
时间:2022-02-05 07:54:38

I have column of type of datetime, that I am using in my stored procedure by declaring the two local variables as @From datetime and @To datetime, but no matter what I do I get the error or it simply run the stored procedure without returning any records(completely blank).

我有一个datetime类型的列,我在存储过程中使用它,通过声明两个本地变量为@From datetime和@To datetime,但是无论我做什么,我都会得到错误,或者它只是运行存储过程而不返回任何记录(完全为空)。

set @mySql ='
select * from abc where (MyDATE between '''+ cast(@From as datetime) +''' and '''+ cast(@To as datetime)+''')'

2 个解决方案



Try to keep your data in variables of the appropriate type, whenever possible.


For instance, here you can do:


--@From and @To are declared previously as datetimes
set @mySql ='select * from abc where (MyDATE between @From and @To)'

--Other code that constructs/works on @mySQL

--Finally, run the dynamic sql:
EXEC sp_executesql @mySql,
                   '@From datetime,@To datetime`,

And everything should work beautifully because you're not forcing back and forth between strings and datetimes, and its those conversions that introduce the opportunity to have formatting issues.




The only "correct" way to do this is to preserve them as parameters inside the dynamic SQL. For example:


set @mySql =N'select * from abc where MyDATE between @from and @to';

exec sp_executesql @mySql, N'@from datetime, @to datetime', @fromOuter, @toOuter;

This keeps them correctly typed in the dynamic code, and avoids both formatting concerns and SQL injection risks. Note that the names inside and outside the dynamic code do not need to match, as shown in the example above (@from and @to are the names in the dynamic code; @fromOuter and @toOuter are the names in the calling code).


Note that it doesn't matter if you pass in more parameters than you actually use (this would be pretty normal for a dynamic filtering method).




Try to keep your data in variables of the appropriate type, whenever possible.


For instance, here you can do:


--@From and @To are declared previously as datetimes
set @mySql ='select * from abc where (MyDATE between @From and @To)'

--Other code that constructs/works on @mySQL

--Finally, run the dynamic sql:
EXEC sp_executesql @mySql,
                   '@From datetime,@To datetime`,

And everything should work beautifully because you're not forcing back and forth between strings and datetimes, and its those conversions that introduce the opportunity to have formatting issues.




The only "correct" way to do this is to preserve them as parameters inside the dynamic SQL. For example:


set @mySql =N'select * from abc where MyDATE between @from and @to';

exec sp_executesql @mySql, N'@from datetime, @to datetime', @fromOuter, @toOuter;

This keeps them correctly typed in the dynamic code, and avoids both formatting concerns and SQL injection risks. Note that the names inside and outside the dynamic code do not need to match, as shown in the example above (@from and @to are the names in the dynamic code; @fromOuter and @toOuter are the names in the calling code).


Note that it doesn't matter if you pass in more parameters than you actually use (this would be pretty normal for a dynamic filtering method).
