
时间:2021-10-10 06:57:35

Currently I was able to optimise performance quite a bit, but it is still somewhat slow :/




My current solution (the fastest atm (but still slow) and keeps order):




router.post('/images', function(req, res, next) {
    var image = bucket.file(req.body.image);
    image.download(function(err, contents) {
        if (err) {
        } else {
            var resultImage = base64_encode(contents);
            var index = req.body.index;
            var returnObject = {
                image: resultImage,
                index: index

client query


$scope.getDataset = function() {

                fb.orderByChild('id').startAt(_start).limitToFirst(_n).once("value", function(dataSnapshot) {

                    dataSnapshot.forEach(function(childDataSnapshot) {
                        _start = childDataSnapshot.child("id").val() + 1;

                        var post = childDataSnapshot.val();
                        var image = post.image;

                        var imageObject = {
                            image: image,
                            index: position
                            type: "POST",
                            url: "images",
                            data: imageObject,
                        }).done(function(result) {
                            post.image = result.image;
                            $scope.data[result.index] = post;
                            firstElementsLoaded = true; 

client HTML


<div ng-controller="ctrl">
        <div class="allcontent">
            <div id="pageContent" ng-repeat="d in data track by $index"><a href="details/{{d.key}}" target="_blank"><h3 class="text-left">{{d.title}}<a href="../users/{{d.author}}"><span class="authorLegend"><i> by {{d.username}}</i></span></a></h3>
                <div class="postImgIndex" ng-show="{{d.upvotes - d.downvotes > -50}}">
                    <a href="details/{{d.key}}" target="_blank"><img class="imgIndex" ng-src="data:image/png;base64,{{d.image}}"></a>
                <div class="postScore">{{d.upvotes - d.downvotes}} HP</div>

4 个解决方案



Your solution is slow because you are downloading the images from your Cloud Storage and serving them on your own server. You get a delay on the download and upload, a ~33% overhead using base64-encoded data, plus your server is strained in delivering images instead of focusing on delivering your website content.


As pointed by many on the comments, the best-practice solution is to use the public URL for the images like so:


function getPublicUrl (filename) {
  return "https://storage.googleapis.com/${CLOUD_BUCKET}/${filename}";

By using the public URL, you are directly serving from Cloud Storage leveraging Google’s global serving infrastructure. And the application does not have to respond to requests for images, freeing up CPU cycles for other requests.


If you do not want bots to crawl your images using the above method, Google recommends using a robots.txt file to block access to your images.




  1. Before optimize, you'd better collect some data, I will show some in the following snippet
  2. 在优化之前,您最好收集一些数据,我将在下面的代码片段中显示一些数据
  3. Looks like base64_encode(contents) may cost a lot CPU, your logic seems to repeatedly doing this. This is guessing, the true bottleneck you have to find it by your self
  4. 看起来base64_encode(内容)可能会花费大量的CPU,您的逻辑似乎反复地这样做。这是猜测,真正的瓶颈是你必须自己找到它
  5. Other suggestions may make less improvement, but that will be much in total effect(gzip\CDN\http2\loadbalance...)
  6. 其他的建议可能不会有太大的改进,但是会有很大的效果(gzip\CDN\http2\loadbalance…)

Optimization Data Collect - Server Side, which operation took too much time


router.post('/images', function(req, res, next) {
  var d = new Date()
  var image = bucket.file(req.body.image);
  image.download(function(err, contents) {
    console.log('download:' + new Date() - d)
    if (err) {
    } else {
      var resultImage = base64_encode(contents);
      console.log('base64_encode:' + new Date() - d)
      var index = req.body.index;
      var returnObject = {
        image: resultImage,
        index: index

Optimization Data Collect - Client Side ()



Spare the use of base64_encode(contents)


$scope.getDataset = function() {

  fb.orderByChild('id').startAt(_start).limitToFirst(_n).once("value", function(dataSnapshot) {

    dataSnapshot.forEach(function(childDataSnapshot, index) {
      _start = childDataSnapshot.child("id").val() + 1;

      var post = childDataSnapshot.val();
        .then((image) => {
          post.image = image;
          $scope.data[index] = post;
          firstElementsLoaded = true;

  function getImageBase64(image1) {
    //without help of server, this will make your app faster
    //network reduced
    //server calculation reduced
    if (CanIUseBucktAndBase64Here) {
      return new Promise((reslove, reject) {
        var image = bucket.file(image1);
        image.download(function(err, contents) {
          if (err) {
          } else {
            //use worker thread might gain better performance
            var resultImage = base64_encode(contents);
    //with help of server
    return $.ajax({
        type: "POST",
        url: "images",
        data: image1,
      .then(result => result.image)

avoid download every time


//------------load all to local suit for less images----------
// if you have many images and you can use cheaper cache like file cache

//--init.js download all images, run only once

//when image updated, let server know and flush cache
server.get('/imageupdated', (req, res) => {
  res.send('got it')

//form cache first
server.post('/image', (req, res) => {
    .then((content) => {
      if (!content) return downfile(req.body.imgid)
      return true
    .then((content) => {
      if (content === true) return


//--common.js download file and cache to memcache
function downfile(imgid) {
  var base64 = ''
  return bucket.download(imgid)
    .then((file) => {
      base64 = base64(file)
      return memcache.set(imgid, base64)
    .then(() => {
      return base64
async function downfileBatch(skip, limit) {
  return cloudDrive.getImages(skip, limit)
    .then((list) => {
      return Promise.all(list.map())
//down load all images
async function downloadAll() {
  var i = 0,
    limit = 5
  while (true) {
    var list = await downfileBatch(i, limit)
    if (list.length < limit) {} else {
      i += limit
  return true



The easiest way to optimize your code is to send a single ajax request to the server-side, rather than performing an ajax request for each of the images.


Remove the ajax calls from the loop. Loop through the collection, gather the data you need to send to the server in an array and then send it via a single ajax request. This will speed things up.


Also, make sure to modify your server-side POST handler so that it can handle the array, you'll be passing from the client-side.




I am unsure how to increase the speed of the delivered files, but the problem of them being out of order is because they are asynchronous. Basically what is happening is that you are telling the server to get you a bunch of files then you wait. once the server sends them to you, you handle them. but you dont know the order they are coming in at. What you need to do is keep track of the order they are arriving. The way to do this is to have some way of tracking information about each post. For example lets say you have


var arr = new Array(10);
for (var i = 0 ; i < arr.length; i++){
    type:"GET" (or whatever type you want),
    data: _____,
    context: {index: i}
    success : function(data){
                 arr[this.index] = data

this should set the values correctly. The syntax might be a little off, but I believe this is the right idea for setting them in the correct order. The important part is setting the context, which will set what "this" is equal to in the success handler




Your solution is slow because you are downloading the images from your Cloud Storage and serving them on your own server. You get a delay on the download and upload, a ~33% overhead using base64-encoded data, plus your server is strained in delivering images instead of focusing on delivering your website content.


As pointed by many on the comments, the best-practice solution is to use the public URL for the images like so:


function getPublicUrl (filename) {
  return "https://storage.googleapis.com/${CLOUD_BUCKET}/${filename}";

By using the public URL, you are directly serving from Cloud Storage leveraging Google’s global serving infrastructure. And the application does not have to respond to requests for images, freeing up CPU cycles for other requests.


If you do not want bots to crawl your images using the above method, Google recommends using a robots.txt file to block access to your images.




  1. Before optimize, you'd better collect some data, I will show some in the following snippet
  2. 在优化之前,您最好收集一些数据,我将在下面的代码片段中显示一些数据
  3. Looks like base64_encode(contents) may cost a lot CPU, your logic seems to repeatedly doing this. This is guessing, the true bottleneck you have to find it by your self
  4. 看起来base64_encode(内容)可能会花费大量的CPU,您的逻辑似乎反复地这样做。这是猜测,真正的瓶颈是你必须自己找到它
  5. Other suggestions may make less improvement, but that will be much in total effect(gzip\CDN\http2\loadbalance...)
  6. 其他的建议可能不会有太大的改进,但是会有很大的效果(gzip\CDN\http2\loadbalance…)

Optimization Data Collect - Server Side, which operation took too much time


router.post('/images', function(req, res, next) {
  var d = new Date()
  var image = bucket.file(req.body.image);
  image.download(function(err, contents) {
    console.log('download:' + new Date() - d)
    if (err) {
    } else {
      var resultImage = base64_encode(contents);
      console.log('base64_encode:' + new Date() - d)
      var index = req.body.index;
      var returnObject = {
        image: resultImage,
        index: index

Optimization Data Collect - Client Side ()



Spare the use of base64_encode(contents)


$scope.getDataset = function() {

  fb.orderByChild('id').startAt(_start).limitToFirst(_n).once("value", function(dataSnapshot) {

    dataSnapshot.forEach(function(childDataSnapshot, index) {
      _start = childDataSnapshot.child("id").val() + 1;

      var post = childDataSnapshot.val();
        .then((image) => {
          post.image = image;
          $scope.data[index] = post;
          firstElementsLoaded = true;

  function getImageBase64(image1) {
    //without help of server, this will make your app faster
    //network reduced
    //server calculation reduced
    if (CanIUseBucktAndBase64Here) {
      return new Promise((reslove, reject) {
        var image = bucket.file(image1);
        image.download(function(err, contents) {
          if (err) {
          } else {
            //use worker thread might gain better performance
            var resultImage = base64_encode(contents);
    //with help of server
    return $.ajax({
        type: "POST",
        url: "images",
        data: image1,
      .then(result => result.image)

avoid download every time


//------------load all to local suit for less images----------
// if you have many images and you can use cheaper cache like file cache

//--init.js download all images, run only once

//when image updated, let server know and flush cache
server.get('/imageupdated', (req, res) => {
  res.send('got it')

//form cache first
server.post('/image', (req, res) => {
    .then((content) => {
      if (!content) return downfile(req.body.imgid)
      return true
    .then((content) => {
      if (content === true) return


//--common.js download file and cache to memcache
function downfile(imgid) {
  var base64 = ''
  return bucket.download(imgid)
    .then((file) => {
      base64 = base64(file)
      return memcache.set(imgid, base64)
    .then(() => {
      return base64
async function downfileBatch(skip, limit) {
  return cloudDrive.getImages(skip, limit)
    .then((list) => {
      return Promise.all(list.map())
//down load all images
async function downloadAll() {
  var i = 0,
    limit = 5
  while (true) {
    var list = await downfileBatch(i, limit)
    if (list.length < limit) {} else {
      i += limit
  return true



The easiest way to optimize your code is to send a single ajax request to the server-side, rather than performing an ajax request for each of the images.


Remove the ajax calls from the loop. Loop through the collection, gather the data you need to send to the server in an array and then send it via a single ajax request. This will speed things up.


Also, make sure to modify your server-side POST handler so that it can handle the array, you'll be passing from the client-side.




I am unsure how to increase the speed of the delivered files, but the problem of them being out of order is because they are asynchronous. Basically what is happening is that you are telling the server to get you a bunch of files then you wait. once the server sends them to you, you handle them. but you dont know the order they are coming in at. What you need to do is keep track of the order they are arriving. The way to do this is to have some way of tracking information about each post. For example lets say you have


var arr = new Array(10);
for (var i = 0 ; i < arr.length; i++){
    type:"GET" (or whatever type you want),
    data: _____,
    context: {index: i}
    success : function(data){
                 arr[this.index] = data

this should set the values correctly. The syntax might be a little off, but I believe this is the right idea for setting them in the correct order. The important part is setting the context, which will set what "this" is equal to in the success handler
