Get ACL Folder & Subfolder + Users Using Powershell

时间:2022-12-31 00:27:09

Is it possible to get the permissions of a folder and its sub-folders then display the path, group, and users associated to that group? So, to look something like this. Or will it have to be one folder at a time.




-Line separator
-Line separator
-List of users



 -Line separator
 -Line separator
 -List of users

The script I've come up with so far be warned I have very little experience with powershell. (Don't worry my boss knows.)

到目前为止我提出的脚本会被警告我对powershell的经验很少。 (别担心我的老板知道。)


if ($Version.Major -lt 3) {Throw "Powershell version out of date. Please update powershell." }

Get-ChildItem $filePath -Recurse | Get-Acl | where { $_.Access | where { $_.IsInherited -eq $false } } | select -exp Access | select IdentityReference -Unique | Out-File .\Groups.txt

$Rspaces=(Get-Content .\Groups.txt) -replace 'JAC.*?\\|','' |
 Where-Object {$_ -notmatch 'BUILTIN|NT AUTHORITY|CREATOR|-----|Identity'} | ForEach-Object {$_.TrimEnd()}
$Rspaces | Out-File .\Groups.txt

$ErrorActionPreference= 'SilentlyContinue'
$Groups=Get-Content .\Groups.txt
ForEach ($Group in $Groups)
{Write-Host"";$Group;Write-Host --------------
;Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Recursive | Get-ADUser -Property DisplayName | Select Name}

This only shows the groups and users, but not the path.


1 个解决方案



Ok, let's take it from the top! Excellent, you actually declare a parameter. What you might want to consider is setting a default value for the parameter. What I would do is use the current directory, which conveniently has an automatic variable $PWD (I believe that's short for PowerShell Working Directory).

好的,我们从顶部开始吧!很好,你实际上声明了一个参数。您可能需要考虑的是为参数设置默认值。我要做的是使用当前目录,它有一个自动变量$ PWD(我相信这是PowerShell工作目录的简称)。

Param([string]$filePath = $PWD)

Now if a path is provided it will use that, but if no path is provided it just uses the current folder as a default value.


Version check is fine. I'm pretty sure there's more elegant ways to do it, but I honestly don't have never done any version checking.


Now you are querying AD for each group and user that is found (after some filtering, granted). I would propose that we keep track of groups and members so that we only have to query AD once for each one. It may not save a lot of time, but it'll save some if any group is used more than once. So for that purpose we're going to make an empty hashtable to track groups and their members.


$ADGroups = @{}

Now starts a bad trend... writing to files and then reading those files back in. Outputting to a file is fine, or saving configurations, or something that you'll need again outside of the current PowerShell session, but writing to a file just to read it back into the current session is just a waste. Instead you should either save the results to a variable, or work with them directly. So, rather than getting the folder listing, piping it directly into Get-Acl, and losing the paths we're going to do a ForEach loop on the folders. Mind you, I added the -Directory switch so it will only look at folders and ignore files. This happens at the provider level, so you will get much faster results from Get-ChildItem this way.


ForEach($Folder in (Get-ChildItem $filePath -Recurse -Directory)){

Now, you wanted to output the path of the folder, and a line. That's easy enough now that we aren't ditching the folder object:



Next we get the ACLs for the current folder:


    $ACLs = Get-Acl -Path $Folder.FullName

And here's where things get complicated. I'm getting the group names from the ACLs, but I've combined a couple of your Where statements, and also added a check to see if it is an Allow rule (because including Deny rules in this would just be confusing). I've used ? which is an alias for Where, as well as % which is an alias for ForEach-Object. You can have a natural line brake after a pipe, so I've done that for ease of reading. I included comments on each line for what I'm doing, but if any of it is confusing just let me know what you need clarification on.


    $Groups = $ACLs.Access | #Expand the Access property
        ?{ $_.IsInherited -eq $false -and $_.AccessControlType -eq 'Allow' -and $_.IdentityReference -notmatch 'BUILTIN|NT AUTHORITY|CREATOR|-----|Identity'} | #Only instances that allow access, are not inherited, and aren't a local group or special case
        %{$_.IdentityReference -replace 'JAC.*?\\'} | #Expand the IdentityReference property, and replace anything that starts with JAC all the way to the first backslash (likely domain name trimming)
        Select -Unique #Select only unique values

Now we'll loop through the groups, starting off by outputting the group name and a line.


    ForEach ($Group in $Groups){

For each group I'll see if we already know who's in it by checking the list of keys on the hashtable. If we don't find the group there we'll query AD and add the group as a key, and the members as the associated value.


        If($ADGroups.Keys -notcontains $Group){
            $Members = Get-ADGroupMember $Group -Recursive -ErrorAction Ignore | % Name

Now that we're sure that we have the group members we will display them.



We can close the ForEach loop pertaining to groups, and since this is the end of the loop for the current folder we'll add a blank line to the output, and close that loop as well



So I wrote this up and then ran it against my C:\temp folder. It did tell me that I need to clean up that folder, but more importantly it showed me that most of the folders don't have any non-inherited permissions, so it would just give me the path with an underline, a blank line, and move to the next folder so I had a ton of things like:

所以我写了这个,然后在我的C:\ temp文件夹上运行它。它确实告诉我,我需要清理该文件夹,但更重要的是,它告诉我大多数文件夹没有任何非继承权限,所以它只会给我带下划线的路径,空行,并移动到下一个文件夹,所以我有很多东西,如:




That doesn't seem useful to me. If it is to you then use the lines above as I have them. Personally I chose to get the ACLs, check for groups, and then if there are no groups move to the next folder. The below is the product of that.


Param([string]$filePath = $PWD)

if ($Version.Major -lt 3) {Throw "Powershell version out of date. Please update powershell." }

#Create an empty hashtable to track groups
$ADGroups = @{}

#Get a recursive list of folders and loop through them
ForEach($Folder in (Get-ChildItem $filePath -Recurse -Directory)){
    # Get ACLs for the folder
    $ACLs = Get-Acl -Path $Folder.FullName

    #Do a bunch of filtering to just get AD groups
    $Groups = $ACLs | 
        % Access | #Expand the Access property
        where { $_.IsInherited -eq $false -and $_.AccessControlType -eq 'Allow' -and $_.IdentityReference -notmatch 'BUILTIN|NT AUTHORITY|CREATOR|-----|Identity'} | #Only instances that allow access, are not inherited, and aren't a local group or special case
        %{$_.IdentityReference -replace 'JAC.*?\\'} | #Expand the IdentityReference property, and replace anything that starts with JAC all the way to the first backslash (likely domain name trimming)
        Select -Unique #Select only unique values

    #If there are no groups to display for this folder move to the next folder
    If($Groups.Count -eq 0){Continue}

    #Display Folder Path
    #Put a dashed line under the folder path (using the length of the folder path for the length of the line, just to look nice)

    #Loop through each group and display its name and users
    ForEach ($Group in $Groups){
        #Display the group name
        #Add a line under the group name
        #Check if we already have this group, and if not get the group from AD
        If($ADGroups.Keys -notcontains $Group){
            $Members = Get-ADGroupMember $Group -Recursive -ErrorAction Ignore | % Name
        #Display the group members
    #output a blank line, for some seperation between folders



Ok, let's take it from the top! Excellent, you actually declare a parameter. What you might want to consider is setting a default value for the parameter. What I would do is use the current directory, which conveniently has an automatic variable $PWD (I believe that's short for PowerShell Working Directory).

好的,我们从顶部开始吧!很好,你实际上声明了一个参数。您可能需要考虑的是为参数设置默认值。我要做的是使用当前目录,它有一个自动变量$ PWD(我相信这是PowerShell工作目录的简称)。

Param([string]$filePath = $PWD)

Now if a path is provided it will use that, but if no path is provided it just uses the current folder as a default value.


Version check is fine. I'm pretty sure there's more elegant ways to do it, but I honestly don't have never done any version checking.


Now you are querying AD for each group and user that is found (after some filtering, granted). I would propose that we keep track of groups and members so that we only have to query AD once for each one. It may not save a lot of time, but it'll save some if any group is used more than once. So for that purpose we're going to make an empty hashtable to track groups and their members.


$ADGroups = @{}

Now starts a bad trend... writing to files and then reading those files back in. Outputting to a file is fine, or saving configurations, or something that you'll need again outside of the current PowerShell session, but writing to a file just to read it back into the current session is just a waste. Instead you should either save the results to a variable, or work with them directly. So, rather than getting the folder listing, piping it directly into Get-Acl, and losing the paths we're going to do a ForEach loop on the folders. Mind you, I added the -Directory switch so it will only look at folders and ignore files. This happens at the provider level, so you will get much faster results from Get-ChildItem this way.


ForEach($Folder in (Get-ChildItem $filePath -Recurse -Directory)){

Now, you wanted to output the path of the folder, and a line. That's easy enough now that we aren't ditching the folder object:



Next we get the ACLs for the current folder:


    $ACLs = Get-Acl -Path $Folder.FullName

And here's where things get complicated. I'm getting the group names from the ACLs, but I've combined a couple of your Where statements, and also added a check to see if it is an Allow rule (because including Deny rules in this would just be confusing). I've used ? which is an alias for Where, as well as % which is an alias for ForEach-Object. You can have a natural line brake after a pipe, so I've done that for ease of reading. I included comments on each line for what I'm doing, but if any of it is confusing just let me know what you need clarification on.


    $Groups = $ACLs.Access | #Expand the Access property
        ?{ $_.IsInherited -eq $false -and $_.AccessControlType -eq 'Allow' -and $_.IdentityReference -notmatch 'BUILTIN|NT AUTHORITY|CREATOR|-----|Identity'} | #Only instances that allow access, are not inherited, and aren't a local group or special case
        %{$_.IdentityReference -replace 'JAC.*?\\'} | #Expand the IdentityReference property, and replace anything that starts with JAC all the way to the first backslash (likely domain name trimming)
        Select -Unique #Select only unique values

Now we'll loop through the groups, starting off by outputting the group name and a line.


    ForEach ($Group in $Groups){

For each group I'll see if we already know who's in it by checking the list of keys on the hashtable. If we don't find the group there we'll query AD and add the group as a key, and the members as the associated value.


        If($ADGroups.Keys -notcontains $Group){
            $Members = Get-ADGroupMember $Group -Recursive -ErrorAction Ignore | % Name

Now that we're sure that we have the group members we will display them.



We can close the ForEach loop pertaining to groups, and since this is the end of the loop for the current folder we'll add a blank line to the output, and close that loop as well



So I wrote this up and then ran it against my C:\temp folder. It did tell me that I need to clean up that folder, but more importantly it showed me that most of the folders don't have any non-inherited permissions, so it would just give me the path with an underline, a blank line, and move to the next folder so I had a ton of things like:

所以我写了这个,然后在我的C:\ temp文件夹上运行它。它确实告诉我,我需要清理该文件夹,但更重要的是,它告诉我大多数文件夹没有任何非继承权限,所以它只会给我带下划线的路径,空行,并移动到下一个文件夹,所以我有很多东西,如:




That doesn't seem useful to me. If it is to you then use the lines above as I have them. Personally I chose to get the ACLs, check for groups, and then if there are no groups move to the next folder. The below is the product of that.


Param([string]$filePath = $PWD)

if ($Version.Major -lt 3) {Throw "Powershell version out of date. Please update powershell." }

#Create an empty hashtable to track groups
$ADGroups = @{}

#Get a recursive list of folders and loop through them
ForEach($Folder in (Get-ChildItem $filePath -Recurse -Directory)){
    # Get ACLs for the folder
    $ACLs = Get-Acl -Path $Folder.FullName

    #Do a bunch of filtering to just get AD groups
    $Groups = $ACLs | 
        % Access | #Expand the Access property
        where { $_.IsInherited -eq $false -and $_.AccessControlType -eq 'Allow' -and $_.IdentityReference -notmatch 'BUILTIN|NT AUTHORITY|CREATOR|-----|Identity'} | #Only instances that allow access, are not inherited, and aren't a local group or special case
        %{$_.IdentityReference -replace 'JAC.*?\\'} | #Expand the IdentityReference property, and replace anything that starts with JAC all the way to the first backslash (likely domain name trimming)
        Select -Unique #Select only unique values

    #If there are no groups to display for this folder move to the next folder
    If($Groups.Count -eq 0){Continue}

    #Display Folder Path
    #Put a dashed line under the folder path (using the length of the folder path for the length of the line, just to look nice)

    #Loop through each group and display its name and users
    ForEach ($Group in $Groups){
        #Display the group name
        #Add a line under the group name
        #Check if we already have this group, and if not get the group from AD
        If($ADGroups.Keys -notcontains $Group){
            $Members = Get-ADGroupMember $Group -Recursive -ErrorAction Ignore | % Name
        #Display the group members
    #output a blank line, for some seperation between folders