图和报告X截距线性回归- R。

时间:2022-12-30 23:41:51

I am using lm in r for linear regression. I would like to plot and report the x intercept. I know that I could use algebra and solve for x by setting y = 0, but is there a way to have r report it to me? Also, how can I 'tell' r to plot the x intercept? Would this just entail extending the x axis range to include it? Thanks.

我用lm来表示线性回归。我想要绘制并报告x轴截距。我知道我可以用代数来解出x通过设置y = 0,但是有办法让r报告给我吗?还有,我怎么能告诉r来画x轴截距?这是否需要扩展x轴范围来包含它?谢谢。

# example r code
fit <- lm(y~x)

1 个解决方案



If you want to plot the x-intercept, extend the plot as you said. You might need to extend it in both the x and y dimensions (use xlim=c(0,100) and ylim=c(0,100) or whatever), and you should note that R does not plot lines for the axes. I supposed you can add them in manually with hline and vline if you want.


To get the numerical value of the x-intercept, you'll have to do algebra.


> coef(fit)
(Intercept)           x 
  0.8671534   0.4095524 

Gives the y-intercept and the slope, and you can easily find the x-intercept from there.




If you want to plot the x-intercept, extend the plot as you said. You might need to extend it in both the x and y dimensions (use xlim=c(0,100) and ylim=c(0,100) or whatever), and you should note that R does not plot lines for the axes. I supposed you can add them in manually with hline and vline if you want.


To get the numerical value of the x-intercept, you'll have to do algebra.


> coef(fit)
(Intercept)           x 
  0.8671534   0.4095524 

Gives the y-intercept and the slope, and you can easily find the x-intercept from there.
