如何确定由Google App Engine脚本生成的Android客户端库的服务构建器的类名?

时间:2022-04-24 17:37:51

Okay, so let me be more specific. I am following this guide:



BUT, when I reach this point, I hit a roadblock (#Python_Creating_the_service_object):


//You must use a service object to make requests to the Endpoints API. For unauthenticated requests, construct the service object as follows:

Tictactoe.Builder builder = new Tictactoe.Builder(
AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport(), new GsonFactory(), null);
service = builder.build();

The thing is, I have constructed the client library and included all the correct .jars, but I cannot find out what Tictactoe is a placeholder for? What name can I use, or rather, where can I find that out?


Best regards


For reasons unbeknownst to me, eclipse refused to recognize the content of my jar file, with the builder in it.


If you have the same problem, here's how you solve it:


  1. Extract the content of the .jar file with your source in it (command:jar xf [...-sources.jar] )
  2. 用你的源代码提取.jar文件的内容(命令:jar xf [...- sources.jar])

  3. Copy the file into you workspace
  4. 将文件复制到您的工作区

Damn Eclipse...

1 个解决方案



For reasons unbeknownst to me, eclipse refused to recognize the content of my jar file, with the builder in it.


If you have the same problem, here's how you solve it:


Extract the content of the .jar file with your source in it (command:jar xf [...-sources.jar] ) Copy the file into you workspace Damn Eclipse...

用你的源代码提取.jar文件的内容(命令:jar xf [...- sources.jar])将文件复制到你的工作区Damn Eclipse ...



For reasons unbeknownst to me, eclipse refused to recognize the content of my jar file, with the builder in it.


If you have the same problem, here's how you solve it:


Extract the content of the .jar file with your source in it (command:jar xf [...-sources.jar] ) Copy the file into you workspace Damn Eclipse...

用你的源代码提取.jar文件的内容(命令:jar xf [...- sources.jar])将文件复制到你的工作区Damn Eclipse ...