了解BootLoader——基于MPC5744P Bootloader例程

时间:2022-06-01 18:26:18


  (1)boot:MCU上电时首先会运行BootLoader程序(因为它一般位于PFlash最前面的启动区,接下来会谈到启动区Boot location的概念),BootLoader程序会初始化系统时钟、看门狗等以保证系统的正常运行,此外还会初始化CAN(也可以是串口、SPI等)以实现和上位机的通信。


二、Boot location的概念:Boot location就是每次MCU复位后运行BAM(Boot Assist Module)时寻找合法复位配置半字RCHW(Reset Configuration Harf-Word)和应用程序开始地址(Application Start Address,也可以叫做应用程序复位向量地址(Reset Vector)的区域。复位后CPU将从Boot location0~7依次查找由正确Boot_ID--0x5A组成的合法复位配置半字和应用程序开始地址,从而执行用户应用程序。MPC5744P有8个Boot location,在Flash Memory Map中标明了哪些block可以作为Boot location,如下图:

了解BootLoader——基于MPC5744P Bootloader例程

Boot location的组成如下图所示:

了解BootLoader——基于MPC5744P Bootloader例程

Boot location的起始位置是复位配置半字(RCHW),其结构如下所示。

了解BootLoader——基于MPC5744P Bootloader例程

只有设置了真确的BootID,该Boot location才被识别为可启动的,如BootLoader程序和用户应用程序生成的S19文件:

了解BootLoader——基于MPC5744P Bootloader例程


在BootLoader程序的S19文件第二行中,0x00F98000为Boot location_0的起始地址,也就是RCHW的地址,其中存放的数据为0x01_5A,RCHW的VLE位置1,BOOT_ID为0x5A,即配置该Boot location为可启动的。reserve的16-31位默认为0x00

了解BootLoader——基于MPC5744P Bootloader例程


#define APP_StartAddr (*(uint32_t*)0x00FA0004)
(*(void (*)(void))(APP_StartAddr))();


对BootLoader程序和用户应用程序的 link_file做如下设置:

MEMORY  //BootLoader
{ /*16 KB low flash memory block 2 (boot location 0) from 0x00F98000 to 0x00F9BFFF*/
/*16 KB low flash memory block 3 (boot location 1) from 0x00F9C000 to 0x00F9FFFF*/
/* use the low flash memory block 2 and 3(32KB in total) as bootloader area */ flash_rchw : org = 0x00F98000, len = 0x4
cpu0_reset_vec : org = 0x00F98004, len = 0x4 m_text : org = 0x00F99000, len = 28K /*code flash for bootloader interrupt vector table, startup and boot codes*/ m_data : org = 0x40000000, len = 384K /*system SRAM*/ local_dmem : org = 0x50800000, len = 64K /*CPU core data tightly coupled memory*/
MEMORY  //User App
{ flash_rchw : org = 0x00FA0000, len = 0x4
cpu0_reset_vec : org = 0x00FA0004, len = 0x4 m_text : org = 0x1000000, len = 2048K
m_data : org = 0x40000000, len = 384K local_dmem : org = 0x50800000, len = 64K


了解BootLoader——基于MPC5744P Bootloader例程

了解BootLoader——基于MPC5744P Bootloader例程


了解BootLoader——基于MPC5744P Bootloader例程



    stafno = (srcd_t->addr&0x7)>>;   /* number of uint16_t need to be pre-staffed  */  //if addr is not a multiple of 8-Bytes, get the surplus bytes then >>1
srcd_t->addr &= 0xFFFFFFF8; /* align data base address at 4W */ //about why >>1(divided by 2 regardless odd num addr): maybe there isn't odd address if(stafno)
for(i=srcd_t->dtlen; i>; i--)
srcd_t->data[i+stafno-] = srcd_t->data[i-]; // move forward data in number of stafno srcd_t->dtlen += stafno; // update dtlen while(stafno--)
srcd_t->data[stafno] = 0xFFFF; // pre-staff 0xFFFF
} while((srcd_t->dtlen&0x000003)!=) // need to append post-staffing uint16_t //if data num is a multiple of 4(each data is uint_16, so it's a judge of 64bits - 8bytes)
srcd_t->data[srcd_t->dtlen++] = 0xFFFF; //if not enough 4*uint_16 - 8bytes, padding with 0xFFFF behind data's tail
// conclusion: address is aligned with 8bytes by &0xFFFFFFF8, but data field will not move accordingly,
// it just padding with 0xFF in the front of array, so as to accord with origin address(0x0004) correctly
// address data(uint16) address data(uint16)
// |0x0000| |0x0000|<-- 0xFF
// |0x0002| after |0x0002| 0xFF
// |0x0004|<-- 0x55(data[0]) =======>> |0x0004| 0x55
// |0x0006| 0x66 address |0x0006| 0x66
// |0x0008| 0x77 align |0x0008| 0x77
// |0x000A| 0x88 |0x000A| 0x88
// |0x000C| |0x000C|
// note: (1) i guess that 0xFF will not be recognized as a instruction by CPU, so CPU fetch instruction from 0x0000
// but execute from 0x0004 in fact.
// (2) and note that the graph above is base on the struct SRecord_t,
// so that data[0] is always correspond with base address(SRecord->addr)


typedef struct {
uint32_t addr;
uint32_t dtlen; // num of valid data
uint16_t data[];
} SRecord_t;



了解BootLoader——基于MPC5744P Bootloader例程