以小时和分钟计算两列之间的Pandas DataFrame时差

时间:2020-12-22 19:16:26

I have two columns from and to date in a dataframe


when I try add new column diff with to find the difference between two date using


df['diff'] = df['todate'] - df['fromdate']

I get the diff column in days if more than 24 hours.


2014-01-24 13:03:12.050000,2014-01-26 23:41:21.870000,"2 days, 10:38:09.820000"
2014-01-27 11:57:18.240000,2014-01-27 15:38:22.540000,03:41:04.300000
2014-01-23 10:07:47.660000,2014-01-23 18:50:41.420000,08:42:53.760000

How do I convert my results only in hours and minutes ignoring days and even seconds.


2 个解决方案



Pandas timestamp differences returns a datetime.timedelta object. This can easily be converted into hours by using the *as_type* method, like so

Pandas时间戳差异返回datetime.timedelta对象。这可以通过使用* as_type *方法轻松转换为小时,就像这样

import pandas
df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=['to','fr','ans'])
df.to = [pandas.Timestamp('2014-01-24 13:03:12.050000'), pandas.Timestamp('2014-01-27 11:57:18.240000'), pandas.Timestamp('2014-01-23 10:07:47.660000')]
df.fr = [pandas.Timestamp('2014-01-26 23:41:21.870000'), pandas.Timestamp('2014-01-27 15:38:22.540000'), pandas.Timestamp('2014-01-23 18:50:41.420000')]

to yield,


0    58
1     3
2     8
dtype: float64



This was driving me bonkers as the .astype() solution above didn't work for me. But I found another way. Haven't timed it or anything, but might work for others out there:


t1 = pd.to_datetime('1/1/2015 01:00')
t2 = pd.to_datetime('1/1/2015 03:30')

print pd.Timedelta(t2 - t1).seconds / 3600.0

...if you want hours. Or:


print pd.Timedelta(t2 - t1).seconds / 60.0

...if you want minutes.




Pandas timestamp differences returns a datetime.timedelta object. This can easily be converted into hours by using the *as_type* method, like so

Pandas时间戳差异返回datetime.timedelta对象。这可以通过使用* as_type *方法轻松转换为小时,就像这样

import pandas
df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=['to','fr','ans'])
df.to = [pandas.Timestamp('2014-01-24 13:03:12.050000'), pandas.Timestamp('2014-01-27 11:57:18.240000'), pandas.Timestamp('2014-01-23 10:07:47.660000')]
df.fr = [pandas.Timestamp('2014-01-26 23:41:21.870000'), pandas.Timestamp('2014-01-27 15:38:22.540000'), pandas.Timestamp('2014-01-23 18:50:41.420000')]

to yield,


0    58
1     3
2     8
dtype: float64



This was driving me bonkers as the .astype() solution above didn't work for me. But I found another way. Haven't timed it or anything, but might work for others out there:


t1 = pd.to_datetime('1/1/2015 01:00')
t2 = pd.to_datetime('1/1/2015 03:30')

print pd.Timedelta(t2 - t1).seconds / 3600.0

...if you want hours. Or:


print pd.Timedelta(t2 - t1).seconds / 60.0

...if you want minutes.
