
时间:2023-01-13 22:58:07


  • 1.foreach
  • 2.大于等于号,小于号
  • 3.foreach遍历
  • 4.模糊匹配
  • 5.and 和or 的复杂拼接
  • 6.一个巧妙的用法:1=0
<select  resultMap="resMap2" statementType="STATEMENT">
select <include ref/> from ent_file e where 1=1

<if test="param.taxFromArea != null">
and tax_from_area = '${param.taxFromArea}'
<if test='param.labelImpType != null and param.labelImpType!=""' >
<if test="param.labelImpType == 'label_high_legal_risk'">
and ${param.labelImpType} >= 5
<if test="param.labelImpType != 'label_high_legal_risk'">
and ${param.labelImpType} >= 1

<if test='param.zoneId!=null and param.zoneId!="" and param.zoneId!="-1"'>
and zone_id='${param.zoneId}'
<if test='param.startTime!=null and param.startTime!=""'>
and reg_time >='${param.startTime}'
<if test='param.endTime!=null and param.endTime!=""'>
and reg_time <='${param.endTime}'
<if test="param.payTaxStatus != null and param.payTaxStatus != ''">
<if test="param.payTaxStatus == 1">
and last_year_tax >= 0
<if test="param.payTaxStatus == 2">
and (last_year_tax < 0 OR ISNULL(last_year_tax))

<if test='param.startEsDate!=null and param.startEsDate!=""'>
and esdate >= '${param.startEsDate}'
<if test='param.endEsDate!=null and param.endEsDate!=""'>
and esdate <= '${param.endEsDate}'

<if test='param.keyWord!=null and param.keyWord!=""'>
and (ent_name like concat('%','${param.keyWord}','%')
or frname like concat('%','${param.keyWord}','%')
or address like concat('%','${param.keyWord}','%')
and delete_flag=0

<if test="param.moveStatusList != null">
and (move_status in
<foreach collection="param.moveStatusList" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")">
<if test="param.typeCode2 == 1">
or move_status = NULL
<if test="param.entStatusList != null">
and ent_status in
<foreach collection="param.entStatusList" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")" >
<if test="param.emergentCodeList != null">
and e.eid in
<foreach collection="param.emergentCodeList" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")" >

<if test="param.typeCode == 1">
( 1 = 0

<if test="param.labelTaxpayers != null" >
OR label_taxpayers = '${param.labelTaxpayers}'
<if test="param.labelListed != null" >
OR label_listed = '${param.labelListed}'
<if test="param.labelHighOperatingRisk != null" >
OR label_high_operating_risk = '${param.labelHighOperatingRisk}'
<if test="param.labelDishonesty != null" >
OR label_dishonesty = '${param.labelDishonesty}'

<if test='param.majorProjectStatus!=null and param.majorProjectStatus!=""'>
OR major_project_status= '${param.majorProjectStatus}'

<if test="param.labelCreditBaseList != null">
OR label_credit_base in
<foreach collection="param.labelCreditBaseList" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")" >

<if test="param.labelHighnewTechList != null">
OR label_highnew_tech in
<foreach collection="param.labelHighnewTechList" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")" >

<if test="param.entFinanceRiskList != null">
OR e.eid in
<foreach collection="param.entFinanceRiskList" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")" >


<if test="param.taxEidList != null">
and e.eid in
<foreach collection="param.taxEidList" index="index" item="item" open="(" separator="," close=")">

HAVING 1 = 1
<if test='param.startLastYearTax!=null and param.startLastYearTax!="" '>
and lastYearTax > '${param.startLastYearTax}'
<if test='param.endLastYearTax!=null and param.endLastYearTax!="" '>
and lastYearTax <= '${param.endLastYearTax}'
ORDER BY lastYearTax desc, build_file_status desc,create_time desc