Hibernate乐观锁定. .它是如何工作的?

时间:2021-08-09 00:55:26

I was reading the below blog about hibernate optimistic locking. I am planning to use it with hibernate. But, I have one concern. we have java code and c++ code, both connect to one database. While, java code can use hibernate to achieve optimistic locking, I want to make the c++ code do the same thing. Also, c++ code is using some legacy code.




Is there a documentation that explains how hibernate achieves optimistic locking?


Any suggestions are appreciated.


Thank you


1 个解决方案



To be precise, you don't mean optimistic locking, but optimistic concurrency (without a lock). Using a timestamp for version is just for legacy database support, because a modern database can (at least theoretically) work faster than it's accuracy of storing a timestamp.


Using the integer version property is very simple:


  • On insert: set version to 1
  • 插入时:将版本设置为1
  • On update and delete: increase version with 1 and append "where version=@version" to every sql statementent. Return the number of changed records. Throw a StaleObjectStateException when the number of changed records is different than expected.
  • 更新和删除:增加版本1和附加“where version=@version”到每个sql语句元素。返回已更改记录的数量。当更改记录的数量与预期的不同时抛出一个StaleObjectStateException。

Personally, I would not create two separate applications writing the same data in a non-legacy situation, because that means that business logic have to be duplicated and changes have to be applied to two applications, also when the change is relevant for only one of the applications.




To be precise, you don't mean optimistic locking, but optimistic concurrency (without a lock). Using a timestamp for version is just for legacy database support, because a modern database can (at least theoretically) work faster than it's accuracy of storing a timestamp.


Using the integer version property is very simple:


  • On insert: set version to 1
  • 插入时:将版本设置为1
  • On update and delete: increase version with 1 and append "where version=@version" to every sql statementent. Return the number of changed records. Throw a StaleObjectStateException when the number of changed records is different than expected.
  • 更新和删除:增加版本1和附加“where version=@version”到每个sql语句元素。返回已更改记录的数量。当更改记录的数量与预期的不同时抛出一个StaleObjectStateException。

Personally, I would not create two separate applications writing the same data in a non-legacy situation, because that means that business logic have to be duplicated and changes have to be applied to two applications, also when the change is relevant for only one of the applications.
