A configuration error occurred during startup. Please verify the preference field with the prompt: Cannot connect to vm

时间:2021-12-27 01:43:12


A configuration error occurred during startup. Please verify the preference field with the prompt: Cannot connect to vm


Window->Preferences->MyEclipse Enterprice Workbench->Servers->Tomcat->选择你的Tomcat(比如Tomcat 6.x)->点左边的+号->点击JDK->Tomcat JDK name->点击右边的Add->把你的JDK配置进去,默认的JDK是不行的


A configuration error occurred during startup. Please verify the preference field with the prompt: Cannot connect to vm


A configuration error occurred during startup. Please verify the preference field with the prompt: Cannot connect to vm的更多相关文章

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