传递值 - 全部在同一个文件中 - 无法正常工作

时间:2022-03-08 02:12:11

I need your advise. I'm new to ajax and jquery. I'm using postgresql 9.1 /postGIS 2.0 /openlayers/geoserver and apache.

我需要你的建议。我是ajax和jquery的新手。我正在使用postgresql 9.1 / postGIS 2.0 / openlayers / geoserver和apache。

I managed getting a feature's id when clicked on the map (openlayers), using javascript.


Using ajax I m trying to pass this value to a PHP value and perform a query. Openlayers, jquery, javascript and ajax work fine but php never gets the value. Here is my code snippets.

使用ajax我试图将此值传递给PHP值并执行查询。 Openlayers,jquery,javascript和ajax工作正常,但php永远不会获得价值。这是我的代码片段。

//this is inside openlayers init function
function selected_feature(event){
//getting the id
var sf = event.feature.fid;
var sfs = sf.split(".");
var sff = sfs[1]
 $.post("map.php", { jas: 'sff'});

//the php code snippet, after openlayers
$_SESSION['blah'] = $_POST['jas']; 
$blah= $_SESSION['blah'];
echo $blah;
 //fetching to fill array
 $resultd=pg_query($conn, $queryd);
        echo $arrayd['p_name'];
                echo $arrayd[$d];


Problem is php's echos not working and query not working at all. I know this question sounds like a dublicate but I believe is different because all the code is in the same file (named map.php). Plus, there is some web-mapping on the background. I dont even know if one of the web-mapping programms causing the problem.


Please advise

Thank you.

EDIT I just edited the ajax part. I've replaced with this


jQuery.post("map.php", { jas : "sff" }, function(data) {
  //  alert(data);

...still no luck



According to this tutorial I edited my code. So now I have this jquery in my map.php


jQuery.post("testone.php", { jas : sff }, function(data) {

And in the testone.php this php code


  $jas = $_POST['jas'];
     print $jas;

map.php actually alerts the data. But, one more thing. How to pass the data back to map.php as an PHP value, so I can also activate the query? Most tutorials out there are about alerting the data or put them in a <div>. I want to use php. Something like



   jQuery.post("testone.php", { jas : sff }, function(data) {
    //put returned data in a php var

1 个解决方案



I'd move your PHP to another file and then you'll need to echo json_encode($name); and handle your returned data within a callback handler on your jQuery post.

我将你的PHP移动到另一个文件,然后你需要回显json_encode($ name);并在jQuery帖子的回调处理程序中处理返回的数据。

$.post('new.php',{jas:'sff'},function(data){ //do something cool with data[0] through the last index of the array });

$ .post('new.php',{jas:'sff'},function(data){//用数据[0]通过数组的最后一个索引做一些很酷的事情});



I'd move your PHP to another file and then you'll need to echo json_encode($name); and handle your returned data within a callback handler on your jQuery post.

我将你的PHP移动到另一个文件,然后你需要回显json_encode($ name);并在jQuery帖子的回调处理程序中处理返回的数据。

$.post('new.php',{jas:'sff'},function(data){ //do something cool with data[0] through the last index of the array });

$ .post('new.php',{jas:'sff'},function(data){//用数据[0]通过数组的最后一个索引做一些很酷的事情});