
时间:2022-06-05 06:22:31

I'm working through the problems in Project Euler as a way of learning Haskell, and I find that my programs are a lot slower than a comparable C version, even when compiled. What can I do to speed up my Haskell programs?

作为学习Haskell的一种方式,我正在解决Project Euler中的问题,我发现我的程序比可比的C版本慢得多,即使编译后也是如此。我能做什么来加速我的Haskell程序?

For example, my brute-force solution to Problem 14 is:


import Data.Int
import Data.Ord
import Data.List

searchTo = 1000000

nextNumber :: Int64 -> Int64
nextNumber n
    | even n    = n `div` 2
    | otherwise = 3 * n + 1

sequenceLength :: Int64 -> Int
sequenceLength 1 = 1
sequenceLength n = 1 + (sequenceLength next)
    where next = nextNumber n

longestSequence = maximumBy (comparing sequenceLength) [1..searchTo]

main = putStrLn $ show $ longestSequence

Which takes around 220 seconds, while an "equivalent" brute-force C version only takes 1.2 seconds.


#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int longest = 0;
    int terms = 0;
    int i;
    unsigned long j;

    for (i = 1; i <= 1000000; i++)
        j = i;
        int this_terms = 1;

        while (j != 1)

            if (this_terms > terms)
                terms = this_terms;
                longest = i;

            if (j % 2 == 0)
                j = j / 2;
                j = 3 * j + 1;

    printf("%d\n", longest);
    return 0;

What am I doing wrong? Or am I naive to think that Haskell could even approach C's speed?


(I'm compiling the C version with gcc -O2, and the Haskell version with ghc --make -O).

(我用gcc -O2编译C版本,用ghc编译Haskell版本——make -O)。

5 个解决方案



For testing purpose I have just set searchTo = 100000. The time taken is 7.34s. A few modification leads to some big improvement:

为了测试目的,我设置了searchTo = 100000。所花的时间是7.34秒。一些修改导致了一些大的改进:

  1. Use an Integer instead of Int64. This improves the time to 1.75s.


  2. Use an accumulator (you don't need sequenceLength to be lazy right?) 1.54s.


    seqLen2 :: Int -> Integer -> Int
    seqLen2 a 1 = a
    seqLen2 a n = seqLen2 (a+1) (nextNumber n)
    sequenceLength :: Integer -> Int
    sequenceLength = seqLen2 1
  3. Rewrite the nextNumber using quotRem, thus avoiding computing the division twice (once in even and once in div). 1.27s.

    使用quotRem重写下一个数字,从而避免计算两次除法(一次为偶数,一次为div)。1.27 s。

    nextNumber :: Integer -> Integer
    nextNumber n 
        | r == 0    = q
        | otherwise = 6*q + 4
        where (q,r) = quotRem n 2 
  4. Use Schwartzian transform instead of maximumBy. The problem of maximumBy . comparing is that the sequenceLength function is called more than once for each value. 0.32s.

    用Schwartzian变换代替maximumBy。极大值问题。比较的是,对每个值调用sequenceLength函数的次数不止一次。0.32 s。

    longestSequence = snd $ maximum [(sequenceLength a, a) | a <- [1..searchTo]]



  • I check the time by compiling with ghc -O and run with +RTS -s)
  • 我使用ghc -O编译并使用+RTS -s运行来检查时间)
  • My machine is running on Mac OS X 10.6. The GHC version is 6.12.2. The compiled file is in i386 architecture.)
  • 我的机器在Mac OS X 10.6上运行。GHC版本是6.12.2。编译后的文件在i386架构中。
  • The C problem runs at 0.078s with the corresponding parameter. It is compiled with gcc -O3 -m32.
  • C问题的参数为0.078s。它是用gcc -O3 -m32编译的。



Although this is already rather old, let me chime in, there's one crucial point that hasn't been addressed before.


First, the timings of the different programmes on my box. Since I'm on a 64-bit linux system, they show somewhat different characteristics: using Integer instead of Int64 does not improve performance as it would with a 32-bit GHC, where each Int64 operation would incur the cost of a C-call while the computations with Integers fitting in signed 32-bit integers don't need a foreign call (since only few operations exceed that range here, Integer is the better choice on a 32-bit GHC).


  • C: 0.3 seconds
  • C:0.3秒
  • Original Haskell: 14.24 seconds, using Integer instead of Int64: 33.96 seconds
  • 原始Haskell: 14.24秒,使用整数代替Int64: 33.96秒
  • KennyTM's improved version: 5.55 seconds, using Int: 1.85 seconds
  • KennyTM的改进版本:5.55秒,使用Int: 1.85秒
  • Chris Kuklewicz's version: 5.73 seconds, using Int: 1.90 seconds
  • Chris Kuklewicz的版本:5.73秒,使用Int: 1.90秒
  • FUZxxl's version: 3.56 seconds, using quotRem instead of divMod: 1.79 seconds
  • FUZxxl版本:3.56秒,用quotRem代替divMod: 1.79秒

So what have we?


  1. Calculate the length with an accumulator so the compiler can transform it (basically) into a loop
  2. 使用累加器计算长度,这样编译器就可以(基本上)将其转换为循环
  3. Don't recalculate the sequence lengths for the comparisons
  4. 不要为比较重新计算序列长度
  5. Don't use div resp. divMod when it's not necessary, quot resp. quotRem are much faster
  6. 不要使用div职责。在不必要的时候离开," resp "。quotRem要快得多

What is still missing?


if (j % 2 == 0)
    j = j / 2;
    j = 3 * j + 1;

Any C compiler I have used transforms the test j % 2 == 0 into a bit-masking and doesn't use a division instruction. GHC does not (yet) do that. So testing even n or computing n `quotRem` 2 is quite an expensive operation. Replacing nextNumber in KennyTM's Integer version with

我使用的任何C编译器都将测试j % 2 == 0转换为位屏蔽,并且不使用除法指令。GHC还没有这么做。所以即使是测试n或计算n ' quotRem ' 2都是非常昂贵的操作。在KennyTM的整数版本中替换nextNumber。

nextNumber :: Integer -> Integer
nextNumber n
    | fromInteger n .&. 1 == (0 :: Int) = n `quot` 2
    | otherwise = 3*n+1

reduces its running time to 3.25 seconds (Note: for Integer, n `quot` 2 is faster than n `shiftR` 1, that takes 12.69 seconds!).

将其运行时间减少到3.25秒(注意:对于整数,n ' ' ' 2比n ' shiftR ' 1快,这需要12.69秒!)

Doing the same in the Int version reduces its running time to 0.41 seconds. For Ints, the bit-shift for division by 2 is a bit faster than the quot operation, reducing its running time to 0.39 seconds.


Eliminating the construction of the list (that doesn't appear in the C version either),


module Main (main) where

import Data.Bits

result :: Int
result = findMax 0 0 1

findMax :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
findMax start len can
    | can > 1000000 = start
    | canlen > len = findMax can canlen (can+1)
    | otherwise = findMax start len (can+1)
        canlen = findLen 1 can

findLen :: Int -> Int -> Int
findLen l 1 = l
findLen l n
    | n .&. 1 == 0  = findLen (l+1) (n `shiftR` 1)
    | otherwise     = findLen (l+1) (3*n+1)

main :: IO ()
main = print result

yields a further small speedup, resulting in a running time of 0.37 seconds.


So the Haskell version that's in close correspondence to the C version doesn't take that much longer, it's a factor of ~1.3.


Well, let's be fair, there's an inefficiency in the C version that's not present in the Haskell versions,


if (this_terms > terms)
    terms = this_terms;
    longest = i;

appearing in the inner loop. Lifting that out of the inner loop in the C version reduces its running time to 0.27 seconds, making the factor ~1.4.




The comparing may be recomputing sequenceLength too much. This is my best version:


type I = Integer
data P = P {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !I deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

searchTo = 1000000

nextNumber :: I -> I
nextNumber n = case quotRem n 2 of
                  (n2,0) -> n2
                  _ -> 3*n+1

sequenceLength :: I -> Int
sequenceLength x = count x 1 where
  count 1 acc = acc
  count n acc = count (nextNumber n) (succ acc)

longestSequence = maximum . map (\i -> P (sequenceLength i) i) $ [1..searchTo]

main = putStrLn $ show $ longestSequence

The answer and timing are slower than C, but it does use arbitrary precision integers (through the Integer type):


ghc -O2 --make euler14-fgij.hs
time ./euler14-fgij
P 525 837799

real 0m3.235s
user 0m3.184s
sys  0m0.015s



Haskell's lists are heap-based, whereas your C code is exceedingly tight and makes no heap use at all. You need to refactor to remove the dependency on lists.




Even if I'm a bit late, here is mine, I removed the dependency on lists and this solution uses no heap at all too.


{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-- Compiled with ghc -O2 -fvia-C -optc-O3 -Wall euler.hs
module Main (main) where

searchTo :: Int
searchTo = 1000000

nextNumber :: Int -> Int
nextNumber n = case n `divMod` 2 of
   (k,0) -> k
   _     -> 3*n + 1

sequenceLength :: Int -> Int
sequenceLength n = sl 1 n where
  sl k 1 = k
  sl k x = sl (k + 1) (nextNumber x)

longestSequence :: Int
longestSequence = testValues 1 0 0 where
  testValues number !longest !longestNum
    | number > searchTo     = longestNum
    | otherwise            = testValues (number + 1) longest' longestNum' where
    nlength  = sequenceLength number
    (longest',longestNum') = if nlength > longest
      then (nlength,number)
      else (longest,longestNum)

main :: IO ()
main = print longestSequence

I compiled this piece with ghc -O2 -fvia-C -optc-O3 -Wall euler.hs and it runs in 5 secs, compared to 80 of the beginning implementation. It doesn't uses Integer, but because I'm on a 64-bit machine, the results may be cheated.

我用ghc -O2 - fva - c -optc-O3 -Wall euler编写了这篇文章。hs和它在5秒内运行,相比之下,最初的实现是80秒。它不使用整数,但是因为我在64位机器上,结果可能会被欺骗。

The compiler can unbox all Ints in this case, resulting in really fast code. It runs faster than all other solutions I've seen so far, but C is still faster.




For testing purpose I have just set searchTo = 100000. The time taken is 7.34s. A few modification leads to some big improvement:

为了测试目的,我设置了searchTo = 100000。所花的时间是7.34秒。一些修改导致了一些大的改进:

  1. Use an Integer instead of Int64. This improves the time to 1.75s.


  2. Use an accumulator (you don't need sequenceLength to be lazy right?) 1.54s.


    seqLen2 :: Int -> Integer -> Int
    seqLen2 a 1 = a
    seqLen2 a n = seqLen2 (a+1) (nextNumber n)
    sequenceLength :: Integer -> Int
    sequenceLength = seqLen2 1
  3. Rewrite the nextNumber using quotRem, thus avoiding computing the division twice (once in even and once in div). 1.27s.

    使用quotRem重写下一个数字,从而避免计算两次除法(一次为偶数,一次为div)。1.27 s。

    nextNumber :: Integer -> Integer
    nextNumber n 
        | r == 0    = q
        | otherwise = 6*q + 4
        where (q,r) = quotRem n 2 
  4. Use Schwartzian transform instead of maximumBy. The problem of maximumBy . comparing is that the sequenceLength function is called more than once for each value. 0.32s.

    用Schwartzian变换代替maximumBy。极大值问题。比较的是,对每个值调用sequenceLength函数的次数不止一次。0.32 s。

    longestSequence = snd $ maximum [(sequenceLength a, a) | a <- [1..searchTo]]



  • I check the time by compiling with ghc -O and run with +RTS -s)
  • 我使用ghc -O编译并使用+RTS -s运行来检查时间)
  • My machine is running on Mac OS X 10.6. The GHC version is 6.12.2. The compiled file is in i386 architecture.)
  • 我的机器在Mac OS X 10.6上运行。GHC版本是6.12.2。编译后的文件在i386架构中。
  • The C problem runs at 0.078s with the corresponding parameter. It is compiled with gcc -O3 -m32.
  • C问题的参数为0.078s。它是用gcc -O3 -m32编译的。



Although this is already rather old, let me chime in, there's one crucial point that hasn't been addressed before.


First, the timings of the different programmes on my box. Since I'm on a 64-bit linux system, they show somewhat different characteristics: using Integer instead of Int64 does not improve performance as it would with a 32-bit GHC, where each Int64 operation would incur the cost of a C-call while the computations with Integers fitting in signed 32-bit integers don't need a foreign call (since only few operations exceed that range here, Integer is the better choice on a 32-bit GHC).


  • C: 0.3 seconds
  • C:0.3秒
  • Original Haskell: 14.24 seconds, using Integer instead of Int64: 33.96 seconds
  • 原始Haskell: 14.24秒,使用整数代替Int64: 33.96秒
  • KennyTM's improved version: 5.55 seconds, using Int: 1.85 seconds
  • KennyTM的改进版本:5.55秒,使用Int: 1.85秒
  • Chris Kuklewicz's version: 5.73 seconds, using Int: 1.90 seconds
  • Chris Kuklewicz的版本:5.73秒,使用Int: 1.90秒
  • FUZxxl's version: 3.56 seconds, using quotRem instead of divMod: 1.79 seconds
  • FUZxxl版本:3.56秒,用quotRem代替divMod: 1.79秒

So what have we?


  1. Calculate the length with an accumulator so the compiler can transform it (basically) into a loop
  2. 使用累加器计算长度,这样编译器就可以(基本上)将其转换为循环
  3. Don't recalculate the sequence lengths for the comparisons
  4. 不要为比较重新计算序列长度
  5. Don't use div resp. divMod when it's not necessary, quot resp. quotRem are much faster
  6. 不要使用div职责。在不必要的时候离开," resp "。quotRem要快得多

What is still missing?


if (j % 2 == 0)
    j = j / 2;
    j = 3 * j + 1;

Any C compiler I have used transforms the test j % 2 == 0 into a bit-masking and doesn't use a division instruction. GHC does not (yet) do that. So testing even n or computing n `quotRem` 2 is quite an expensive operation. Replacing nextNumber in KennyTM's Integer version with

我使用的任何C编译器都将测试j % 2 == 0转换为位屏蔽,并且不使用除法指令。GHC还没有这么做。所以即使是测试n或计算n ' quotRem ' 2都是非常昂贵的操作。在KennyTM的整数版本中替换nextNumber。

nextNumber :: Integer -> Integer
nextNumber n
    | fromInteger n .&. 1 == (0 :: Int) = n `quot` 2
    | otherwise = 3*n+1

reduces its running time to 3.25 seconds (Note: for Integer, n `quot` 2 is faster than n `shiftR` 1, that takes 12.69 seconds!).

将其运行时间减少到3.25秒(注意:对于整数,n ' ' ' 2比n ' shiftR ' 1快,这需要12.69秒!)

Doing the same in the Int version reduces its running time to 0.41 seconds. For Ints, the bit-shift for division by 2 is a bit faster than the quot operation, reducing its running time to 0.39 seconds.


Eliminating the construction of the list (that doesn't appear in the C version either),


module Main (main) where

import Data.Bits

result :: Int
result = findMax 0 0 1

findMax :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
findMax start len can
    | can > 1000000 = start
    | canlen > len = findMax can canlen (can+1)
    | otherwise = findMax start len (can+1)
        canlen = findLen 1 can

findLen :: Int -> Int -> Int
findLen l 1 = l
findLen l n
    | n .&. 1 == 0  = findLen (l+1) (n `shiftR` 1)
    | otherwise     = findLen (l+1) (3*n+1)

main :: IO ()
main = print result

yields a further small speedup, resulting in a running time of 0.37 seconds.


So the Haskell version that's in close correspondence to the C version doesn't take that much longer, it's a factor of ~1.3.


Well, let's be fair, there's an inefficiency in the C version that's not present in the Haskell versions,


if (this_terms > terms)
    terms = this_terms;
    longest = i;

appearing in the inner loop. Lifting that out of the inner loop in the C version reduces its running time to 0.27 seconds, making the factor ~1.4.




The comparing may be recomputing sequenceLength too much. This is my best version:


type I = Integer
data P = P {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !I deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

searchTo = 1000000

nextNumber :: I -> I
nextNumber n = case quotRem n 2 of
                  (n2,0) -> n2
                  _ -> 3*n+1

sequenceLength :: I -> Int
sequenceLength x = count x 1 where
  count 1 acc = acc
  count n acc = count (nextNumber n) (succ acc)

longestSequence = maximum . map (\i -> P (sequenceLength i) i) $ [1..searchTo]

main = putStrLn $ show $ longestSequence

The answer and timing are slower than C, but it does use arbitrary precision integers (through the Integer type):


ghc -O2 --make euler14-fgij.hs
time ./euler14-fgij
P 525 837799

real 0m3.235s
user 0m3.184s
sys  0m0.015s



Haskell's lists are heap-based, whereas your C code is exceedingly tight and makes no heap use at all. You need to refactor to remove the dependency on lists.




Even if I'm a bit late, here is mine, I removed the dependency on lists and this solution uses no heap at all too.


{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-- Compiled with ghc -O2 -fvia-C -optc-O3 -Wall euler.hs
module Main (main) where

searchTo :: Int
searchTo = 1000000

nextNumber :: Int -> Int
nextNumber n = case n `divMod` 2 of
   (k,0) -> k
   _     -> 3*n + 1

sequenceLength :: Int -> Int
sequenceLength n = sl 1 n where
  sl k 1 = k
  sl k x = sl (k + 1) (nextNumber x)

longestSequence :: Int
longestSequence = testValues 1 0 0 where
  testValues number !longest !longestNum
    | number > searchTo     = longestNum
    | otherwise            = testValues (number + 1) longest' longestNum' where
    nlength  = sequenceLength number
    (longest',longestNum') = if nlength > longest
      then (nlength,number)
      else (longest,longestNum)

main :: IO ()
main = print longestSequence

I compiled this piece with ghc -O2 -fvia-C -optc-O3 -Wall euler.hs and it runs in 5 secs, compared to 80 of the beginning implementation. It doesn't uses Integer, but because I'm on a 64-bit machine, the results may be cheated.

我用ghc -O2 - fva - c -optc-O3 -Wall euler编写了这篇文章。hs和它在5秒内运行,相比之下,最初的实现是80秒。它不使用整数,但是因为我在64位机器上,结果可能会被欺骗。

The compiler can unbox all Ints in this case, resulting in really fast code. It runs faster than all other solutions I've seen so far, but C is still faster.
