
时间:2021-09-11 23:35:10

I try to evalaute the performance of numpy linked to ATLAS compared to numpy linked to OpenBLAS. I get some strange results for ATLAS which I describe below.


The Python code for evaluating matrix-matrix multiplication (aka sgemm) looks like this:


import sys
sys.path.insert(0, "numpy-1.8.1")

import numpy
import timeit

for i in range(100, 501, 100):
    setup = "import numpy; m1 = numpy.random.rand(%d, %d).astype(numpy.float32)" % (i, i)
    timer = timeit.Timer("numpy.dot(m1, m1)", setup)
    times = timer.repeat(100, 1)
    print "%3d" % i,
    print "%7.4f" % numpy.mean(times),
    print "%7.4f" % numpy.min(times),
    print "%7.4f" % numpy.max(times)

If I run this script with numpy linked to ATLAS I get large variations in the measured time. You see the matrix size in the frist column, followed by mean, min and max of execution times gained by running the matrix matrix multiplication 100 fold:


100  0.0003  0.0003  0.0004
200  0.0023  0.0010  0.0073
300  0.0052  0.0026  0.0178
400  0.0148  0.0066  0.0283
500  0.0295  0.0169  0.0531

If I repeat this procedure with numpy linked to OpenBLAS using one thread the running times are much more stable:


100  0.0002  0.0002  0.0003
200  0.0014  0.0014  0.0015
300  0.0044  0.0044  0.0047
400  0.0102  0.0101  0.0105
500  0.0169  0.0168  0.0177

Can anybody explane this observation ?


Edit: Additional information:


The oberved min and max values for ATLAS are no outliers, the times are distributed over the given range.


I uploaded ATALS times for i=500 at https://gist.github.com/uweschmitt/768bd165477d7c14095e

我在https://gist.github.com/uweschmitt/768bd165477d7c14095e上了I =500的ATALS times

The given times come from a different run, so avg, min and max values differ slightly.


Edit: Additional finding:


May CPU Throttling (http://www.scipy.org/scipylib/building/linux.html#step-1-disable-cpu-throttling) be the cause ? I do not know enough about CPU throtting in order to judge its impact on my measurements. Regrettably I can not set / unset it on my target machine.

CPU节流(http://www.scipy.org/scipylib/building/linux.html#step- disable- CPU - Throttling)是什么原因?为了判断CPU节流对测量的影响,我对CPU节流的了解还不够。很遗憾,我不能在我的目标机器上设置它。

1 个解决方案



I cannot reproduce, but I think I know the reason. I am using Numpy 1.8.1 on a Linux 64 box.

我不能复制,但我想我知道原因。我正在Linux 64盒上使用Numpy 1.8.1。

First, my results with ATLAS (I have added the standard deviation in the last column):


100  0.0003  0.0002  0.0025  0.0003
200  0.0012  0.0010  0.0067  0.0006
300  0.0028  0.0026  0.0047  0.0004
400  0.0070  0.0059  0.0089  0.0004
500  0.0122  0.0109  0.0149  0.0009

And now, the results with MKL provided by Anaconda:


100  0.0003  0.0001  0.0155  0.0015
200  0.0005  0.0005  0.0006  0.0000
300  0.0018  0.0017  0.0021  0.0001
400  0.0039  0.0038  0.0042  0.0001
500  0.0079  0.0077  0.0084  0.0002

MKL is faster, but the spread is consistent.


ATLAS is tuned at compile time, it will try different configurations and algorithms and keep the fastest for your particular set of hardware. If you install a precompiled version, you are using the optimal configuration for the building machine, not for yours. This misconfiguration is the probable cause of the spread. In my case, I have compiled ATLAS myself.


On the contrary, OpenBLAS is hand tuned to the specific architecture, so any binary install will be equivalent. MKL decides dynamically.


This is what happens if I run the script on Numpy installed from the repositories and linked with a pre-compiled ATLAS (SSE3 not activated):

如果我在从存储库安装的Numpy上运行脚本并链接到预编译的ATLAS (SSE3未激活),则会发生以下情况:

100  0.0007  0.0003  0.0064  0.0007
200  0.0021  0.0015  0.0090  0.0009
300  0.0050  0.0040  0.0114  0.0010
400  0.0113  0.0101  0.0186  0.0011
500  0.0217  0.0192  0.0329  0.0020

These numbers are more similar to your data.


For completeness, I aksed a friend to run the snippet on her machine, that has numpy installed from Ubuntu repositories and no ATLAS, so Numpy is falling back to its crappy default:


100  0.0007  0.0007  0.0008  0.0000
200  0.0058  0.0053  0.0107  0.0014
300  0.0178  0.0175  0.0188  0.0003
400  0.0418  0.0401  0.0528  0.0014
500  0.0803  0.0797  0.0818  0.0004

So, what may be happening?


You have a non optimal installation of ATLAS, and that is why you get such a scatter. My numbers were run on a Intel i5 CPU @ 1.7 GHz on a laptop. I don't know which machine you have, but I doubt it is almost three times slower than mine. This suggest ATLAS is not fully optimised.

你有一个不理想的阿特拉斯安装,这就是为什么你得到如此分散。我的数据运行在英特尔i5 CPU上@ 1.7 GHz的笔记本上。我不知道你有哪台机器,但我怀疑它的速度几乎是我的三倍。这表明ATLAS没有完全优化。

How can I be sure?


Running numpy.show_config() will tell you which libraries it is linked to, and where they are. The output is something like this:


    libraries = ['lapack', 'ptf77blas', 'ptcblas', 'atlas']
    library_dirs = ['/usr/lib64/atlas-sse3']
    define_macros = [('ATLAS_INFO', '"\\"3.8.4\\""')]
    language = f77
    include_dirs = ['/usr/include']

If this is true, how to fix it?


You may have a stale precompiled binary atlas (it is a dependency for some packages), or the flags you used to compile it are wrong. The smoothest solution is to build the RMPS from source. Here are instructions for CentOS.


Note that OpenBLAS is not compatible (yet) with multiprocessing, so be aware of the limitations. If you are very heavy on linear algebra, MKL is the best option, but it is expensive. Academics can get it for free from Continuum Anaconda Python distribution, and many universities have a campus-wide licence.

注意,OpenBLAS与多处理不兼容(还不兼容),所以要注意限制。如果你对线性代数很感兴趣,MKL是最好的选择,但是它很贵。学者们可以从连续的蟒蛇(Anaconda Python)发行版本中免费获得它,而且许多大学都有整个校园的许可证。



I cannot reproduce, but I think I know the reason. I am using Numpy 1.8.1 on a Linux 64 box.

我不能复制,但我想我知道原因。我正在Linux 64盒上使用Numpy 1.8.1。

First, my results with ATLAS (I have added the standard deviation in the last column):


100  0.0003  0.0002  0.0025  0.0003
200  0.0012  0.0010  0.0067  0.0006
300  0.0028  0.0026  0.0047  0.0004
400  0.0070  0.0059  0.0089  0.0004
500  0.0122  0.0109  0.0149  0.0009

And now, the results with MKL provided by Anaconda:


100  0.0003  0.0001  0.0155  0.0015
200  0.0005  0.0005  0.0006  0.0000
300  0.0018  0.0017  0.0021  0.0001
400  0.0039  0.0038  0.0042  0.0001
500  0.0079  0.0077  0.0084  0.0002

MKL is faster, but the spread is consistent.


ATLAS is tuned at compile time, it will try different configurations and algorithms and keep the fastest for your particular set of hardware. If you install a precompiled version, you are using the optimal configuration for the building machine, not for yours. This misconfiguration is the probable cause of the spread. In my case, I have compiled ATLAS myself.


On the contrary, OpenBLAS is hand tuned to the specific architecture, so any binary install will be equivalent. MKL decides dynamically.


This is what happens if I run the script on Numpy installed from the repositories and linked with a pre-compiled ATLAS (SSE3 not activated):

如果我在从存储库安装的Numpy上运行脚本并链接到预编译的ATLAS (SSE3未激活),则会发生以下情况:

100  0.0007  0.0003  0.0064  0.0007
200  0.0021  0.0015  0.0090  0.0009
300  0.0050  0.0040  0.0114  0.0010
400  0.0113  0.0101  0.0186  0.0011
500  0.0217  0.0192  0.0329  0.0020

These numbers are more similar to your data.


For completeness, I aksed a friend to run the snippet on her machine, that has numpy installed from Ubuntu repositories and no ATLAS, so Numpy is falling back to its crappy default:


100  0.0007  0.0007  0.0008  0.0000
200  0.0058  0.0053  0.0107  0.0014
300  0.0178  0.0175  0.0188  0.0003
400  0.0418  0.0401  0.0528  0.0014
500  0.0803  0.0797  0.0818  0.0004

So, what may be happening?


You have a non optimal installation of ATLAS, and that is why you get such a scatter. My numbers were run on a Intel i5 CPU @ 1.7 GHz on a laptop. I don't know which machine you have, but I doubt it is almost three times slower than mine. This suggest ATLAS is not fully optimised.

你有一个不理想的阿特拉斯安装,这就是为什么你得到如此分散。我的数据运行在英特尔i5 CPU上@ 1.7 GHz的笔记本上。我不知道你有哪台机器,但我怀疑它的速度几乎是我的三倍。这表明ATLAS没有完全优化。

How can I be sure?


Running numpy.show_config() will tell you which libraries it is linked to, and where they are. The output is something like this:


    libraries = ['lapack', 'ptf77blas', 'ptcblas', 'atlas']
    library_dirs = ['/usr/lib64/atlas-sse3']
    define_macros = [('ATLAS_INFO', '"\\"3.8.4\\""')]
    language = f77
    include_dirs = ['/usr/include']

If this is true, how to fix it?


You may have a stale precompiled binary atlas (it is a dependency for some packages), or the flags you used to compile it are wrong. The smoothest solution is to build the RMPS from source. Here are instructions for CentOS.


Note that OpenBLAS is not compatible (yet) with multiprocessing, so be aware of the limitations. If you are very heavy on linear algebra, MKL is the best option, but it is expensive. Academics can get it for free from Continuum Anaconda Python distribution, and many universities have a campus-wide licence.

注意,OpenBLAS与多处理不兼容(还不兼容),所以要注意限制。如果你对线性代数很感兴趣,MKL是最好的选择,但是它很贵。学者们可以从连续的蟒蛇(Anaconda Python)发行版本中免费获得它,而且许多大学都有整个校园的许可证。