
时间:2022-12-04 00:16:38

I'm trying to use the shared pointer class(?) from boost. I have downloded boost and extracted it to a subfolder(boost) in my source folder (src). I have then added a line:


#include "boost/shared_ptr.hpp"

When I try to compile, I get an error:


error: boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp: No such file or directory

错误:boost / smart_ptr / shared_ptr.hpp:没有这样的文件或目录

What do I have to add for the program to compile?


I'm working on a scientific linux machine without root privliges


3 个解决方案



You will need to, with g++, add the directory as a compile option like g++ -I./boost ... or basically add as a command line option -I directly followed without a space by the relative or absolute path where you have installed your boost library. Keep in mind also for future reference that some elements of boost, like the threading library also require some libraries to be linked against, and you will have to also include those file-paths at compile time using the -L option ... that isn't the case with boost::shared_ptr, but just giving you a head's up.

您将需要使用g ++将目录添加为编译选项,如g ++ -I./boost ...或基本上添加为命令行选项-I直接跟随没有空格的相对或绝对路径已安装你的升级库。还要记住,为了将来的参考,boost的一些元素,比如线程库也需要链接一些库,并且你必须在编译时使用-L选项包含那些文件路径...这不是使用boost :: shared_ptr的情况,但只是让你头脑发热。



Assuming you have installed boost to some subdirectory of your home directory, you'll need to do one of these to specify where the compiler should look for the boost header files:


  • add a -I flag to the compiler command line (GCC docs)
  • 在编译器命令行中添加-I标志(GCC docs)

  • set the CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH environment variable (GCC docs)
  • 设置CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH环境变量(GCC docs)



You can add gcc -I option. Documentation.

您可以添加gcc -I选项。文档。



You will need to, with g++, add the directory as a compile option like g++ -I./boost ... or basically add as a command line option -I directly followed without a space by the relative or absolute path where you have installed your boost library. Keep in mind also for future reference that some elements of boost, like the threading library also require some libraries to be linked against, and you will have to also include those file-paths at compile time using the -L option ... that isn't the case with boost::shared_ptr, but just giving you a head's up.

您将需要使用g ++将目录添加为编译选项,如g ++ -I./boost ...或基本上添加为命令行选项-I直接跟随没有空格的相对或绝对路径已安装你的升级库。还要记住,为了将来的参考,boost的一些元素,比如线程库也需要链接一些库,并且你必须在编译时使用-L选项包含那些文件路径...这不是使用boost :: shared_ptr的情况,但只是让你头脑发热。



Assuming you have installed boost to some subdirectory of your home directory, you'll need to do one of these to specify where the compiler should look for the boost header files:


  • add a -I flag to the compiler command line (GCC docs)
  • 在编译器命令行中添加-I标志(GCC docs)

  • set the CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH environment variable (GCC docs)
  • 设置CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH环境变量(GCC docs)



You can add gcc -I option. Documentation.

您可以添加gcc -I选项。文档。