
时间:2023-02-10 22:59:09

In Obj-C, a common practice was to use convenience functions to perform common operations, like configuring auto layout for views:


func makeConstraint(withAnotherView : UIView) -> NSLayoutConstraint
   // Make some constraint 
   // ...

   // Return the created constraint
   return NSLayoutConstraint()

If you just needed to set the constraint and forget about it, you could call:


[view1 makeConstraint: view2]

[view1 makeConstraint:view2]

If you wanted to store the constraint later so that you could remove/modify it, you would do something like:


NSLayoutConstraint * c;
c = [view1 makeConstraint: view2]

I want to do this in swift, but if I call the above function and do not capture the returned constraint, I get the warning:


Result of call to 'makeConstraint(withAnotherView:)' is unused

VERY annoying. Is there some way to let Swift know that I don't always want to capture the return value?


NOTE: I know about this. It is ugly and not what I'm looking for:


_ = view1.makeConstraint(withAnotherView: view2)

2 个解决方案



This is behaviour that has been introduced in Swift 3. Instead of having to explicitly annotate functions with @warn_unused_result in order to tell the compiler that the result should be used by the caller, this is now the default behaviour.

这是在Swift 3中引入的行为。为了告诉编译器调用者应该使用结果,不必使用@warn_unused_result显式地注释函数,现在这是默认行为。

You can use the @discardableResult attribute on your function in order to inform the compiler that the return value doesn't have to be 'consumed' by the caller.


func makeConstraint(withAnotherView : UIView) -> NSLayoutConstraint {

   ... // do things that have side effects

   return NSLayoutConstraint()

view1.makeConstraint(view2) // No warning

let constraint = view1.makeConstraint(view2) // Works as expected

You can read about this change in more detail on the evolution proposal.




You can try to turn the warnings off from the Build Settings of your project. I like the question, good point. Done some research and found this. https://*.com/a/34932152/5615274

您可以尝试从项目的“生成设置”中关闭警告。我喜欢这个问题,好点。做了一些研究,发现了这一点。 https://*.com/a/34932152/5615274

Did not test it yet.




This is behaviour that has been introduced in Swift 3. Instead of having to explicitly annotate functions with @warn_unused_result in order to tell the compiler that the result should be used by the caller, this is now the default behaviour.

这是在Swift 3中引入的行为。为了告诉编译器调用者应该使用结果,不必使用@warn_unused_result显式地注释函数,现在这是默认行为。

You can use the @discardableResult attribute on your function in order to inform the compiler that the return value doesn't have to be 'consumed' by the caller.


func makeConstraint(withAnotherView : UIView) -> NSLayoutConstraint {

   ... // do things that have side effects

   return NSLayoutConstraint()

view1.makeConstraint(view2) // No warning

let constraint = view1.makeConstraint(view2) // Works as expected

You can read about this change in more detail on the evolution proposal.




You can try to turn the warnings off from the Build Settings of your project. I like the question, good point. Done some research and found this. https://*.com/a/34932152/5615274

您可以尝试从项目的“生成设置”中关闭警告。我喜欢这个问题,好点。做了一些研究,发现了这一点。 https://*.com/a/34932152/5615274

Did not test it yet.
