In my application, I'd like to index sets of objects in a type-safe way using a structure similar to a relational database index. For example, I might want to index a set of User objects based on age and name:
import Data.Map as M
import Data.Set as S
type AgeNameIndex = M.Map Int (M.Map String (S.Set User))
Furthermore, I'd like to do operations like union
and difference
on indexes efficiently, e.g.:
let a = M.singleton 42 $ M.singleton "Bob" $ S.singleton $ User { ... }
b = M.singleton 42 $ M.singleton "Tim" $ S.singleton $ User { ... }
c = union a b -- contains both Bob and Tim
I've tried to model this as follows:
module Concelo.Index
( index
, union
, subtract
, lastValue
, subIndex ) where
import Prelude (($), (>>>), flip, Unit, unit, class Ord)
import Control.Monad ((>>=))
import Data.Map as M
import Data.Set as S
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(Nothing, Just), fromMaybe)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(Tuple))
import Data.Foldable (foldl)
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
class Index index key value subindex where
isEmpty :: index -> Boolean
union :: index -> index -> index
subtract :: index -> index -> index
lastValue :: index -> Maybe value
subIndex :: key -> index -> subindex
instance mapIndex :: (Index subindex subkey value subsubindex) =>
Index (M.Map key subindex) key value subindex where
isEmpty = M.isEmpty
union small large =
foldl (m (Tuple k v) -> M.alter (combine v) k m) large (M.toList small)
combine v = case _ of
Just v' -> Just $ union v v'
Nothing -> Just v
subtract small large =
foldl (m (Tuple k v) -> M.alter (minus v) k m) large (M.toList small)
minus v = (_ >>= v' ->
let subindex = subtract v v' in
if isEmpty subindex then Nothing else Just subindex)
lastValue m = M.findMax m >>= (_.value >>> lastValue)
subIndex k m = fromMaybe mempty $ M.lookup k m
instance setIndex :: (Ord value) => Index (S.Set value) Unit value Unit where
isEmpty = S.isEmpty
union = S.union
subtract = flip S.difference
lastValue s = Nothing -- todo: S.findMax
subIndex _ _ = unit
index f = foldl (acc v -> union (f v) acc) mempty
However, the Purescript compiler doesn't like that:
Compiling Concelo.Index
Error found:
in module Concelo.Index
at /home/dicej/p/pssync/src/Concelo/Index.purs line 24, column 1 - line 44, column 49
No type class instance was found for
Concelo.Index.Index subindex0
The instance head contains unknown type variables. Consider adding a type annotation.
in value declaration mapIndex
where subindex0 is a rigid type variable
t1 is an unknown type
t2 is an unknown type
t3 is an unknown type
See for more information,
or to contribute content related to this error.
My understanding of this message is that I haven't properly stated that map values in the mapIndex
instance are themselves Index
instances, but I don't know how to fix that. Where might I add a type annotation to make this compile? Or am I even on the right track given what I'm trying to do?
1 个解决方案
This is almost certainly because PureScript currently lacks functional dependencies (or type families) which makes this kind of information un-inferrable. There's a writeup of the issue here: - it is something we want to support.
这几乎可以肯定,因为PureScript目前缺少功能依赖(或类型系列),这使得这种信息无法推断。这里有一个问题的写法: - 这是我们想要支持的。
There was a discussion about a case very similar to this today as it happens:
Essentially, the problem here is that the functions of the class do not use all of the type variables, which means there's no way to propagate the information to the constraint for looking up a suitable instance.
I don't really have a suggestion for how to do what you're after here with things as they are, aside from avoiding the class and implementing it with specific types in mind.
This is almost certainly because PureScript currently lacks functional dependencies (or type families) which makes this kind of information un-inferrable. There's a writeup of the issue here: - it is something we want to support.
这几乎可以肯定,因为PureScript目前缺少功能依赖(或类型系列),这使得这种信息无法推断。这里有一个问题的写法: - 这是我们想要支持的。
There was a discussion about a case very similar to this today as it happens:
Essentially, the problem here is that the functions of the class do not use all of the type variables, which means there's no way to propagate the information to the constraint for looking up a suitable instance.
I don't really have a suggestion for how to do what you're after here with things as they are, aside from avoiding the class and implementing it with specific types in mind.