
时间:2021-12-17 04:45:23

I'm planning on making a simple service monitoring app with a web interface that will perform an http call every x minutes to a status page (per service), but I can't figure out which strategy would be the best. The two main strategies so far are:


  1. Do recursive calls with sleeps in them or
  2. 在他们或他们中进行休眠的递归调用

  3. Set up something like whenever or clockwork to evaluate some ruby code in a runner or rake task.
  4. 设置像什么时候或发条的东西来评估跑步者或耙子任务中的一些红宝石代码。

Neither strategy seems too efficient since whenever has to spin up the rails environment for each task and I think sleep blocks.


Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.


2 个解决方案



I can tell you my (little) experience with whenever and clockwork.


With whenever you setup your tasks (schedule) and use cron jobs of your OS to run you script(s).


Clockwork doesn't need cron jobs, it runs in an own ruby task, you can also configure clockwork over an own file.


I would always prefer the cron/own task solution.
With your recursive calls approach you use the same log file as for your normal (productive) operations and it may blocks the server (long running task) and avoids clean up of your application (instance shutdown, ...). You'll have to determine that only one service is running in parallel and so on... . The cron/job solution is cleaner in every way.

我总是喜欢cron / own任务解决方案。使用递归调用方法,您可以使用与正常(生产)操作相同的日志文件,它可能会阻塞服务器(长时间运行的任务)并避免清理应用程序(实例关闭,...)。您必须确定只有一个服务并行运行,等等...... cron / job解决方案在各个方面都更加清洁。

I'm using clockwork because ruby is available on every environment and you don't have to set up a cron job. But this is a personal decision, if you prefer cron jobs, use them :) .




Neither strategy seems too efficient since whenever has to spin up the rails environment for each task


Actually, this is not true. whenever can be used independently of rails and will not spin up rails for each task. whenever will write to your cron file and let your system handle the task. whenever is just a dsl for cron. You can use whenever by simply entering


whenever --update-crontab your_cron_name_here

每当--update-crontab your_cron_name_here

I'm going to reiterate what everyone said here and say that you want to use cron. However, if you use cron directly or with whenever is totally up to you. I personally prefer whenever but that's just me.




I can tell you my (little) experience with whenever and clockwork.


With whenever you setup your tasks (schedule) and use cron jobs of your OS to run you script(s).


Clockwork doesn't need cron jobs, it runs in an own ruby task, you can also configure clockwork over an own file.


I would always prefer the cron/own task solution.
With your recursive calls approach you use the same log file as for your normal (productive) operations and it may blocks the server (long running task) and avoids clean up of your application (instance shutdown, ...). You'll have to determine that only one service is running in parallel and so on... . The cron/job solution is cleaner in every way.

我总是喜欢cron / own任务解决方案。使用递归调用方法,您可以使用与正常(生产)操作相同的日志文件,它可能会阻塞服务器(长时间运行的任务)并避免清理应用程序(实例关闭,...)。您必须确定只有一个服务并行运行,等等...... cron / job解决方案在各个方面都更加清洁。

I'm using clockwork because ruby is available on every environment and you don't have to set up a cron job. But this is a personal decision, if you prefer cron jobs, use them :) .




Neither strategy seems too efficient since whenever has to spin up the rails environment for each task


Actually, this is not true. whenever can be used independently of rails and will not spin up rails for each task. whenever will write to your cron file and let your system handle the task. whenever is just a dsl for cron. You can use whenever by simply entering


whenever --update-crontab your_cron_name_here

每当--update-crontab your_cron_name_here

I'm going to reiterate what everyone said here and say that you want to use cron. However, if you use cron directly or with whenever is totally up to you. I personally prefer whenever but that's just me.
