ASP-Net Core Sql命令并发问题

时间:2021-10-08 07:48:24

The back end of my application runs on NetCore as a Web API. The front end can be considered unrelated.

我的应用程序的后端在NetCore上作为Web API运行。前端可以被认为是无关的。

Most of my application runs on Entity framework. However I've recently had to implement some custom filtering into one of our DB calls. This Db call is called up to 3 times at once when a page on the web UI is loaded.

我的大多数应用程序都在Entity框架上运行。但是我最近不得不在我们的一个数据库调用中实现一些自定义过滤。当加载Web UI上的页面时,此Db调用最多被调用3次。

I'm having issues with the following code, which is throwing the following error: System.InvalidOperationException: 'The connection was not closed. The connection's current state is open.'


The code:


foreach (var filter in dbFilters)

    var cacheKey = $"matching_filters_id:{matchingConfigId}_filter:{filter.FilterFunctionName}";
    var ids = new List<int>();

    if (!_cache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out ids))
        ids = new List<int>();
        using (var conn = _dbContext.Database.GetDbConnection())
            using (var command = conn.CreateCommand())
                command.CommandText =
                using (var result = command.ExecuteReader())
                    while (!result.IsClosed && result.Read())
                        ids.Add((int) result["ItemId"]);

        var cacheEntryOptions = new MemoryCacheEntryOptions()
        _cache.Set(cacheKey, ids, cacheEntryOptions);

    // Joins filtered list against each filter to make the list smaller.
    firstFilter = firstFilter.Join(ids, o => o.SourceKey, id => id, (o, id) => o).ToArray();

What i'm attempting to do, is filter the list firstFilter which is a POCO containing a few properties. I'm attempting to filter this by joining it to one or more list of filtered ItemIds being returned from multiple different SQL queries. Not the most elegant solution but its what i have to work with.


What i understand to be happening is that as the client is calling this method more then once, the methods are executing concurrently, causing the DB connection to be opened twice at once, causing the connection to fail and the error to be thrown.


I've attempted to stop this from happening by removing the async keyword form my method: public JsonResult GetMatches(int matchingConfigId...... ) but without success. I've also tried to intorduce session into the application, which I've read might cause calls to the same method from one client 'session' to happen in sequence rather then concurrently. But this has not seemed to have any effect.

我试图通过从我的方法中删除async关键字来阻止这种情况发生:public JsonResult GetMatches(int matchingConfigId ......)但没有成功。我还尝试将会话引入应用程序,我读过这可能会导致从一个客户端“会话”调用相同的方法,而不是同时发生。但这似乎没有任何影响。

Of course i might be barking up the entirely wrong tree.. but I've been bashing my head against said tree for most of the day now and I've reached my limit. Any help would be greatly appreciated


1 个解决方案



So it turns out that the variable dbFilters, which came from entity framework, had not been resolved with a ToList() or ToListAsync() yet, so the connection to the DB for that call was still open, causing the subsequent calls in the above piece of code to fail.




So it turns out that the variable dbFilters, which came from entity framework, had not been resolved with a ToList() or ToListAsync() yet, so the connection to the DB for that call was still open, causing the subsequent calls in the above piece of code to fail.
