如何自动生成WPF事件的扩展方法库 - > IObservable

时间:2021-12-06 03:41:06

I almost exclusively use Reactive Extensions in my C# WPF apps these days. Adding and removing event handlers is an anti pattern and I'm completely jealous of the fact that F# events implement IObservable.

这些天我几乎只在我的C#WPF应用程序中使用Reactive Extensions。添加和删​​除事件处理程序是一种反模式,我完全嫉妒F#事件实现IObservable这一事实。

To help C# developers the RX folks provide the below method ( and some others of varying type safeness )


public static 
FromEventPattern<TDelegate, TEventArgs>
    ( Action<TDelegate> addHandler
    , Action<TDelegate> removeHandler
where TEventArgs : EventArgs


I would use it like so


var movingEvents = Observable.FromEventPattern<MouseEventHandler, 
    MouseEventArgs>(h => this.MouseMove += h, h => this.MouseMove -= h);

However this is tedious. What I'd like to be able to do is


var movingEvents = h.MouseMoveObserver();

and be done with it. Such an extension method would look like


IObservable<MouseEventArgs> MouseMoveObserver(this Canvas This){
    return Observable.FromEventPattern<MouseEventHandler, 
    MouseEventArgs>(h => This.MouseMove += h, h => This.MouseMove -= h); 

It's not rocket science and I've been considering setting up a library where I add these extension methods one at a time as I need them. However I am sure some smart cookie could write a T4 template that processes all the controls in the WPF library via reflection and generates all the extension methods I would ever need. My question is ...


Has anybody written such a code generator to map events to observables as above and if not would someone have any suggestions on how to do this? I'm not so good with regards to .Net reflection but some seed code might get me started.


1 个解决方案



To get all the types deriving from FrameworkElement, you could use


var typesToDo = from t in Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(FrameworkElement)).GetTypes()
                where t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(FrameworkElement)) 
                        && t.IsPublic 
                        && t.GetEvents().Any()
                select t;

and then you can use type.GetEvents() to get the events of each type. The EventInfo you get back will let you look at things like name, type, arguments etc.


You need to do a bit of extra work to cope with generic events, but it's not a huge amount.


I've put an example program up on GitHub along with an example of the output.


There is a risk that some of the output doesn't work properly, I haven't tried them all :) I did make sure they all build, and that at least some of them work correctly.




To get all the types deriving from FrameworkElement, you could use


var typesToDo = from t in Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(FrameworkElement)).GetTypes()
                where t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(FrameworkElement)) 
                        && t.IsPublic 
                        && t.GetEvents().Any()
                select t;

and then you can use type.GetEvents() to get the events of each type. The EventInfo you get back will let you look at things like name, type, arguments etc.


You need to do a bit of extra work to cope with generic events, but it's not a huge amount.


I've put an example program up on GitHub along with an example of the output.


There is a risk that some of the output doesn't work properly, I haven't tried them all :) I did make sure they all build, and that at least some of them work correctly.
