IIS和64位Windows Server 2008中的错误429

时间:2021-07-15 05:22:55

I am trying to deploy a 32bit ASP web app on Server 2008 and IIS 7.

我正在尝试在Server 2008和IIS 7上部署32位ASP Web应用程序。

I have another server where the app is running fine, but on this server, every time I load the ASP Page that calls one of my DLL's I get Error 429: ActiveX component can't create object in DLL.


I have tried all of the fixes I have found online for this problem, including the following: Enable 32Bit applications on the app pool. ReRegister the DLL's (using RegSvr32) from the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 Folder

我已尝试在线找到此问题的所有修复程序,包括以下内容:在应用程序池上启用32Bit应用程序。从C:\ Windows \ SysWOW64文件夹重新注册DLL(使用RegSvr32)

When I run the SysInternals Process Monitor and compare the results, the main thing I notice is that on the machine that runs properly, when I load the page there is an even mix of activity between the dllhost.exe prcoess and w3wp.exe process.

当我运行SysInternals进程监视器并比较结果时,我注意到的主要事情是在正常运行的机器上,当我加载页面时,dllhost.exe prcoess和w3wp.exe进程之间存在均匀的混合活动。

In the server that fails I see calls to the registry that aren't getting made in the successful server, including a few that I don't have any idea what they are: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VBA\Monitors HKCR\Wow6432Node\Interface{6F255EB7-E73A-4579-B0EC-045FBC00992D}\InterfaceHelperDisableTypeLib HKCR\Wow6432Node\Interface{6F255EB7-E73A-4579-B0EC-045FBC00992D}\InterfaceHelperDisableAll HKCR\Wow6432Node\Interface{6F255EB7-E73A-4579-B0EC-045FBC00992D}\InterfaceHelperUser

在失败的服务器中,我看到在成功的服务器中没有进入注册表的调用,包括一些我不知道它们是什么:HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Wow6432Node \ Microsoft \ VBA \ Monitors HKCR \ Wow6432Node \ Interface {6F255EB7-E73A-4579-B0EC-045FBC00992D} \ InterfaceHelperDisableTypeLib HKCR \ Wow6432Node \ Interface {6F255EB7-E73A-4579-B0EC-045FBC00992D} \ InterfaceHelperDisableAll HKCR \ Wow6432Node \ Interface {6F255EB7-E73A-4579-B0EC-045FBC00992D} \ InterfaceHelperUser

And all of these calls are made using the dllhost.exe process. The w3wp.exe process doesn't come in again until it's time to present the error page.


I should mention that these are two brand new servers. We have not been able to identify the configuration difference between them.


Also worth mentioning, even though I am expected to support this app, I have no access to source code, and cannot execute the source in any kind of debug mode with break points or anything like that.


I strongly suspect that there is some sort of configuration error with the way we are trying to run this 32bit code on a 64bit server, but I am out of ideas for how to prove it, or leads on how to fix it.


Thanks, Bill


UPDATE: The problem turned out to be a .tlb file that needed to be regenerated. Some of the few people in my company that do C# development and are allowed to look at source code found pretty quickly that one of the DLL's that runs the app had a method available to do it. They whipped up a VB script that called it to generate the file and everything was up and running again.


I don't know enough about Windows development to know what a .tlb is or why that worked but the moral of the story is if you have a 32bit web app that won't run on a 64bit (maybe any server?) Windows server because of error 429, take a good look at your .tlb file. Just don't ask me what you should be looking for.


1 个解决方案



Have you made sure that you have enabled IIS to run 32bit applications?


On you application pool, right-click and choose "Advanced Settings"


Then under General ensure "Enable 32-bit Applications is "True"


Typically this is set to "False" by default.


This also worked for me http://support.microsoft.com/kb/177394


IIS和64位Windows Server 2008中的错误429



Have you made sure that you have enabled IIS to run 32bit applications?


On you application pool, right-click and choose "Advanced Settings"


Then under General ensure "Enable 32-bit Applications is "True"


Typically this is set to "False" by default.


This also worked for me http://support.microsoft.com/kb/177394


IIS和64位Windows Server 2008中的错误429