) 30个大小为5 Kbytes的文件…40.659秒测试发送线程(活动真实,连接名)30个文件大小为5 Kbytes。38.926秒,30个文件

what did improve was an implementation of an FTP client made using the Socket class


the benchmark is here






i was working a few days with that... and speed was really low, nothing to compare with FileZilla... finally i solved with multithreads. 10 threads making connections for download gives me a good rate, maybe even could be improved more.. with a standar ftprequest configuration


PeticionFTP.ConnectionGroupName = "MyGroupName"
PeticionFTP.ServicePoint.ConnectionLimit = 4

PeticionFTP.KeepAlive = False 
PeticionFTP.UsePassive = False

PeticionFTP.UseBinary = True

PeticionFTP.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(lHost.User, lHost.Password)



Try this below code, you will get better performence:


private void Upload144_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    OpenFileDialog fileobj = new OpenFileDialog();
    fileobj.InitialDirectory = "C:\\";
    //fileobj.Filter = "Video files (*.mp4)";

    if (fileobj.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
        if (fileobj.CheckFileExists)
            string test = Properties.Settings.Default.Connection;
            SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(test);
            string correctfilename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileobj.FileName);
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Insert into Path(ID,Path5) VALUES   ((select isnull(MAX(id),0) + 1 from Path),'\\Videos\\" + correctfilename + "')", con);


            string path = Application.StartupPath.Substring(0, Application.StartupPath.Length - 10);

            //For Progressbar
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
       //   SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
       //   da.Fill(dt);

            timer5.Enabled = true;

            // FOR FtpServer File Upload::
            string uploadfile = fileobj.FileName;
            string uploadFileName = new FileInfo(uploadfile).Name;

            string uploadUrl = "ftp://ftp.infotech.com/";
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(uploadfile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                long FileSize = new FileInfo(uploadfile).Length; // File size of file being uploaded.
                Byte[] buffer = new Byte[FileSize];

                fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                fs = null;
                string ftpUrl = string.Format("{0}/{1}", uploadUrl, uploadFileName);
                FtpWebRequest requestObj = FtpWebRequest.Create(ftpUrl) as FtpWebRequest;
                requestObj.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;
                requestObj.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("test@sample.com", "test@123");
                Stream requestStream = requestObj.GetRequestStream();
                requestStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                requestObj = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //MessageBox.Show("File upload/transfer Failed.\r\nError Message:\r\n" + ex.Message, "Succeeded", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);



I have done some experimentation (uploading about 20 files on various sizes) on FtpWebRequest with the following factors


KeepAlive = true/false

KeepAlive = true / false

ftpRequest.KeepAlive = isKeepAlive;

Connnection Group Name = UserDefined or null

Connnection Group Name = UserDefined或null

ftpRequest.ConnectionGroupName = "MyGroupName";

Connection Limit = 2 (default) or 4 or 8

连接限制= 2(默认)或4或8

ftpRequest.ServicePoint.ConnectionLimit = ConnectionLimit;

Mode = Synchronous or Async


see this example


My results:


  1. Use ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=true took (21188.62 msec)

    使用ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=true take (21188.62 msec)

  2. Use ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=false took (53449.00 msec)

    使用ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=false take (53449.00 msec)

  3. No ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=false took (40335.17 msec)

    没有ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=false (40335.17 msec)

  4. Use ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=true;async=true,connections=2 took (11576.84 msec)

    使用ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=true;async=true,connections=2取得(11576.84 msec)

  5. Use ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=true;async=true,connections=4 took (10572.56 msec)

    使用ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=true;async=true,连接=4 (10572.56 msec)

  6. Use ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=true;async=true,connections=8 took (10598.76 msec)

    使用ConnectionGroupName,KeepAlive=true;async=true,连接=8 (10598.76 msec)



  1. FtpWebRequest has been designed to support an internal connection pool. To ensure, the connection pool is used, we must make sure the ConnectionGroupName is being set.


  2. Setting up a connection is expensive. If we are connecting to the same ftp server using the same credentials, having the keep alive flag set to true will minimize the number of connections setup.

    建立连接是昂贵的。如果我们使用相同的凭据连接到同一个ftp服务器,将keep alive标志设置为true将最小化连接设置的数量。

  3. Asynchronous is the recommended way if you have a lot of files to ftp.


  4. The default number of connections is 2. In my environment, a connection limit of 4 will give to me the most overall performance gain. Increasing the number of connections may or may not improve performance. I would recommend that you have the connection limit as a configuration parameter so that you can tune this parameter in your environment.


Hope you would find this useful.




It doesn't matter if the individual connections take long to connect as long as you can launch many in parallel. If you have many items to transfer (say hundreds) then it makes sense to launch tens and even hundreds of WebRequests in parallel, using the asynchronous methods like BeginGetRequestStream and BeginGetResponse. I worked on projects that faced similar problems (long connect/authenticate times) but by issuing many calls in parallel the overall throughput was actually very good.


Also it makes a huge difference if you use the async methods or the synchronous one, as soon as you have many (tens, hundreds) of requests. This applies not only to your WebRequests methods, but also to your Stream read/write methods you'll use after obtaining the upload/download stream. The Improving .Net Performance and Scalability book is a bit outdated, but much of its advice still stands, and is free to read online.


One thing to consider is that the ServicePointManager class sits there lurking in the Framwework with one sole purpose: to ruin your performance. Make sure you obtain the ServicePoint of your URL and change the ConnectionLimit to a reasonable value (at least as high as how many concurrent requests you intend).




Debug Network


A few tricks for simple network debugging:


  1. Check the response times when you ping the FTP server from the application server.
  2. 当您从应用服务器上ping FTP服务器时,检查响应时间。
  3. Check the response times for a trace route (tracert from a DOS shell).
  4. 检查跟踪路径的响应时间(来自DOS shell的tracert)。
  5. Transfer a file from the command-line using the ftp command.
  6. 使用ftp命令从命令行传输文件。
  7. Connect to the FTP server via Telnet: telnet server 21.
  8. 通过Telnet: Telnet server 21连接到FTP服务器。

The results will provide clues to solving the problem.


Network Hardware


For a slow trace route:


  • Determine why the two computers are having network issues.
  • 确定为什么这两台计算机有网络问题。
  • Upgrade the network hardware between the slowest link.
  • 在最慢的链路之间升级网络硬件。

Network Configuration


For a slow ping:


  • Check the network configuration on each machine.
  • 检查每台机器上的网络配置。
  • Ensure the settings are optimal.
  • 确保设置是最优的。

Validate API


A slow command-line FTP session will tell you that the problem is not isolated to the FTP API you are using. It does not eliminate the API as a potential problem, but certainly makes it less likely.

一个缓慢的命令行FTP会话将告诉您,这个问题并不孤立于您正在使用的FTP API。它并没有将API作为一个潜在的问题加以消除,但肯定会降低这种可能性。

Network Errors


If packets are being dropped between the source and destination, ping will tell you. You might have to increase the packet size to 1500 bytes to see any errors.


FTP Queue Server


If you have no control over the destination FTP server, have an intermediary server receive uploaded files. The intermediary then sends the files to the remote server at whatever speed it can. This gives the illusion that the files are being sent quickly. However, if the files must exist on the remote server as soon as they are uploaded, then this solution might not be viable.


FTP Server Software


Use a different FTP daemon on the FTP server, such as ProFTPd as a Windows service. (ProFTPd has plug-ins for various databases that allow authentication using SQL queries.)


FTP Server Operating System


A Unix-based operating system might be a better option than a Microsoft-based one.


FTP Client Software


There are a number of different APIs for sending and receiving files via FTP. It might take some work to make your application modular enough that you can simply plug in a new file transfer service. A few different APIs are listed as answers here.


Alternate Protocol


If FTP is not an absolute requirement, try:


  • a Windows network drive
  • 一个Windows网络驱动器
  • scp, rsync, or similar programs (Cygwin might be required)
  • scp、rsync或类似的程序(可能需要Cygwin)



This link describes ConnectionGroupName and KeepAlive affects: WebRequest ConnectionGroupName

这个链接描述ConnectionGroupName和KeepAlive影响:WebRequest ConnectionGroupName。



You should definitely check out BITS which is a big improvement over FTP. The clear-text passwords aren't the only weakness in FTP. There's also the issue of predicting the port it will open for a passive upload or download and just overall difficulty when clients are using NAT or firewalls.


BITS works over HTTP/HTTPS using IIS extensions and supports queued uploads and downloads that can be scheduled at low priority. It's overall just a lot more flexible than FTP if you are using Windows on the client and server.


BITS for PowerShell






Personally I have migrated all of our apps away from using FTP for file upload/download, and instead rolled a solution based on XML Web Services in ASP.NET.

就我个人而言,我已经将所有的应用程序从使用FTP迁移到文件上传/下载,转而使用ASP.NET中的XML Web服务来进行解决。

Performance is much improved, security is as much or as little as you want to code (and you can use the stuff built in to .NET) and it can all go over SSL with no issues.


Our success rate getting our clients' connections out through their own firewalls is FAR better than running FTP.




Look at this page - http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc959.txt


It says of using different port when connecting to be able to reuse the connection.
Does that work?




I strongly suggest Starksoft FTP/FTPS Component for .NET and Mono. It has a connection object that you can cache and reuse.

我强烈建议使用。net和Mono的Starksoft FTP/FTPS组件。它有一个可以缓存和重用的连接对象。



I'd recommend switching to rsync.
Pros :
Optimised for reducing transfer time.
Supports SSH for secure transfer
Uses TCP so makes your IT dept/firewall guys happier


No native .NET support
Geared towards linux server installations - though there are decent windows ports like DeltaCopy


Overall though it's a much better choice than FTP




I have had good results with EDT's ftp library:






To resolve the problem about performance you simply need to set:


ftpRequest.ConnectionGroupName = "MyGroupName"; ftpRequest.KeepAlive = false; ftpRequest.ServicePoint.CloseConnectionGroup("MyGroupName");

ftpRequest。ConnectionGroupName = " MyGroupName”;ftpRequest。KeepAlive = false;ftpRequest.ServicePoint.CloseConnectionGroup(“MyGroupName”);



I know it's an old thread, but I recently had to go through a similar situation.


We needed to download 70+ XML files from an ftp server in under 25 minutes without opening more than 5 connections during that time-frame.

我们需要在25分钟内从ftp服务器上下载70+ XML文件,在此期间不打开超过5个连接。

These were all the alternatives we tried:


  • wget - It was fast, but every GET meant a new connection. We had to stop due to the amount of connections created. We were having some issues with GETM that's well-documented in the web so that wasn't an option.
  • wget——速度很快,但每次GET都意味着新的连接。由于创建的连接数量太多,我们不得不停止。我们在web上有很多关于GETM的文档,所以这不是一个选项。
  • FtpWebRequest - Every Create call would log a new connection, even though we used the KeepAlive and ConnectionGroupName properties. Plus it was very slow.
  • FtpWebRequest——尽管我们使用了KeepAlive和ConnectionGroupName属性,但每个Create调用都会记录一个新的连接。而且速度很慢。
  • Webclient - We didn't check if it created a new connection for every file (although I assume it does), but it copied 1 file/minute. So it wasn't an option.
  • Webclient——我们没有检查它是否为每个文件创建了一个新的连接(尽管我假设它为),但是它复制了一个文件/分钟。所以这不是一个选择。

We ended up using old-fashioned ftp batch script. It's fast and I only use one connection to download all the files. It isn't flexible, but it's much faster than everything else I've tried (75 files in under 20 minutes).




KeepAlive is working. FtpWebRequest caches connections inside, so they can be reused after some time. For details and explanation of this mechanism you can look to ServicePoint.


Another good source of information is to look into FtpWebRequest source (you can do it on VS2008).




AFAIK, each FtpWebRequest has to set up a new connection - including logon to the server. If you want to speed up the FTP transfers, I would recommend that you use an alternate FTP client instead. Some of these alternate clients can login and then perform multiple actions using the same command connection.


Examples of such clients incldue: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/IP/FtpClient.aspx which also includes a good explanation as to why these libraries can operate faster than the standard FtpWebRequest and http://www.codeproject.com/KB/macros/ftp_class_library.aspx which looks like a simple enough implementation also.


Personally, I rolled my own implementation of FTP back in the .NET 1.1 days before the FtpWebRequest was introduced and this still works well for .NET 2.0 onwards.




Single Point of advice:




Reason: Many more disk i/o, memory i/o, ftp stream init and many many more factors




I did some benchmarks on FtpWebRequest, similar to @Sid 's response above. Setting KeepAlive to true does improve, but not the asynchronous calls in my test. The test consists of


1) FtpWebRequest for check of file existence 2) FtpWebRequest for upload 3) FtpWebRequest for rename file on server

1) FtpWebRequest检查文件是否存在2)FtpWebRequest for upload 3) FtpWebRequest for rename file on server

Test FTP client 30 files of size 5 Kbytes took ... 14.897 seconds Test upload (alive true, connection name) 30 files of size 5 Kbytes took ... 34.229 seconds Test async(alive true, connection name) 30 files of size 5 Kbytes took ... 40.659 seconds Test send thread (alive true, connection name) 30 files of size 5 Kbytes took ... 38.926 seconds, 30 files

测试FTP客户端30个大小为5 Kbytes的文件…14.897秒测试上传(活动真实,连接名)30个文件大小为5 Kbytes。34.229秒异步测试(live true, connection name) 30个大小为5 Kbytes的文件…40.659秒测试发送线程(活动真实,连接名)30个文件大小为5 Kbytes。38.926秒,30个文件

what did improve was an implementation of an FTP client made using the Socket class


the benchmark is here






i was working a few days with that... and speed was really low, nothing to compare with FileZilla... finally i solved with multithreads. 10 threads making connections for download gives me a good rate, maybe even could be improved more.. with a standar ftprequest configuration


PeticionFTP.ConnectionGroupName = "MyGroupName"
PeticionFTP.ServicePoint.ConnectionLimit = 4

PeticionFTP.KeepAlive = False 
PeticionFTP.UsePassive = False

PeticionFTP.UseBinary = True

PeticionFTP.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(lHost.User, lHost.Password)



Try this below code, you will get better performence:


private void Upload144_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    OpenFileDialog fileobj = new OpenFileDialog();
    fileobj.InitialDirectory = "C:\\";
    //fileobj.Filter = "Video files (*.mp4)";

    if (fileobj.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
        if (fileobj.CheckFileExists)
            string test = Properties.Settings.Default.Connection;
            SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(test);
            string correctfilename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fileobj.FileName);
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Insert into Path(ID,Path5) VALUES   ((select isnull(MAX(id),0) + 1 from Path),'\\Videos\\" + correctfilename + "')", con);


            string path = Application.StartupPath.Substring(0, Application.StartupPath.Length - 10);

            //For Progressbar
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
       //   SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
       //   da.Fill(dt);

            timer5.Enabled = true;

            // FOR FtpServer File Upload::
            string uploadfile = fileobj.FileName;
            string uploadFileName = new FileInfo(uploadfile).Name;

            string uploadUrl = "ftp://ftp.infotech.com/";
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(uploadfile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                long FileSize = new FileInfo(uploadfile).Length; // File size of file being uploaded.
                Byte[] buffer = new Byte[FileSize];

                fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                fs = null;
                string ftpUrl = string.Format("{0}/{1}", uploadUrl, uploadFileName);
                FtpWebRequest requestObj = FtpWebRequest.Create(ftpUrl) as FtpWebRequest;
                requestObj.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;
                requestObj.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("test@sample.com", "test@123");
                Stream requestStream = requestObj.GetRequestStream();
                requestStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                requestObj = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //MessageBox.Show("File upload/transfer Failed.\r\nError Message:\r\n" + ex.Message, "Succeeded", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);