使用jquery mobile加载服务器端页面

时间:2022-04-22 05:38:49

please i load a server side page using ajax on my jquery mobile page with this code


 <script language="javascript">
$('#try').bind('pageshow', function (){

    var url = window.location.search.substring(1);

    $('#try').load('real_news.asp?'+ url);

But the problem is when i load the page into the div, it doesn't load but reads out the code in the div like this:



<!--#include file="../Connections/tv.asp" -->
Dim rs_read__MMColParam
rs_read__MMColParam = "1"
If (Request.QueryString("news_id")  <> "") Then 
  rs_read__MMColParam = Request.QueryString("news_id") 
End If
Dim rs_read
Dim rs_read_cmd
Dim rs_read_numRows

Set rs_read_cmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
rs_read_cmd.ActiveConnection = MM_tv_STRING
rs_read_cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM news_update WHERE news_id = ?" 
rs_read_cmd.Prepared = true
rs_read_cmd.Parameters.Append rs_read_cmd.CreateParameter("param1", 5, 1, -1, rs_read__MMColParam) ' adDouble

Set rs_read = rs_read_cmd.Execute
rs_read_numRows = 0

1 个解决方案



Sound like the asp page is not interpreted. Are you running the code on IIS server? Also check if the asp extension is resisted on IIS. By default ASP is not installed on IIS 7.5. Check this link for more info or how to enable ASP (classic) on IIS7.5

声音就像asp页面没有被解释。你在IIS服务器上运行代码吗?还要检查IIS上是否阻止了asp扩展。默认情况下,IIS 7.5上未安装ASP。有关详细信息或如何在IIS7.5上启用ASP(经典),请查看此链接



Sound like the asp page is not interpreted. Are you running the code on IIS server? Also check if the asp extension is resisted on IIS. By default ASP is not installed on IIS 7.5. Check this link for more info or how to enable ASP (classic) on IIS7.5

声音就像asp页面没有被解释。你在IIS服务器上运行代码吗?还要检查IIS上是否阻止了asp扩展。默认情况下,IIS 7.5上未安装ASP。有关详细信息或如何在IIS7.5上启用ASP(经典),请查看此链接