
时间:2022-04-07 05:37:52

Can someone tell me how to change directories using FtpWebRequest? This seems like it should be an easy thing to do, but I'm not seeing it.



I just want to add...I don't have my heart set on FtpWebRequest. If there's a better (easier) way to do FTP in .NET please let me know.


Apparently there's no way to do it using a live connection, you need to change the uri to trick ftpwebrequest into using a different request (thanks Jon).


So I'm looking for a 3rd party client...


Some of the open source solutions I tried didn't work too well (kept crashing), but I found one open source solution that's passed some of my preliminary tests (.NET FTP Client).

我试过的一些开源解决方案效果不好(不断崩溃),但我发现一个开源解决方案通过了一些初步测试(.NET FTP Client)。

3 个解决方案



There's a blog post from Mariya Atanasova which shows how you can fake it - basically you have to put the directory on the URL.

Mariya Atanasova有一篇博文,展示了如何伪造它 - 基本上你必须将目录放在URL上。

I suspect you may be better off with a dedicated FTP library though - one that doesn't try to force everything into the WebRequest way of doing things. I haven't personally used any 3rd party libraries for this, but a search for "FTP library .NET" finds lots of candidates.

我怀疑你可能会更好地使用专用的FTP库 - 一个不会试图强迫所有东西进入WebRequest做事的方式。我没有亲自使用任何第三方库,但搜索“FTP库.NET”找到了很多候选人。

Edit: jcolebrand (in case of 2006 blog linkrot possibility)

Many customers ask us how they can use the CWD command with our FtpWebRequest.


The answer is: you cannot use the command directly, but you can modify the uri parameter to achieve the same result.


Let's say you're using the following format:


String uri = "ftp://myFtpUserName:myFtpUserPassword@myFtpUrl";
FtpWebRequest Request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);
Request.Method = "LIST";

The above example will bring you to your user's directory and list all the contents there. Now let's say you want to go 2 directories backwards and list the contents there (provided your user has permissions to do that). You close the previous FtpWebRequest and issue a new one with this uri


uri = "ftp://myFtpUserName:myFtpUserPassword@myFtpUrl/%2E%2E/%2E%2E";

This is equivalent to logging in with your user's credentials and then using cd ../../

这相当于使用您的用户凭据登录,然后使用cd ../../

Note: if you try using the ”..” directly without escaping them the uri class will strip them, so "ftp://myFtpUserName:myFtpUserPassword@myFtpUrl/../.." is equivalent to "ftp://myFtpUserName:myFtpUserPassword@myFtpUrl/"

注意:如果您尝试直接使用“..”而不转义它们,则uri类将删除它们,因此“ftp:// myFtpUserName:myFtpUserPassword @ myFtpUrl /../ ..”相当于“ftp:// myFtpUserName: myFtpUserPassword @ myFtpUrl /”

Now let's say you want to go to another user's directory which is one level above the root. If you don't specify a user name and password it's equivalent to logging in as anonymous user. Then you issue a new FtpWebRequest with the following uri



This is equivalent to logging in as anonymous and then doing


Cd /
cd anotherUserDirectory



You have to close the current connection:



And open a new one with an other uri:


uri = "ftp://example.com/%2F/directory" //Go to a forward directory (cd directory)
uri = "ftp://example.com/%2E%2E" //Go to the previously directory (cd ../)

FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);



Instead of using ListDirectory method of FTPWebRequest you can use ListDirectoryDetails method of FtpWebRequest .


From That you can use regular expression to get value you want. Thats it,It work fine for me in my case




There's a blog post from Mariya Atanasova which shows how you can fake it - basically you have to put the directory on the URL.

Mariya Atanasova有一篇博文,展示了如何伪造它 - 基本上你必须将目录放在URL上。

I suspect you may be better off with a dedicated FTP library though - one that doesn't try to force everything into the WebRequest way of doing things. I haven't personally used any 3rd party libraries for this, but a search for "FTP library .NET" finds lots of candidates.

我怀疑你可能会更好地使用专用的FTP库 - 一个不会试图强迫所有东西进入WebRequest做事的方式。我没有亲自使用任何第三方库,但搜索“FTP库.NET”找到了很多候选人。

Edit: jcolebrand (in case of 2006 blog linkrot possibility)

Many customers ask us how they can use the CWD command with our FtpWebRequest.


The answer is: you cannot use the command directly, but you can modify the uri parameter to achieve the same result.


Let's say you're using the following format:


String uri = "ftp://myFtpUserName:myFtpUserPassword@myFtpUrl";
FtpWebRequest Request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);
Request.Method = "LIST";

The above example will bring you to your user's directory and list all the contents there. Now let's say you want to go 2 directories backwards and list the contents there (provided your user has permissions to do that). You close the previous FtpWebRequest and issue a new one with this uri


uri = "ftp://myFtpUserName:myFtpUserPassword@myFtpUrl/%2E%2E/%2E%2E";

This is equivalent to logging in with your user's credentials and then using cd ../../

这相当于使用您的用户凭据登录,然后使用cd ../../

Note: if you try using the ”..” directly without escaping them the uri class will strip them, so "ftp://myFtpUserName:myFtpUserPassword@myFtpUrl/../.." is equivalent to "ftp://myFtpUserName:myFtpUserPassword@myFtpUrl/"

注意:如果您尝试直接使用“..”而不转义它们,则uri类将删除它们,因此“ftp:// myFtpUserName:myFtpUserPassword @ myFtpUrl /../ ..”相当于“ftp:// myFtpUserName: myFtpUserPassword @ myFtpUrl /”

Now let's say you want to go to another user's directory which is one level above the root. If you don't specify a user name and password it's equivalent to logging in as anonymous user. Then you issue a new FtpWebRequest with the following uri



This is equivalent to logging in as anonymous and then doing


Cd /
cd anotherUserDirectory



You have to close the current connection:



And open a new one with an other uri:


uri = "ftp://example.com/%2F/directory" //Go to a forward directory (cd directory)
uri = "ftp://example.com/%2E%2E" //Go to the previously directory (cd ../)

FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);



Instead of using ListDirectory method of FTPWebRequest you can use ListDirectoryDetails method of FtpWebRequest .


From That you can use regular expression to get value you want. Thats it,It work fine for me in my case
