
时间:2021-11-08 21:16:34

I have an SQL in Access 2010 that was written by someone else that gives a Wrong Number of Arguments error when I try and run it. It's supposed to filter a report from a search page.

我在Access 2010中有一个SQL,它是由其他人编写的,当我尝试运行它时会出现错误的参数数量错误。它应该从搜索页面过滤报告。

    SELECT Activity.[ProjNo], Activity.[Code], Activity.[Type], Activity.[ProjNoStatus], 
           Activity.[Preliminary], Activity.[Planner], Activity.[Designer],  
           Activity.[Officer], Activity.[Manager], Activity.[Staff], Activity.[Analyst], 
           Activity.[Manager], Activity.[DeptHead], Activity.[ContractNumber], 
    FROM Activity
    WHERE Activity.ProjNo=Index.ProjNo AND (((IIf([Forms]![SearchForm]![txtCode]="",
          AND ((IIf([Forms]![SearchForm]![txtType]="","*",[Activity].[ Type]="", 
          "*", [Activity].[Type]=[Forms]![SearchForm]![txtType]))<>False) AND 

I'm not very experienced with SQL and, like I said, I didn't write this code (the person who did has long since retired) so any help would be great.


1 个解决方案


That query defines just one data source (table or query):


FROM Activity

But then the WHERE clause appears to reference another data source named Index:


WHERE Activity.ProjNo=Index.ProjNo

Since Index is not included in the FROM clause, Access will object when you try to use it in the WHERE clause.


However, I'm not sure that is the cause of the first error Access complains about. It may help to show us the full text of that error message.



That query defines just one data source (table or query):


FROM Activity

But then the WHERE clause appears to reference another data source named Index:


WHERE Activity.ProjNo=Index.ProjNo

Since Index is not included in the FROM clause, Access will object when you try to use it in the WHERE clause.


However, I'm not sure that is the cause of the first error Access complains about. It may help to show us the full text of that error message.
