XDocument.Validate - 错误元素的预期数据类型

时间:2021-12-01 15:35:17

I have a class which validates the supplied XML document against the supplied XSD. In the class I call the XDocument.Validate method to perform validation, and getting the following error:


The 'http://www.example.com/enrollrequest1:requested-payment-date' element is invalid - The value '2015-05-28T00:00:00' is invalid according to its datatype 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema:date' - The string '2015-05-28T00:00:00' is not a valid XsdDateTime value.

'http://www.example.com/enrollrequest1:requested-payment-date'元素无效 - 根据数据类型'http:// www,值'2015-05-28T00:00:00'无效。 w3.org/2001/XMLSchema:date' - 字符串'2015-05-28T00:00:00'不是有效的XsdDateTime值。

The value for element has been set from a .NET DateTime variable, which ultimately sets it with the time part included, since there is no equivalent of xs:date type in .NET.

元素的值已经从.NET DateTime变量设置,最终将其设置为包含时间部分,因为在.NET中没有等效的xs:date类型。

The values for the elements are being set from a generic module, so I can't pick and choose elements and customize setting their values. The developer sends me value in a .NET DateTime type, which my program in turn calls the XElemet.SetValue(value) method to set it.

元素的值是从通用模块设置的,因此我无法选择元素并自定义设置其值。开发人员向我发送.NET DateTime类型的值,我的程序又调用XElemet.SetValue(value)方法来设置它。

Also, the XSD file is out of my control. So modifying the XSD is not an option.


Is there a way to know what is the expected type of the XElement that caused the error? Once I know it, I can just typecast or customize my code accordingly. So for example in this case, if I know that the expected type is xs:date (and not xs:datetime), I can simply typecast the incoming value.


Here is my validator class, if this helps:


Option Strict On
Imports System.XML.Schema

Public Class XmlSchemaValidator
    Public ReadOnly Errors As New List(Of String)

    Private XDoc As XDocument
    Private Schemas As XmlSchemaSet

    Public Sub New(ByVal doc As XDocument, ByVal schemaUri As String, ByVal targetNamespace As String)
        Me.XDoc = doc
        Me.Schemas = New XmlSchemaSet
        Me.Schemas.Add(targetNamespace, schemaUri)
    End Sub

    Public Sub Validate()
        XDoc.Validate(Schemas, AddressOf XsdErrors)
    End Sub

    Private Sub XsdErrors(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ValidationEventArgs)
        Errors.Add (e.Message)
    End Sub
End Class

Here is the function that is sets the xml node values.


Function SetValue(ByVal xmlDoc As XDocument, ByVal keyValues As Dictionary(Of String, Object)) As Boolean
    '' set values
    For Each kvp In keyValues
        Dim xe As XElement = xmlDoc.Root.XPathSelectElement(kvp.Key)

        ''-- this is buggy implementation for handling xs:date vs xs:datetime that needs to be corrected...
        'If TypeOf kvp.Value Is DateTime AndAlso DirectCast(kvp.Value, DateTime).TimeOfDay = TimeSpan.Zero Then
        '    xe.SetValue(DirectCast(kvp.Value, DateTime).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))
        'End If

    '' validate final document
    Dim schemaValidator As New XmlSchemaValidator(xmlDoc, schemaFile, "")
    If schemaValidator.Errors.Count > 0 Then
        'Error Logging code goes here...
        Return False
    End If
    Return True
End Function

1 个解决方案



You wrote in an earlier comment:


"I want to know what the XSD is expecting for that element"


Then, keep in mind that you can exploit the first parameter "sender" of your validation handlers, for instance, adapting this MSDN sample as, e.g.,


        string xsdMarkup =
 @"<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'>
   <xsd:element name='Root'>
      <xsd:element name='Child1' minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'/>
      <xsd:element name='Child2' minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'/>
        XmlSchemaSet schemas = new XmlSchemaSet();
        schemas.Add("", XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(xsdMarkup)));

        // (just for debug spying)
        var schemata = new XmlSchema[1];
        schemas.CopyTo(schemata, 0);

        XDocument errorDoc = new XDocument(
            new XElement("Root",
                new XElement("Child1", "content1"),
                new XElement("Child2", "content2"),
                new XElement("Child2", "content3") // (must fail validation on maxOccurs)

        Console.WriteLine("Validating errorDoc");
        errorDoc.Validate(schemas, (sender, args) =>
            Console.WriteLine("{0}", args.Message); // (what you're already doing)
            // but there's also:
            var xElement = sender as XElement;
            if (xElement != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Element {0} invalid : {1}", xElement, e.Exception.Message);


This can yield an output with enough information on the recognizable culprits within the document, hopefully:


Validating errorDoc
The element 'Root' has invalid child element 'Child2'.

Element <Child2>content3</Child2> invalid : The element 'Root' has invalid child element 'Child2'.

Anyway, once you know the culprit in the invalid document, then you have better chances to correlate more reliably with the corresponding definitions in the schema(s) used for this validation (than just relying on the schema validation error string).


(sorry for the answer in C# syntax, but I'd rather not write in incorrect VB.NET, I'm getting too rusty with, by now)


'Hope this helps.




You wrote in an earlier comment:


"I want to know what the XSD is expecting for that element"


Then, keep in mind that you can exploit the first parameter "sender" of your validation handlers, for instance, adapting this MSDN sample as, e.g.,


        string xsdMarkup =
 @"<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'>
   <xsd:element name='Root'>
      <xsd:element name='Child1' minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'/>
      <xsd:element name='Child2' minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'/>
        XmlSchemaSet schemas = new XmlSchemaSet();
        schemas.Add("", XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(xsdMarkup)));

        // (just for debug spying)
        var schemata = new XmlSchema[1];
        schemas.CopyTo(schemata, 0);

        XDocument errorDoc = new XDocument(
            new XElement("Root",
                new XElement("Child1", "content1"),
                new XElement("Child2", "content2"),
                new XElement("Child2", "content3") // (must fail validation on maxOccurs)

        Console.WriteLine("Validating errorDoc");
        errorDoc.Validate(schemas, (sender, args) =>
            Console.WriteLine("{0}", args.Message); // (what you're already doing)
            // but there's also:
            var xElement = sender as XElement;
            if (xElement != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Element {0} invalid : {1}", xElement, e.Exception.Message);


This can yield an output with enough information on the recognizable culprits within the document, hopefully:


Validating errorDoc
The element 'Root' has invalid child element 'Child2'.

Element <Child2>content3</Child2> invalid : The element 'Root' has invalid child element 'Child2'.

Anyway, once you know the culprit in the invalid document, then you have better chances to correlate more reliably with the corresponding definitions in the schema(s) used for this validation (than just relying on the schema validation error string).


(sorry for the answer in C# syntax, but I'd rather not write in incorrect VB.NET, I'm getting too rusty with, by now)


'Hope this helps.
