
时间:2021-09-13 17:12:45

I thought this was a n00b thing to do. And, so, I've never done it. Then I saw that FriendFeed did this and actually made their DB scale better and decreased latency. I'm curious if I should do this. And, if so, what's the right way to do it?


Basically, what's a good place to learn how to store everything in MySQL as a CouchDB sort of DB? Storing everything as JSON seems like it'd be easier and quicker (not to build, less latency).


Also, is it easy to edit, delete, etc., things stored as JSON on the DB?


16 个解决方案



CouchDB and MySQL are two very different beasts. JSON is the native way to store stuff in CouchDB. In MySQL, the best you could do is store JSON data as text in a single field. This would entirely defeat the purpose of storing it in an RDBMS and would greatly complicate every database transaction.




Having said that, FriendFeed seemed to use an extremely custom schema on top of MySQL. It really depends on what exactly you want to store, there's hardly one definite answer on how to abuse a database system so it makes sense for you. Given that the article is very old and their main reason against Mongo and Couch was immaturity, I'd re-evaluate these two if MySQL doesn't cut it for you. They should have grown a lot by now.




Everybody commenting seems to be coming at this from the wrong angle, it is fine to store JSON code via PHP in a relational DB and it will in fact be faster to load and display complex data like this, however you will have design considerations such as searching, indexing etc.


The best way of doing this is to use hybrid data, for example if you need to search based upon datetime MySQL (performance tuned) is going to be a lot faster than PHP and for something like searching distance of venues MySQL should also be a lot faster (notice searching not accessing). Data you do not need to search on can then be stored in JSON, BLOB or any other format you really deem necessary.

这样做的最佳方式是使用混合数据,例如如果您需要搜索基于datetime MySQL(性能调优)是一个更快比PHP和类似的搜索距离场馆MySQL也应该快很多(注意搜索不访问)。不需要搜索的数据可以存储在JSON、BLOB或其他任何您认为必要的格式中。

Data you need to access is very easily stored as JSON for example a basic per-case invoice system. They do not benefit very much at all from RDBMS, and could be stored in JSON just by json_encoding($_POST['entires']) if you have the correct HTML form structure.


I am glad you are happy using MongoDB and I hope that it continues to serve you well, but don't think that MySQL is always going to be off your radar, as your app increases in complexity you may well end up needing an RDBMS for some functionality and features (even if it is just for retiring archived data or business reporting)




MySQL 5.7 Now supports a native JSON data type similar to MongoDB and other schemaless document data stores:

MySQL 5.7现在支持原生JSON数据类型,类似于MongoDB和其他无模式文档数据存储:

JSON support

Beginning with MySQL 5.7.8, MySQL supports a native JSON type. JSON values are not stored as strings, instead using an internal binary format that permits quick read access to document elements. JSON documents stored in JSON columns are automatically validated whenever they are inserted or updated, with an invalid document producing an error. JSON documents are normalized on creation, and can be compared using most comparison operators such as =, <, <=, >, >=, <>, !=, and <=>; for information about supported operators as well as precedence and other rules that MySQL follows when comparing JSON values, see Comparison and Ordering of JSON Values.

从MySQL 5.7.8开始,MySQL支持原生JSON类型。JSON值不是作为字符串存储的,而是使用允许快速读取文档元素的内部二进制格式。在JSON列中存储的JSON文档在插入或更新时都会自动进行验证,而无效的文档会产生错误。JSON文档在创建时是规范化的,可以使用=、<、<=、>、>=、<>、!=、<=>等大多数比较运算符进行比较;有关支持的操作符以及MySQL在比较JSON值时遵循的优先级和其他规则的信息,请参见JSON值的比较和排序。

MySQL 5.7.8 also introduces a number of functions for working with JSON values. These functions include those listed here:

MySQL 5.7.8还引入了许多处理JSON值的函数。这些职能包括下列职能:

  1. Functions that create JSON values: JSON_ARRAY(), JSON_MERGE(), and JSON_OBJECT(). See Section 12.16.2, “Functions That Create JSON Values”.
  2. 创建JSON值的函数:JSON_ARRAY()、JSON_MERGE()和JSON_OBJECT()。参见第12.16.2节“创建JSON值的函数”。
  3. Functions that search JSON values: JSON_CONTAINS(), JSON_CONTAINS_PATH(), JSON_EXTRACT(), JSON_KEYS(), and JSON_SEARCH(). See Section 12.16.3, “Functions That Search JSON Values”.
  5. Functions that modify JSON values: JSON_APPEND(), JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(), JSON_ARRAY_INSERT(), JSON_INSERT(), JSON_QUOTE(), JSON_REMOVE(), JSON_REPLACE(), JSON_SET(), and JSON_UNQUOTE(). See Section 12.16.4, “Functions That Modify JSON Values”.
  7. Functions that provide information about JSON values: JSON_DEPTH(), JSON_LENGTH(), JSON_TYPE(), and JSON_VALID(). See Section 12.16.5, “Functions That Return JSON Value Attributes”.
  8. 提供有关JSON值的信息的函数:JSON_DEPTH()、JSON_LENGTH()、JSON_TYPE()和JSON_VALID()。参见第12.16.5节“返回JSON值属性的函数”。

In MySQL 5.7.9 and later, you can use column->path as shorthand for JSON_EXTRACT(column, path). This works as an alias for a column wherever a column identifier can occur in an SQL statement, including WHERE, ORDER BY, and GROUP BY clauses. This includes SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE TABLE, and other SQL statements. The left hand side must be a JSON column identifier (and not an alias). The right hand side is a quoted JSON path expression which is evaluated against the JSON document returned as the column value.

在MySQL 5.7.9或更高版本中,可以使用列->路径作为JSON_EXTRACT(列、路径)的简写。当SQL语句中出现列标识符(包括WHERE、ORDER BY和GROUP BY子句)时,它就充当列的别名。这包括选择、更新、删除、创建表和其他SQL语句。左边必须是JSON列标识符(而不是别名)。右边是一个引用的JSON路径表达式,它根据作为列值返回的JSON文档进行计算。

See Section 12.16.3, “Functions That Search JSON Values”, for more information about -> and JSON_EXTRACT(). For information about JSON path support in MySQL 5.7, see Searching and Modifying JSON Values. See also Secondary Indexes and Virtual Generated Columns.

有关->和JSON_EXTRACT()的更多信息,请参阅第12.16.3节“搜索JSON值的函数”。有关MySQL 5.7中的JSON路径支持的信息,请参见搜索和修改JSON值。还请参见辅助索引和虚拟生成的列。

More info:






json characters are nothing special when it comes down to storage, chars such as


{,},[,],',a-z,0-9.... are really nothing special and can be stored as text.

},{[,],“a - z,0 - 9 ....真的没什么特别的,可以作为文本存储。

the first problem your going to have is this


{ profile_id: 22, username: 'Robert', password: 'skhgeeht893htgn34ythg9er' }

{profile_id: 22,用户名:'Robert',密码:'skhgeeht893htgn34ythg9er'}

that stored in a database is not that simple to update unless you had your own proceedure and developed a jsondecode for mysql


UPDATE users SET JSON(user_data,'username') = 'New User';

So as you cant do that you would Have to first SELECT the json, Decode it, change it, update it, so in theory you might as well spend more time constructing a suitable database structure!


I do use json to store data but only Meta Data, data that dont get updated often, not related to the user specific.. example if a user adds a post, and in that post he adds images ill parse the images and create thumbs and then use the thumb urls in a json format.




To illustrate how difficult it is to get JSON data using a query, I will share the query I made to handle this.


It doesn't take into account arrays or other objects, just basic datatypes. You should change the 4 instances of column to the column name storing the JSON, and change the 4 instances of myfield to the JSON field you want to access.


        REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(column, '{', ''), '}', ','), '"', ''),
            CONCAT('myfield', ':'),
            REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(column, '{', ''), '}', ','), '"', '')
        ) + CHAR_LENGTH(CONCAT('myfield', ':')),
                REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(column, '{', ''), '}', ','), '"', ''),
                    CONCAT('myfield', ':'),
                    REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(column, '{', ''), '}', ','), '"', '')
                ) + CHAR_LENGTH(CONCAT('myfield', ':'))
        ) - 1
    AS myfield
FROM mytable WHERE id = '3435'



It really depends on your use case. If you are storing information that has absolutely no value in reporting, and won't be queried via JOINs with other tables, it may make sense for you to store your data in a single text field, encoded as JSON.


This could greatly simplify your data model. However, as mentioned by RobertPitt, don't expect to be able to combine this data with other data that has been normalized.




I would say the only two reasons to consider this are:


  • performance just isn't good enough with a normalised approach
  • 用一种规范化的方法,表现还不够好
  • you cannot readily model your particularly fluid/flexible/changing data
  • 你不能很容易地为你特别流畅/灵活/变化的数据建模

I wrote a bit about my own approach here:


What scalability problems have you encountered using a NoSQL data store?


(see the top answer)


Even JSON wasn't quite fast enough so we used a custom-text-format approach. Worked / continues to work well for us.


Is there a reason you're not using something like MongoDB? (could be MySQL is "required"; just curious)




This is an old question, but I am still able to see this at the top of the search result of Google, so I guess it would be meaningful to add a new answer 4 years after the question is asked.


First of all, there is better support in storing JSON in RDBMS. You may consider switching to PostgreSQL (although MySQL has supported JSON since v5.7.7). PostgreSQL uses very similar SQL commands as MySQL except they support more functions. One of the functions they added is that they provide JSON data type and you are now able to query the JSON stored. (Some reference on this) If you are not making up the query directly in your program, for example, using PDO in php or eloquent in Laravel, all you need to do is just to install PostgreSQL on your server and change database connection settings. You don't even need to change your code.


Most of the time, as the other answers suggested, storing data as JSON directly in RDBMS is not a good idea. There are some exception though. One situation I can think of is a field with variable number of linked entry.


For example, for storing tag of a blog post, normally you will need to have a table for blog post, a table of tag and a matching table. So, when the user wants to edit a post and you need to display which tag is related to that post, you will need to query 3 tables. This will damage the performance a lot if your matching table / tag table is long.

例如,要存储blog post的标记,通常需要一个用于blog post的表、一个标记表和一个匹配的表。所以,当用户想要编辑一个帖子,你需要显示哪个标签与那个帖子相关时,你需要查询3个表。如果匹配的表/标记表很长,这将严重损害性能。

By storing the tags as JSON in the blog post table, the same action only requires a single table search. The user will then be able to see the blog post to be edit quicker, but this will damage the performance if you want to make a report on what post is linked to a tag, or maybe search by tag.

通过将标签作为JSON存储在blog post表中,相同的操作只需要一个表搜索。用户将能够看到博客文章的编辑速度更快,但是如果你想要做一个关于什么post链接到标签,或者是标签搜索的报告,这将会破坏性能。

You may also try to de-normalize the database. By duplicating the data and storing the data in both ways, you can receive benefit of both method. You will just need a little bit more time to store your data and more storage space (which is cheap comparing to the cost of more computing power)




Here is a function that would save/update keys of a JSON array in a column and another function that retrieves JSON values. This functions are created assuming that the column name of storing the JSON array is json. It is using PDO.


Save/Update Function

function save($uid, $key, $val){
 global $dbh; // The PDO object
 $sql = $dbh->prepare("SELECT `json` FROM users WHERE `id`=?");
 $data      = $sql->fetch();
 $arr       = json_decode($data['json'],true);
 $arr[$key] = $val; // Update the value
 $sql=$dbh->prepare("UPDATE `users` SET `json`=? WHERE `id`=?");

where $uid is the user's id, $key - the JSON key to update and it's value is mentioned as $val.

其中$uid是用户的id, $key—要更新的JSON键和它的值被称为$val。

Get Value Function

function get($uid, $key){
 global $dbh;
 $sql = $dbh->prepare("SELECT `json` FROM `users` WHERE `id`=?");
 $data = $sql->fetch();
 $arr  = json_decode($data['json'], true);
 return $arr[$key];

where $key is a key of JSON array from which we need the value.




It seems to me that everyone answering this question is kind-of missing the one critical issue, except @deceze -- use the right tool for the job. You can force a relational database to store almost any type of data and you can force Mongo to handle relational data, but at what cost? You end up introducing complexity at all levels of development and maintenance, from schema design to application code; not to mention the performance hit.


In 2014 we have access to many database servers that handle specific types of data exceptionally well.


  • Mongo (document storage)
  • 蒙戈(文档存储)
  • Redis (key-value data storage)
  • 复述(键值数据存储)
  • MySQL/Maria/PostgreSQL/Oracle/etc (relational data)
  • MySQL /玛丽亚/ PostgreSQL / Oracle / etc(关系数据)
  • CouchDB (JSON)
  • CouchDB(JSON)

I'm sure I missed some others, like RabbirMQ and Cassandra. My point is, use the right tool for the data you need to store.


If your application requires storage and retrieval of a variety of data really, really fast, (and who doesn't) don't shy away from using multiple data sources for an application. Most popular web frameworks provide support for multiple data sources (Rails, Django, Grails, Cake, Zend, etc). This strategy limits the complexity to one specific area of the application, the ORM or the application's data source interface.




Early support for storing JSON in MySQL has been added to the MySQL 5.7.7 JSON labs release (linux binaries, source)! The release seems to have grown from a series of JSON-related user-defined functions made public back in 2013.

在MySQL中存储JSON的早期支持已经被添加到MySQL 5.7.7 JSON实验室版本中(linux二进制文件,源代码)!这个版本似乎是从2013年由一系列与json相关的用户定义的功能所衍生出来的。

This nascent native JSON support seems to be heading in a very positive direction, including JSON validation on INSERT, an optimized binary storage format including a lookup table in the preamble that allows the JSN_EXTRACT function to perform binary lookups rather than parsing on every access. There is also a whole raft of new functions for handling and querying specific JSON datatypes:


CREATE TABLE users (id INT, preferences JSON);

INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, JSN_OBJECT('showSideBar', true, 'fontSize', 12));

SELECT JSN_EXTRACT(preferences, '$.showSideBar') from users;

| id   | JSN_EXTRACT(preferences, '$.showSideBar') |
| 1    | true                                      |

IMHO, the above is a great use case for this new functionality; many SQL databases already have a user table and, rather than making endless schema changes to accommodate an evolving set of user preferences, having a single JSON column a single JOIN away is perfect. Especially as it's unlikely that it would ever need to be queried for individual items.


While it's still early days, the MySQL server team are doing a great job of communicating the changes on the blog.




JSON is a valid datatype in PostgreSQL database as well. However, MySQL database has not officially supported JSON yet. But it's baking: http://mysqlserverteam.com/json-labs-release-native-json-data-type-and-binary-format/


I also agree that there are many valid cases that some data is better be serialized to a string in a database. The primary reason might be when it's not regularly queried, and when it's own schema might change - you don't want to change the database schema corresponding to that. The second reason is when the serialized string is directly from external sources, you may not want to parse all of them and feed in the database at any cost until you use any. So I'll be waiting for the new MySQL release to support JSON since it'll be easier for switching between different database then.




I use json to record anything for a project, I use three tables in fact ! one for the data in json, one for the index of each metadata of the json structure (each meta is encoded by an unique id), and one for the session user, that's all. The benchmark cannot be quantified at this early state of code, but for exemple I was user views (inner join with index) to get a category (or anything, as user, ...), and it was very slow (very very slow, used view in mysql is not the good way). The search module, in this structure, can do anything I want, but, I think mongodb will be more efficient in this concept of full json data record. For my exemple, I user views to create tree of category, and breadcrumb, my god ! so many query to do ! apache itself gone ! and, in fact, for this little website, I use know a php who generate tree and breadcrumb, the extraction of the datas is done by the search module (who use only index), the data table is used only for update. If I want, I can destroy the all indexes, and regenerate it with each data, and do the reverse work to, like, destroy all the data (json) and regenerate it only with the index table. My project is young, running under php and mysql, but, sometime I thing using node js and mongodb will be more efficient for this project.

我使用json记录项目的任何内容,实际上我使用了三个表!一个用于json中的数据,一个用于json结构的每个元数据的索引(每个元数据都用唯一的id编码),一个用于会话用户,仅此而已。在这种早期的代码状态下,无法对基准进行量化,但是例如,我是user views(内部连接到index)来获得一个类别(或任何东西,作为user,…),而且它非常慢(非常慢,在mysql中使用的view不是好方法)。在这个结构中,搜索模块可以做任何我想做的事情,但是,我认为mongodb在这个完整的json数据记录的概念中会更高效。以我为例,我用户视图创建类别树,而面包屑,我的上帝!这么多的查询要做!apache本身不见了!实际上,对于这个小网站,我使用一个php生成树和面包屑,数据的提取由搜索模块(只使用索引)完成,数据表只用于更新。如果我想,我可以销毁所有的索引,并使用每个数据重新生成它,然后做相反的工作,比如,销毁所有数据(json),只使用索引表重新生成它。我的项目很年轻,在php和mysql下运行,但是有时使用node js和mongodb会对这个项目更有效。

Use json if you think you can do, just for do it, because you can ! and, forget it if it was a mistake; try by make good or bad choice, but try !



a french user




I believe that storing JSON in a mysql database does in fact defeat the purpose of using RDBMS as it is intended to be used. I would not use it in any data that would be manipulated at some point or reported on, since it not only adds complexity but also could easily impact performance depending on how it is used.


However, I was curious if anyone else thought of a possible reason to actually do this. I was thinking to make an exception for logging purposes. In my case, I want to log requests that have a variable amount of parameters and errors. In this situation, I want to use tables for the type of requests, and the requests themselves with a JSON string of different values that were obtained.


In the above situation, the requests are logged and never manipulated or indexed within the JSON string field. HOWEVER, in a more complex environment, I would probably try to use something that has more of an intention for this type of data and store it with that system. As others have said, it really depends on what you are trying to accomplish, but following standards always helps longevity and reliability!




You can use this gist: https://gist.github.com/AminaG/33d90cb99c26298c48f670b8ffac39c3


After installing it to the server (just need root privilege not super), you can do something like this:


select extract_json_value('{"a":["a","2"]}','(/a)')


It will return a 2 .You can return anything inside JSON by using this The good part is that it is support MySQL 5.1,5.2,5.6. And you do not need to install any binary on the server.

它会返回一个2,你可以用这个返回JSON里面的任何东西,好的地方是它支持MySQL 5.1 5.2 5.6。并且不需要在服务器上安装任何二进制文件。

Based on old project common-schema, but it is still working today https://code.google.com/archive/p/common-schema/




I know this is really late but I did have a similar situation where I used a hybrid approach of maintaining RDBMS standards of normalizing tables upto a point and then storing data in JSON as text value beyond that point. So for example I store data in 4 tables following RDBMS rules of normalization. However in the 4th table to accomodate dynamic schema I store data in JSON format. Every time I want to retrieve data I retrieve the JSON data, parse it and display it in Java. This has worked for me so far and to ensure that I am still able to index the fields I transform to json data in the table to a normalized manner using an ETL. This ensures that while the user is working on the application he faces minimal lag and the fields are transformed to a RDBMS friendly format for data analysis etc. I see this approach working well and believe that given MYSQL (5.7+) also allows parsing of JSON this approach gives you the benefits of both RDBMS and NOSQL databases.

我知道这已经很晚了,但是我也有类似的情况,我使用了一种混合的方法来维护RDBMS标准,使其标准化,然后将数据以JSON的形式存储到超过那个点的文本值中。例如,我将数据存储在4个表中,遵循RDBMS规范化规则。然而,在第4个表中,我以JSON格式存储数据。每当我想检索数据时,我都会检索JSON数据,解析它,并在Java中显示它。到目前为止,这对我来说是可行的,并确保我仍然能够使用ETL将表中转换为json数据的字段索引为规范化的方式。这将确保在用户在应用程序他面临最少的滞后和字段转换为RDBMS友好格式数据分析等等。我看到这种方法工作得很好,相信给MYSQL(5.7 +)这种方法还允许解析JSON给你RDBMS和NOSQL数据库的好处。



CouchDB and MySQL are two very different beasts. JSON is the native way to store stuff in CouchDB. In MySQL, the best you could do is store JSON data as text in a single field. This would entirely defeat the purpose of storing it in an RDBMS and would greatly complicate every database transaction.




Having said that, FriendFeed seemed to use an extremely custom schema on top of MySQL. It really depends on what exactly you want to store, there's hardly one definite answer on how to abuse a database system so it makes sense for you. Given that the article is very old and their main reason against Mongo and Couch was immaturity, I'd re-evaluate these two if MySQL doesn't cut it for you. They should have grown a lot by now.




Everybody commenting seems to be coming at this from the wrong angle, it is fine to store JSON code via PHP in a relational DB and it will in fact be faster to load and display complex data like this, however you will have design considerations such as searching, indexing etc.


The best way of doing this is to use hybrid data, for example if you need to search based upon datetime MySQL (performance tuned) is going to be a lot faster than PHP and for something like searching distance of venues MySQL should also be a lot faster (notice searching not accessing). Data you do not need to search on can then be stored in JSON, BLOB or any other format you really deem necessary.

这样做的最佳方式是使用混合数据,例如如果您需要搜索基于datetime MySQL(性能调优)是一个更快比PHP和类似的搜索距离场馆MySQL也应该快很多(注意搜索不访问)。不需要搜索的数据可以存储在JSON、BLOB或其他任何您认为必要的格式中。

Data you need to access is very easily stored as JSON for example a basic per-case invoice system. They do not benefit very much at all from RDBMS, and could be stored in JSON just by json_encoding($_POST['entires']) if you have the correct HTML form structure.


I am glad you are happy using MongoDB and I hope that it continues to serve you well, but don't think that MySQL is always going to be off your radar, as your app increases in complexity you may well end up needing an RDBMS for some functionality and features (even if it is just for retiring archived data or business reporting)




MySQL 5.7 Now supports a native JSON data type similar to MongoDB and other schemaless document data stores:

MySQL 5.7现在支持原生JSON数据类型,类似于MongoDB和其他无模式文档数据存储:

JSON support

Beginning with MySQL 5.7.8, MySQL supports a native JSON type. JSON values are not stored as strings, instead using an internal binary format that permits quick read access to document elements. JSON documents stored in JSON columns are automatically validated whenever they are inserted or updated, with an invalid document producing an error. JSON documents are normalized on creation, and can be compared using most comparison operators such as =, <, <=, >, >=, <>, !=, and <=>; for information about supported operators as well as precedence and other rules that MySQL follows when comparing JSON values, see Comparison and Ordering of JSON Values.

从MySQL 5.7.8开始,MySQL支持原生JSON类型。JSON值不是作为字符串存储的,而是使用允许快速读取文档元素的内部二进制格式。在JSON列中存储的JSON文档在插入或更新时都会自动进行验证,而无效的文档会产生错误。JSON文档在创建时是规范化的,可以使用=、<、<=、>、>=、<>、!=、<=>等大多数比较运算符进行比较;有关支持的操作符以及MySQL在比较JSON值时遵循的优先级和其他规则的信息,请参见JSON值的比较和排序。

MySQL 5.7.8 also introduces a number of functions for working with JSON values. These functions include those listed here:

MySQL 5.7.8还引入了许多处理JSON值的函数。这些职能包括下列职能:

  1. Functions that create JSON values: JSON_ARRAY(), JSON_MERGE(), and JSON_OBJECT(). See Section 12.16.2, “Functions That Create JSON Values”.
  2. 创建JSON值的函数:JSON_ARRAY()、JSON_MERGE()和JSON_OBJECT()。参见第12.16.2节“创建JSON值的函数”。
  3. Functions that search JSON values: JSON_CONTAINS(), JSON_CONTAINS_PATH(), JSON_EXTRACT(), JSON_KEYS(), and JSON_SEARCH(). See Section 12.16.3, “Functions That Search JSON Values”.
  5. Functions that modify JSON values: JSON_APPEND(), JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(), JSON_ARRAY_INSERT(), JSON_INSERT(), JSON_QUOTE(), JSON_REMOVE(), JSON_REPLACE(), JSON_SET(), and JSON_UNQUOTE(). See Section 12.16.4, “Functions That Modify JSON Values”.
  7. Functions that provide information about JSON values: JSON_DEPTH(), JSON_LENGTH(), JSON_TYPE(), and JSON_VALID(). See Section 12.16.5, “Functions That Return JSON Value Attributes”.
  8. 提供有关JSON值的信息的函数:JSON_DEPTH()、JSON_LENGTH()、JSON_TYPE()和JSON_VALID()。参见第12.16.5节“返回JSON值属性的函数”。

In MySQL 5.7.9 and later, you can use column->path as shorthand for JSON_EXTRACT(column, path). This works as an alias for a column wherever a column identifier can occur in an SQL statement, including WHERE, ORDER BY, and GROUP BY clauses. This includes SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE TABLE, and other SQL statements. The left hand side must be a JSON column identifier (and not an alias). The right hand side is a quoted JSON path expression which is evaluated against the JSON document returned as the column value.

在MySQL 5.7.9或更高版本中,可以使用列->路径作为JSON_EXTRACT(列、路径)的简写。当SQL语句中出现列标识符(包括WHERE、ORDER BY和GROUP BY子句)时,它就充当列的别名。这包括选择、更新、删除、创建表和其他SQL语句。左边必须是JSON列标识符(而不是别名)。右边是一个引用的JSON路径表达式,它根据作为列值返回的JSON文档进行计算。

See Section 12.16.3, “Functions That Search JSON Values”, for more information about -> and JSON_EXTRACT(). For information about JSON path support in MySQL 5.7, see Searching and Modifying JSON Values. See also Secondary Indexes and Virtual Generated Columns.

有关->和JSON_EXTRACT()的更多信息,请参阅第12.16.3节“搜索JSON值的函数”。有关MySQL 5.7中的JSON路径支持的信息,请参见搜索和修改JSON值。还请参见辅助索引和虚拟生成的列。

More info:






json characters are nothing special when it comes down to storage, chars such as


{,},[,],',a-z,0-9.... are really nothing special and can be stored as text.

},{[,],“a - z,0 - 9 ....真的没什么特别的,可以作为文本存储。

the first problem your going to have is this


{ profile_id: 22, username: 'Robert', password: 'skhgeeht893htgn34ythg9er' }

{profile_id: 22,用户名:'Robert',密码:'skhgeeht893htgn34ythg9er'}

that stored in a database is not that simple to update unless you had your own proceedure and developed a jsondecode for mysql


UPDATE users SET JSON(user_data,'username') = 'New User';

So as you cant do that you would Have to first SELECT the json, Decode it, change it, update it, so in theory you might as well spend more time constructing a suitable database structure!


I do use json to store data but only Meta Data, data that dont get updated often, not related to the user specific.. example if a user adds a post, and in that post he adds images ill parse the images and create thumbs and then use the thumb urls in a json format.




To illustrate how difficult it is to get JSON data using a query, I will share the query I made to handle this.


It doesn't take into account arrays or other objects, just basic datatypes. You should change the 4 instances of column to the column name storing the JSON, and change the 4 instances of myfield to the JSON field you want to access.


        REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(column, '{', ''), '}', ','), '"', ''),
            CONCAT('myfield', ':'),
            REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(column, '{', ''), '}', ','), '"', '')
        ) + CHAR_LENGTH(CONCAT('myfield', ':')),
                REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(column, '{', ''), '}', ','), '"', ''),
                    CONCAT('myfield', ':'),
                    REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(column, '{', ''), '}', ','), '"', '')
                ) + CHAR_LENGTH(CONCAT('myfield', ':'))
        ) - 1
    AS myfield
FROM mytable WHERE id = '3435'



It really depends on your use case. If you are storing information that has absolutely no value in reporting, and won't be queried via JOINs with other tables, it may make sense for you to store your data in a single text field, encoded as JSON.


This could greatly simplify your data model. However, as mentioned by RobertPitt, don't expect to be able to combine this data with other data that has been normalized.




I would say the only two reasons to consider this are:


  • performance just isn't good enough with a normalised approach
  • 用一种规范化的方法,表现还不够好
  • you cannot readily model your particularly fluid/flexible/changing data
  • 你不能很容易地为你特别流畅/灵活/变化的数据建模

I wrote a bit about my own approach here:


What scalability problems have you encountered using a NoSQL data store?


(see the top answer)


Even JSON wasn't quite fast enough so we used a custom-text-format approach. Worked / continues to work well for us.


Is there a reason you're not using something like MongoDB? (could be MySQL is "required"; just curious)




This is an old question, but I am still able to see this at the top of the search result of Google, so I guess it would be meaningful to add a new answer 4 years after the question is asked.


First of all, there is better support in storing JSON in RDBMS. You may consider switching to PostgreSQL (although MySQL has supported JSON since v5.7.7). PostgreSQL uses very similar SQL commands as MySQL except they support more functions. One of the functions they added is that they provide JSON data type and you are now able to query the JSON stored. (Some reference on this) If you are not making up the query directly in your program, for example, using PDO in php or eloquent in Laravel, all you need to do is just to install PostgreSQL on your server and change database connection settings. You don't even need to change your code.


Most of the time, as the other answers suggested, storing data as JSON directly in RDBMS is not a good idea. There are some exception though. One situation I can think of is a field with variable number of linked entry.


For example, for storing tag of a blog post, normally you will need to have a table for blog post, a table of tag and a matching table. So, when the user wants to edit a post and you need to display which tag is related to that post, you will need to query 3 tables. This will damage the performance a lot if your matching table / tag table is long.

例如,要存储blog post的标记,通常需要一个用于blog post的表、一个标记表和一个匹配的表。所以,当用户想要编辑一个帖子,你需要显示哪个标签与那个帖子相关时,你需要查询3个表。如果匹配的表/标记表很长,这将严重损害性能。

By storing the tags as JSON in the blog post table, the same action only requires a single table search. The user will then be able to see the blog post to be edit quicker, but this will damage the performance if you want to make a report on what post is linked to a tag, or maybe search by tag.

通过将标签作为JSON存储在blog post表中,相同的操作只需要一个表搜索。用户将能够看到博客文章的编辑速度更快,但是如果你想要做一个关于什么post链接到标签,或者是标签搜索的报告,这将会破坏性能。

You may also try to de-normalize the database. By duplicating the data and storing the data in both ways, you can receive benefit of both method. You will just need a little bit more time to store your data and more storage space (which is cheap comparing to the cost of more computing power)




Here is a function that would save/update keys of a JSON array in a column and another function that retrieves JSON values. This functions are created assuming that the column name of storing the JSON array is json. It is using PDO.


Save/Update Function

function save($uid, $key, $val){
 global $dbh; // The PDO object
 $sql = $dbh->prepare("SELECT `json` FROM users WHERE `id`=?");
 $data      = $sql->fetch();
 $arr       = json_decode($data['json'],true);
 $arr[$key] = $val; // Update the value
 $sql=$dbh->prepare("UPDATE `users` SET `json`=? WHERE `id`=?");

where $uid is the user's id, $key - the JSON key to update and it's value is mentioned as $val.

其中$uid是用户的id, $key—要更新的JSON键和它的值被称为$val。

Get Value Function

function get($uid, $key){
 global $dbh;
 $sql = $dbh->prepare("SELECT `json` FROM `users` WHERE `id`=?");
 $data = $sql->fetch();
 $arr  = json_decode($data['json'], true);
 return $arr[$key];

where $key is a key of JSON array from which we need the value.




It seems to me that everyone answering this question is kind-of missing the one critical issue, except @deceze -- use the right tool for the job. You can force a relational database to store almost any type of data and you can force Mongo to handle relational data, but at what cost? You end up introducing complexity at all levels of development and maintenance, from schema design to application code; not to mention the performance hit.


In 2014 we have access to many database servers that handle specific types of data exceptionally well.


  • Mongo (document storage)
  • 蒙戈(文档存储)
  • Redis (key-value data storage)
  • 复述(键值数据存储)
  • MySQL/Maria/PostgreSQL/Oracle/etc (relational data)
  • MySQL /玛丽亚/ PostgreSQL / Oracle / etc(关系数据)
  • CouchDB (JSON)
  • CouchDB(JSON)

I'm sure I missed some others, like RabbirMQ and Cassandra. My point is, use the right tool for the data you need to store.


If your application requires storage and retrieval of a variety of data really, really fast, (and who doesn't) don't shy away from using multiple data sources for an application. Most popular web frameworks provide support for multiple data sources (Rails, Django, Grails, Cake, Zend, etc). This strategy limits the complexity to one specific area of the application, the ORM or the application's data source interface.




Early support for storing JSON in MySQL has been added to the MySQL 5.7.7 JSON labs release (linux binaries, source)! The release seems to have grown from a series of JSON-related user-defined functions made public back in 2013.

在MySQL中存储JSON的早期支持已经被添加到MySQL 5.7.7 JSON实验室版本中(linux二进制文件,源代码)!这个版本似乎是从2013年由一系列与json相关的用户定义的功能所衍生出来的。

This nascent native JSON support seems to be heading in a very positive direction, including JSON validation on INSERT, an optimized binary storage format including a lookup table in the preamble that allows the JSN_EXTRACT function to perform binary lookups rather than parsing on every access. There is also a whole raft of new functions for handling and querying specific JSON datatypes:


CREATE TABLE users (id INT, preferences JSON);

INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, JSN_OBJECT('showSideBar', true, 'fontSize', 12));

SELECT JSN_EXTRACT(preferences, '$.showSideBar') from users;

| id   | JSN_EXTRACT(preferences, '$.showSideBar') |
| 1    | true                                      |

IMHO, the above is a great use case for this new functionality; many SQL databases already have a user table and, rather than making endless schema changes to accommodate an evolving set of user preferences, having a single JSON column a single JOIN away is perfect. Especially as it's unlikely that it would ever need to be queried for individual items.


While it's still early days, the MySQL server team are doing a great job of communicating the changes on the blog.




JSON is a valid datatype in PostgreSQL database as well. However, MySQL database has not officially supported JSON yet. But it's baking: http://mysqlserverteam.com/json-labs-release-native-json-data-type-and-binary-format/


I also agree that there are many valid cases that some data is better be serialized to a string in a database. The primary reason might be when it's not regularly queried, and when it's own schema might change - you don't want to change the database schema corresponding to that. The second reason is when the serialized string is directly from external sources, you may not want to parse all of them and feed in the database at any cost until you use any. So I'll be waiting for the new MySQL release to support JSON since it'll be easier for switching between different database then.




I use json to record anything for a project, I use three tables in fact ! one for the data in json, one for the index of each metadata of the json structure (each meta is encoded by an unique id), and one for the session user, that's all. The benchmark cannot be quantified at this early state of code, but for exemple I was user views (inner join with index) to get a category (or anything, as user, ...), and it was very slow (very very slow, used view in mysql is not the good way). The search module, in this structure, can do anything I want, but, I think mongodb will be more efficient in this concept of full json data record. For my exemple, I user views to create tree of category, and breadcrumb, my god ! so many query to do ! apache itself gone ! and, in fact, for this little website, I use know a php who generate tree and breadcrumb, the extraction of the datas is done by the search module (who use only index), the data table is used only for update. If I want, I can destroy the all indexes, and regenerate it with each data, and do the reverse work to, like, destroy all the data (json) and regenerate it only with the index table. My project is young, running under php and mysql, but, sometime I thing using node js and mongodb will be more efficient for this project.

我使用json记录项目的任何内容,实际上我使用了三个表!一个用于json中的数据,一个用于json结构的每个元数据的索引(每个元数据都用唯一的id编码),一个用于会话用户,仅此而已。在这种早期的代码状态下,无法对基准进行量化,但是例如,我是user views(内部连接到index)来获得一个类别(或任何东西,作为user,…),而且它非常慢(非常慢,在mysql中使用的view不是好方法)。在这个结构中,搜索模块可以做任何我想做的事情,但是,我认为mongodb在这个完整的json数据记录的概念中会更高效。以我为例,我用户视图创建类别树,而面包屑,我的上帝!这么多的查询要做!apache本身不见了!实际上,对于这个小网站,我使用一个php生成树和面包屑,数据的提取由搜索模块(只使用索引)完成,数据表只用于更新。如果我想,我可以销毁所有的索引,并使用每个数据重新生成它,然后做相反的工作,比如,销毁所有数据(json),只使用索引表重新生成它。我的项目很年轻,在php和mysql下运行,但是有时使用node js和mongodb会对这个项目更有效。

Use json if you think you can do, just for do it, because you can ! and, forget it if it was a mistake; try by make good or bad choice, but try !



a french user




I believe that storing JSON in a mysql database does in fact defeat the purpose of using RDBMS as it is intended to be used. I would not use it in any data that would be manipulated at some point or reported on, since it not only adds complexity but also could easily impact performance depending on how it is used.


However, I was curious if anyone else thought of a possible reason to actually do this. I was thinking to make an exception for logging purposes. In my case, I want to log requests that have a variable amount of parameters and errors. In this situation, I want to use tables for the type of requests, and the requests themselves with a JSON string of different values that were obtained.


In the above situation, the requests are logged and never manipulated or indexed within the JSON string field. HOWEVER, in a more complex environment, I would probably try to use something that has more of an intention for this type of data and store it with that system. As others have said, it really depends on what you are trying to accomplish, but following standards always helps longevity and reliability!




You can use this gist: https://gist.github.com/AminaG/33d90cb99c26298c48f670b8ffac39c3


After installing it to the server (just need root privilege not super), you can do something like this:


select extract_json_value('{"a":["a","2"]}','(/a)')


It will return a 2 .You can return anything inside JSON by using this The good part is that it is support MySQL 5.1,5.2,5.6. And you do not need to install any binary on the server.

它会返回一个2,你可以用这个返回JSON里面的任何东西,好的地方是它支持MySQL 5.1 5.2 5.6。并且不需要在服务器上安装任何二进制文件。

Based on old project common-schema, but it is still working today https://code.google.com/archive/p/common-schema/




I know this is really late but I did have a similar situation where I used a hybrid approach of maintaining RDBMS standards of normalizing tables upto a point and then storing data in JSON as text value beyond that point. So for example I store data in 4 tables following RDBMS rules of normalization. However in the 4th table to accomodate dynamic schema I store data in JSON format. Every time I want to retrieve data I retrieve the JSON data, parse it and display it in Java. This has worked for me so far and to ensure that I am still able to index the fields I transform to json data in the table to a normalized manner using an ETL. This ensures that while the user is working on the application he faces minimal lag and the fields are transformed to a RDBMS friendly format for data analysis etc. I see this approach working well and believe that given MYSQL (5.7+) also allows parsing of JSON this approach gives you the benefits of both RDBMS and NOSQL databases.

我知道这已经很晚了,但是我也有类似的情况,我使用了一种混合的方法来维护RDBMS标准,使其标准化,然后将数据以JSON的形式存储到超过那个点的文本值中。例如,我将数据存储在4个表中,遵循RDBMS规范化规则。然而,在第4个表中,我以JSON格式存储数据。每当我想检索数据时,我都会检索JSON数据,解析它,并在Java中显示它。到目前为止,这对我来说是可行的,并确保我仍然能够使用ETL将表中转换为json数据的字段索引为规范化的方式。这将确保在用户在应用程序他面临最少的滞后和字段转换为RDBMS友好格式数据分析等等。我看到这种方法工作得很好,相信给MYSQL(5.7 +)这种方法还允许解析JSON给你RDBMS和NOSQL数据库的好处。