
时间:2022-05-20 08:29:07

I have two tables in two separate Oracle databases (not schemas) that I need to join in Hibernate. Currently, I have two Hibernate sessions going out to the separate databases. Before anybody says look at Hibernate Shards, I have spent a better part of a day looking at that sub-project and have found that: it is for horizontal partitioned data (all the tables must be in all of the databases AFAIK), there is no way for one to tell Shards to look only in one database (Hibernate Shards Docs), and is no longer being worked on.

我需要在Hibernate中加入两个独立的Oracle数据库(不是模式)中的两个表。目前,我有两个Hibernate会话进入单独的数据库。在任何人看到Hibernate Shards之前,我花了一天时间看着那个子项目并且发现:它是针对水平分区数据(所有表必须在所有数据库AFAIK中),有没有办法告诉Shards只能在一个数据库中查看(Hibernate Shards Docs),而且不再使用它。

Things that I have thought about to try to solve this problem:


  • Doing a findAll() or some restricted variant of that on both of the tables, and manually doing the join using some loops. (Ok for very small tables - prohibitive from small tables on up)

    在两个表上执行findAll()或某些受限制的变体,并使用一些循环手动执行连接。 (适用于非常小的桌子 - 禁止从小桌子上来)

  • Have the sessions do some kind of interaction (I have no idea if this is even feasible - will have to look at the Hibernate Session API)

    让会话进行某种交互(我不知道这是否可行 - 将不得不查看Hibernate Session API)

  • Removing the database name from the URL string of different hibernate-xxxx.cfg.xml and insert them into the separate hbm.xml files like this:
    <class name="foo" table="foo_table" schema="foo_schema" catalog="foo_db">
    (Doesn't seem to work from my initial tests and that seems like truck sized security hole)

    从不同hibernate-xxxx.cfg.xml的URL字符串中删除数据库名称,并将它们插入到单独的hbm.xml文件中,如下所示: (似乎从我的初始测试中看起来不起作用,而且看起来像卡车大小的安全漏洞)

  • Use the Repository Pattern (Unsure if my Java-Fu is strong enough)


Is there something that I'm overlooking in one of the cases above or can it be another way that I haven't listed above?


2 个解决方案



You have a couple of problems unfortunately.


  • Hibernate does not supporting joining across multiple "physical" database instances
  • Hibernate不支持跨多个“物理”数据库实例加入
  • Out of the box, most database don't support joining across multiple "physical" database instances
  • 开箱即用,大多数数据库不支持跨多个“物理”数据库实例加入

Fundamentally DBs are only good/performant at joining tables that are in the same database. There are ways of joining across databases but if the size of both tables is big this can be a problem, and peformance may suffer. Do some googling on "oracle join across database" and you'll find some pointers on how to do this but it involves fiddling around with Oracle create a virtual link from one DB to the other.


I would consider either doing the join in memory, if you are comfortable the data set will fit within the memory constraints AND you are only doing this in one special case.


If you'll need to do different joins between these two databases then I would go for a more permanent solution, like the Oracle linking above.




I have no experience with doing this myself, but I know that Oracle supports database "links" between two separate database instances. Maybe this article will help you?


Post on Hibernate forums about using Oracle link between two instances




You have a couple of problems unfortunately.


  • Hibernate does not supporting joining across multiple "physical" database instances
  • Hibernate不支持跨多个“物理”数据库实例加入
  • Out of the box, most database don't support joining across multiple "physical" database instances
  • 开箱即用,大多数数据库不支持跨多个“物理”数据库实例加入

Fundamentally DBs are only good/performant at joining tables that are in the same database. There are ways of joining across databases but if the size of both tables is big this can be a problem, and peformance may suffer. Do some googling on "oracle join across database" and you'll find some pointers on how to do this but it involves fiddling around with Oracle create a virtual link from one DB to the other.


I would consider either doing the join in memory, if you are comfortable the data set will fit within the memory constraints AND you are only doing this in one special case.


If you'll need to do different joins between these two databases then I would go for a more permanent solution, like the Oracle linking above.




I have no experience with doing this myself, but I know that Oracle supports database "links" between two separate database instances. Maybe this article will help you?


Post on Hibernate forums about using Oracle link between two instances
