SQL Server 2008中的用户定义聚合 - 如何使用MaxByteSize = -1进行部署?

时间:2022-05-13 04:11:32

I read here (and elsewhere) that it's possible, in SQL Server 2008, to build a user-defined aggregate which can return a string longer than 8000 characters. This is exactly what I need.

我在这里(和其他地方)读到,在SQL Server 2008中,可以构建一个用户定义的聚合,它可以返回一个长度超过8000个字符的字符串。这正是我所需要的。

Supposedly, the method is to set maxByteSize to -1 instead of a number btw 1 and 8000; this should allow any size up to 2GB.

据推测,该方法是将maxByteSize设置为-1而不是btw 1和8000;这应该允许任何大小高达2GB。

For some reason, apparently, you can't deploy straight from Visual Studio 2008 if you use this setting; so you need to manually deploy.

出于某种原因,显然,如果使用此设置,则无法直接从Visual Studio 2008进行部署;所以你需要手动部署。

So: I build my project - GroupConcat (which is supposed to simulate MySQL's group_concat aggregator) - which gives me, in the project's bin folder, a file "SqlClassLibrary.dll". Per the instructions on the above-linked page, I build the assembly in SQL Server. The command executes successfully. However, when I try to actually use the groupconcat aggregator:

所以:我构建我的项目 - GroupConcat(它应该模拟MySQL的group_concat聚合器) - 它在项目的bin文件夹中提供了一个文件“SqlClassLibrary.dll”。根据上面链接页面上的说明,我在SQL Server中构建程序集。该命令执行成功。但是,当我尝试实际使用groupconcat聚合器时:

select department, dbo.groupconcat(projectNumber) from projectleads group by department


...it says it can't be found. This all works fine if I set maxByteSize to 8000 and deploy directly from within VS2008, but I need >8000. Anybody know what I'm doing wrong?

......它说无法找到它。如果我将maxByteSize设置为8000并直接从VS2008内部署,这一切都正常,但我需要> 8000。谁知道我做错了什么?

Thanks -dan

NOTE: I do specifically need to have a groupconcat aggregator function rather than using some of the SQL Server tricks I've often seen.

注意:我特别需要有一个groupconcat聚合器函数,而不是使用我经常看到的一些SQL Server技巧。

2 个解决方案


Alternately, you can use MaxSize property of SqlFacetAttribute to to indicate the varchar size. Note that in the example below I applied this attribute to the SqlString parameters in the Accumulate method and to the return value of the Terminate method. This results in the following SQL signature:


AGGREGATE [dbo].[Concatenate] (@value nvarchar(max), @order int, @seperator nvarchar(max)) RETURNS nvarchar(max)

AGGREGATE [dbo]。[Concatenate](@ value nvarchar(max),@ order int,@ selector nvarchar(max))RETURNS nvarchar(max)

    IsInvariantToOrder      = true,
    IsInvariantToNulls      = true,
    IsInvariantToDuplicates = false,
    IsNullIfEmpty           = false,
    MaxByteSize             = -1)]
public struct Concatenate : IBinarySerialize
    public void Init();

    public void Accumulate([SqlFacet(MaxSize = -1)] SqlString value,
                                                    SqlInt32  order,
                           [SqlFacet(MaxSize = -1)] SqlString seperator);

    public void Merge(Concatenate group);

    [return: SqlFacet(MaxSize = -1)]
    public SqlString Terminate();

    public void Read(BinaryReader r);

    public void Write(BinaryWriter w);

I don't know if this is any more "correct" than what you ended up doing, but it seems more natural.



Figured it out... After building the solution in Vis Studio, assuming I've dropped the .dll it creates into c:\temp and called it GroupConcat.dll:

想出来......在Vis Studio中构建解决方案之后,假设我已经将.dll放入c:\ temp并将其称为GroupConcat.dll:

CREATE ASSEMBLY GroupConcat from 'C:\temp\GroupConcat.dll' with permission_set = safe

CREATE AGGREGATE groupconcat(@input nvarchar(max))
RETURNS nvarchar(max)

That does it.



Alternately, you can use MaxSize property of SqlFacetAttribute to to indicate the varchar size. Note that in the example below I applied this attribute to the SqlString parameters in the Accumulate method and to the return value of the Terminate method. This results in the following SQL signature:


AGGREGATE [dbo].[Concatenate] (@value nvarchar(max), @order int, @seperator nvarchar(max)) RETURNS nvarchar(max)

AGGREGATE [dbo]。[Concatenate](@ value nvarchar(max),@ order int,@ selector nvarchar(max))RETURNS nvarchar(max)

    IsInvariantToOrder      = true,
    IsInvariantToNulls      = true,
    IsInvariantToDuplicates = false,
    IsNullIfEmpty           = false,
    MaxByteSize             = -1)]
public struct Concatenate : IBinarySerialize
    public void Init();

    public void Accumulate([SqlFacet(MaxSize = -1)] SqlString value,
                                                    SqlInt32  order,
                           [SqlFacet(MaxSize = -1)] SqlString seperator);

    public void Merge(Concatenate group);

    [return: SqlFacet(MaxSize = -1)]
    public SqlString Terminate();

    public void Read(BinaryReader r);

    public void Write(BinaryWriter w);

I don't know if this is any more "correct" than what you ended up doing, but it seems more natural.



Figured it out... After building the solution in Vis Studio, assuming I've dropped the .dll it creates into c:\temp and called it GroupConcat.dll:

想出来......在Vis Studio中构建解决方案之后,假设我已经将.dll放入c:\ temp并将其称为GroupConcat.dll:

CREATE ASSEMBLY GroupConcat from 'C:\temp\GroupConcat.dll' with permission_set = safe

CREATE AGGREGATE groupconcat(@input nvarchar(max))
RETURNS nvarchar(max)

That does it.
