The Art of Computer Programming

时间:2023-03-08 22:18:52

《计算机程序设计艺术》即《The Art of Computer Programming》是计算机领域里颠峰级的里程碑,加上国外人士对它的推崇,所以提起它的大名简直就象法律书籍中的宪法一样神圣。

Donald.E.Knuth(唐 纳德.E.克努特,中文名高德纳)是算法和程序设计技术的先驱者,是计算机排版系统TEX和METAFONT的发明者,他因这些成就和大量创造性的影响深 远的著作(19部书和160篇论文)而誉满全球。作为斯坦福大学计算机程序设计艺术的荣誉退休教授,他当前正全神贯注于完成其关于计算机科学的史诗性的七 卷集。这一伟大工程在1962年他还是加利福尼亚理工学院的研究生时就开始了。
   Knuth教授获得了许多奖项和荣誉,包括美国计算机协会图灵奖(ACM Turing Award),美国前总统卡特授予的科学金奖(Medal
of Science),美国数学学会斯蒂尔奖(AMS Steele

如果你认为你是一名真正优秀的程序员……读Knuth的《计算机程序设计艺术》,如果你能读懂整套书的话,请给我发一份你的简历。--Bill GatesThe Art of Computer Programming

本来早就想想写一个对于Knuth的The Art of Computer Programming的看法。


么说:“谁要是看完了Don Knuth的 The Art of Computer Programming 我就雇用他!”
这样可以显得比一般看过书的人还要高一等。据说Bill Gates就是这么做的。我怀疑他自己看完过没有。
Knuth故意用一个叫 MIX 的处理器的机器语言来写这本书。虽然在新版的书里他设计了一种新的处理器
的是MMIX是在MIX上加了一个“M”,代表Millennium(千禧年)。关于它的专著也起名为 MMIXware---A RISC
Computer for the Third
一个熟人。看清楚了棋盘上每一个棋子能走的地方,却不能赢棋。Dijkstra 说计算科学不应该被叫做"computer
science",就像外科手术不应该叫做"knife science"。可是这关Knuth什么事呢,他的书名叫做 The Art of...


支票这种过时的东西!他明显觉得有他签名的支票,肯定谁也不会拿去兑现,甚至装裱在相框里作为纪念。hmmm... 算你狠~
好了,啰里啰唆。还是看看这个别人写的书评。White elephant,这确实道出了我对这套书的感觉。 (但是评价者有些观点我不能苟同,比如“O(n)表示法足够了”。) 希望以后对 paper 也有这种公开的 comments!;

The Art of Computer Programming

by Donald E. Knuth.

At the end of 1999, these books were named among the best twelve physical-science monographs of the century by American Scientist,
along with: Dirac on quantum mechanics, Einstein on relativity,
Mandelbrot on fractals, Pauling on the chemical bond, Russell and
Whitehead on foundations of mathematics, von Neumann and Morgenstern on
game theory, Wiener on cybernetics, Woodward and Hoffmann on orbital
symmetry, Feynman on quantum electrodynamics, Smith on the search for
structure, and Einstein's collected papers. Wow!

Volume 1

Fundamental Algorithms, Third Edition (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1997), xx+650pp. ISBN 0-201-89683-4
Volume 1 Fascicle 1, MMIX: A RISC Computer for the New Millennium (2005), v+134pp. ISBN 0-201-85392-2

Chapter 1, by Ken Hirose, Kihon Samp? / Kiso Gainen (Tokyo: Saiensu-Sha, 1978), 22+331pp.;
Chapter 2, by Nobuo Yoneda and Katsuhiko Kakehi, Kihon Sampo? / J?h? K?z? (Tokyo: Saiensu-Sha, 1978), 8+373pp.

Translations of previous editions:
Chinese translation by Guan JiWen and Su YunLin, Ji Suan Ji Cheng Xu She Ji Ji Qiao, 1. Juan: Ji Ben Suan Fa (Beijing: Defense Industry Publishing Co., 1980), 14+573pp.
Translations of the third edition:
Chinese translation by Su YunLin, Ji Suan Ji Cheng Xu She Ji Yi Shu, 1. Juan: Ji Ben Suan Fa (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press, 2002), xx+625pp.

Volume 2
Seminumerical Algorithms, Third Edition (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1997), xiv+762pp.
ISBN 0-201-89684-2

Chapter 3, by Masaaki Sibuya, Kihon Samp? / Rans? (Tokyo: Saiensu-Sha, 1982), ii+259pp.;
Chapter 4, by Keisuke Nakagawa, Kihon Samp? / Sanjutsu Enzan (Tokyo: Saiensu-Sha, 1986), xii+536pp.
Translations of previous editions:
Chinese translation by Guan JiWen and Su YunLin, Ji Suan Ji Cheng Xu She Ji Ji Qiao, 2. Juan: Ban Shu Zhi Suan Fa (Beijing: Defense Industry Publishing Co., 1992), 10+622pp.
Translations of the third edition:
Chinese translation by Su YunLin, Ji Suan Ji Cheng Xu She Ji Yi Shu, 2. Juan: Ban Shu Zhi Suan Fa (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press, 2002), xii+760pp.

Volume 3

Sorting and Searching, Second Edition (Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1998), xiv+780pp.+foldout.
ISBN 0-201-89685-0
Translations of the first edition:
Chinese translation by Guan JiWen and Su YunLin, Ji Suan Ji Cheng Xu She Ji Ji Qiao, 3. Juan: Pai Xu He Cha Zhao (Beijing: Defense Industry Publishing Co., 1985), viii+645pp.
Translations of the second edition:
Chinese translation by Su YunLin, Ji Suan Ji Cheng Xu She Ji Yi Shu, 3. Juan: Pai Xu Yu Cha Zhao (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press, 2002), x+779pp.

Volume 4A

Combinatorial Algorithms, Part 1 (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Addison-Wesley, 2011), xvi+883pp.
ISBN 0-201-03804-8

(Preliminary drafts were previously published as paperback fascicles; see below.)

The Remainder of Volume 4
Present plans are for Volume 4A to be the first in a series of several subvolumes 4A, 4B, 4C, ... entitled Combinatorial Algorithms, Part 1, 2, 3, .... The remaining subvolumes, currently in preparation, will have the following general outline:
7.2.2. Basic backtrack
7.2.3. Efficient backtracking
7.3. Shortest paths
7.4. Graph algorithms
7.4.1. Components and traversal
7.4.2. Special classes of graphs
7.4.3. Expander graphs
7.4.4. Random graphs
7.5. Network algorithms
7.5.1. Distinct representatives
7.5.2. The assignment problem
7.5.3. Network flows
7.5.4. Optimum subtrees
7.5.5. Optimum matching
7.5.6. Optimum orderings
7.6. Independence theory
7.6.1. Independence structures
7.6.2. Efficient matroid algorithms
7.7. Discrete dynamic programming
7.8. Branch-and-bound techniques
7.9. Herculean tasks (aka NP-hard problems)
7.10. Near-optimization
8. Recursion
Paperback Fascicles

material for Volume 4 will first appear in beta-test form as fascicles
of approximately 128 pages each, issued approximately twice per year.
These fascicles will represent my best attempt to write a comprehensive
account; but computer science has grown to the point where I cannot hope
to be an authority on all the material covered in these books.
Therefore I'll need feedback from readers in order to prepare the
official volumes later.

For example, the following fascicles appeared before the hardcover edition of Volume 4A was complete.

Volume 4 Fascicle 0, Introduction to Combinatorial Algorithms and Boolean Functions (2008), xii+216pp. ISBN 0-321-53496-4
Volume 4 Fascicle 1, Bitwise Tricks & Techniques; Binary Decision Diagrams (2009), xiii+261pp. ISBN 0-321-58050-8
Volume 4 Fascicle 2, Generating All Tuples and Permutations (2005), v+128pp. ISBN 0-201-85393-0
Volume 4 Fascicle 3, Generating All Combinations and Partitions (2005), vi+150pp. ISBN 0-201-85394-9
Volume 4 Fascicle 4, Generating All Trees; History of Combinatorial Generation (2006), vi+120pp. ISBN 0-321-33570-8

Volume 5
Syntactic Algorithms, in preparation. Estimated to be ready in 2020
        9. Lexical scanning (includes also string search and data compression)

10. Parsing techniques