
时间:2021-10-30 22:35:20

I have a statement similar to this that I need to run in Linq. I started down the road of using .Contains, and can get the first tier to work, but cannot seem to grasp what I need to do to get additional tiers.


Here's the SQL statement:


select * 
from aTable
where aTableId in
    (select aTableId from bTable
    where bTableId in 
        (select bTableId from cTable
        where cTableId in
            (select cTableId from dTable
            where dField = 'a guid'

1 个解决方案


Well, the simplest translation would be:


var query = from a in aTable
            where (from b in bTable
                   where (from c in cTable
                          where (from d in dTable
                                 where dField == "a guid"
                                 select d.cTableId)
                          select c.bTableId)
                   select b.aTableId)
            select a;

However, it's likely that a join would be significantly simpler:


var query = from a in aTable
            join b in bTable on a.aTableId equals b.aTableId
            join c in cTable on b.bTableId equals c.bTableId
            join d in dTable on c.cTableId equals d.cTableId
            where d.dField == "a guid"
            select a;

I haven't checked, but I think they'll do the same thing...



Well, the simplest translation would be:


var query = from a in aTable
            where (from b in bTable
                   where (from c in cTable
                          where (from d in dTable
                                 where dField == "a guid"
                                 select d.cTableId)
                          select c.bTableId)
                   select b.aTableId)
            select a;

However, it's likely that a join would be significantly simpler:


var query = from a in aTable
            join b in bTable on a.aTableId equals b.aTableId
            join c in cTable on b.bTableId equals c.bTableId
            join d in dTable on c.cTableId equals d.cTableId
            where d.dField == "a guid"
            select a;

I haven't checked, but I think they'll do the same thing...
