
时间:2022-02-07 04:14:28

I have bash script with some statistic like disk info, memory use and so. But it shows information only once after script running and close. Can i make this script running repeatly ("htop" for example) or something like that? I want this info to update after 5-10 sec. Thanks!


3 个解决方案



A slight improvement to my comment: if your script exits with true (e.g. when it ends with exit 0), you can run

对我的评论有一点小小的改进:如果您的脚本以true退出(例如,当它以exit 0结束时),您可以运行

while script; do sleep 10; done

This is the canonical way to repeat a command as long as it doesn't fail.




In linux you can use the watch program to repeat an action. Assuming that script.sh is executable:


watch -n 10 path/to/script.sh

Would run it every 10 seconds.


To make your script executable, you can use chmod +x script.sh. Don't forget to add the shebang

要使脚本可执行,可以使用chmod +x script.sh。不要忘记添加shebang


to the first line (assuming that it's a bash script).


If you're running the script from your current directory, you can then do:


watch -n 10 ./script.sh



As mentioned in a comment you need to wrap the script in an unconditional loop:


while :; do script; sleep 10; done

Depending on the script logic instead of the sleep 10 you may want to put different for instance the read - for the input data on the file/socket stdin. This will assure you script will not wake until some data to process will be present and if the data will be present the script will not take any time to wake.

根据脚本逻辑而不是sleep 10,您可能想要为文件/套接字stdin上的输入数据放置不同的内容,例如read -。这将确保您的脚本不会被唤醒,直到有一些数据出现,并且如果数据出现,脚本将不会花费任何时间来唤醒。



A slight improvement to my comment: if your script exits with true (e.g. when it ends with exit 0), you can run

对我的评论有一点小小的改进:如果您的脚本以true退出(例如,当它以exit 0结束时),您可以运行

while script; do sleep 10; done

This is the canonical way to repeat a command as long as it doesn't fail.




In linux you can use the watch program to repeat an action. Assuming that script.sh is executable:


watch -n 10 path/to/script.sh

Would run it every 10 seconds.


To make your script executable, you can use chmod +x script.sh. Don't forget to add the shebang

要使脚本可执行,可以使用chmod +x script.sh。不要忘记添加shebang


to the first line (assuming that it's a bash script).


If you're running the script from your current directory, you can then do:


watch -n 10 ./script.sh



As mentioned in a comment you need to wrap the script in an unconditional loop:


while :; do script; sleep 10; done

Depending on the script logic instead of the sleep 10 you may want to put different for instance the read - for the input data on the file/socket stdin. This will assure you script will not wake until some data to process will be present and if the data will be present the script will not take any time to wake.

根据脚本逻辑而不是sleep 10,您可能想要为文件/套接字stdin上的输入数据放置不同的内容,例如read -。这将确保您的脚本不会被唤醒,直到有一些数据出现,并且如果数据出现,脚本将不会花费任何时间来唤醒。