
时间:2021-08-27 00:47:14

I know what optimistic and pessimistic locking is, but when you write a java code how do you do it? Suppose I am using Oracle with Java, do I have any methods in JDBC that will help me do that? How will I configure this thing? Any pointers will be appreciated.


2 个解决方案



You can implement optimistic locks in your DB table in this way (this is how optimistic locking is done in Hibernate):


  1. Add integer "version" column to your table.
  2. 将整数“version”列添加到表中。
  3. Increase the value of this column with each update of corresponding row.
  4. 每次更新相应行时,请增加此列的值。
  5. To obtain lock, just read "version" value of the row.
  6. 要获得锁定,只需读取行的“版本”值即可。
  7. Add "version = obtained_version" condition to where clause of your update statement. Verify number of affected rows after update. If no rows were affected - someone has already modified your entry.
  8. 将“version = obtain_version”条件添加到update语句的where子句中。验证更新后受影响的行数。如果没有行受到影响 - 有人已经修改了您的条目。

Your update should look like


UPDATE mytable SET name = 'Andy', version = 3 WHERE id = 1 and version = 2

Of course, this mechanism works only if all parties follow it, contrary to DBMS-provided locks that require no special handling.


Hope this helps.




Suppose I am using Oracle with Java, do I have any methods in JDBC that will help me do that?


This Oracle paper should provide you with some tips on how to do this.


There are no specific JDBC methods. Rather, you achieve optimistic locking by the way that you design your SQL queries / updates and where you put the transaction boundaries.




You can implement optimistic locks in your DB table in this way (this is how optimistic locking is done in Hibernate):


  1. Add integer "version" column to your table.
  2. 将整数“version”列添加到表中。
  3. Increase the value of this column with each update of corresponding row.
  4. 每次更新相应行时,请增加此列的值。
  5. To obtain lock, just read "version" value of the row.
  6. 要获得锁定,只需读取行的“版本”值即可。
  7. Add "version = obtained_version" condition to where clause of your update statement. Verify number of affected rows after update. If no rows were affected - someone has already modified your entry.
  8. 将“version = obtain_version”条件添加到update语句的where子句中。验证更新后受影响的行数。如果没有行受到影响 - 有人已经修改了您的条目。

Your update should look like


UPDATE mytable SET name = 'Andy', version = 3 WHERE id = 1 and version = 2

Of course, this mechanism works only if all parties follow it, contrary to DBMS-provided locks that require no special handling.


Hope this helps.




Suppose I am using Oracle with Java, do I have any methods in JDBC that will help me do that?


This Oracle paper should provide you with some tips on how to do this.


There are no specific JDBC methods. Rather, you achieve optimistic locking by the way that you design your SQL queries / updates and where you put the transaction boundaries.
