
时间:2022-03-17 22:55:10

I am working with a csv file which was originally formatted in excel. I want to convert the rate column into numeric and remove the "$" sign.


I read in the file with : > NImp <- read.csv("National_TV_Spots 6_30_14 to 8_31_14.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, strip.white=TRUE, na.strings=c("Not Monitored"))

我在文件中读:> NImp <- read。csv(“National_TV_Spots 6 _30_14 8 _31_14。csv", sep=",", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, strip。白色= TRUE,na。= c字符串(“不监控”))

The data frame looks like this:


HH.IMP..000.       ISCI                                          Creative          Program  Rate
1           NA     IT3896 Rising Costs30 (Opportunity Scholar - No Nursing)      NUVO CINEMA $0.00
2           NA     IT3896 Rising Costs30 (Opportunity Scholar - No Nursing)      NUVO CINEMA $0.00
3          141    IT14429 Rising Costs30 (Opportunity Scholar - No Nursing)            BONUS $0.00
4          476 ITES15443H     Matthew Traina (B. EECT/A. CEET) :60 (no loc) Law & Order: SVU $0.00
5           NA     IT3896 Rising Costs30 (Opportunity Scholar - No Nursing)      NUVO CINEMA $0.00

When I do do the conversion, I get an error message: > NImp$Rate <- as.numeric(gsub("$","", NImp$Rate)) Warning message: NAs introduced by coercion and all values get coerced to NAs.

当我进行转换时,会得到一个错误消息:> NImp$Rate <- as。数字(gsub(“$”、“”、“NImp$Rate”)警告消息:强制引入的NAs,所有值被强制转换为NAs。

I also tried, NImp$Rate <- as.numeric(sub("\\$","", NImp$Rate)) but again got the same warning message. However not all values became NAs - only specific ones. I opened the csv in excel to check and I realized that excel forces csv column width too narrow resulting in "####" cells. These cells are being coerced to "NA" by r.

我也尝试过,NImp$Rate <- as。数字(sub(“\$”、“”、“NImp$Rate”),但再次得到相同的警告信息。然而,并不是所有的值都变成了NAs——只有特定的值。我在excel中打开了csv,并发现excel使csv列宽度太窄,导致了“####”单元格。这些细胞被r胁迫成NA。

I tried the option of opening the file in notepad and read the notepad file into r. But I get the same results. The values are correctly displayed in both Notepad and when I read the file into r. But when I change to numeric, everything that shows as "####" in excel, becomes NA.

我尝试了在记事本中打开文件并将记事本文件读入r的选项,但是得到了相同的结果。当我把文件读入r时,这些值都正确地显示在记事本中。但是当我把它变成数值时,所有在excel中显示为“#### ###”的东西都变成了NA。

What should I do?


Adding str(NImp)


'data.frame':   9859 obs. of  19 variables:
$ Spot.ID         : int  13072903 13072904 13072898 13072793 13072905 13072899 13072397 13072476 13072398 13072681 ...
$ Date            : chr  "6/30/2014" "6/30/2014" "6/30/2014" "6/30/2014" ...
$ Hour            : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 ...
$ Time            : chr  "12:08 AM" "12:20 AM" "12:29 AM" "12:30 AM" ...
$ Local.Date      : chr  "6/30/2014" "6/30/2014" "6/30/2014" "6/30/2014" ...
$ Broadcast.Week  : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ Local.Hour      : int  0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 ...
$ Local.Time      : chr  "12:08 AM" "12:20 AM" "12:29 AM" "12:30 AM" ...
$ Vendor          : chr  "NUVO" "NUVO" "AFAM" "USA" ...
$ Station         : chr  "NUVO" "NUVO" "AFAM" "USA" ...
$ M18.34.IMP..000.: int  NA NA 3 88 NA 3 NA 53 NA 37 ...
$ W18.34.IMP..000.: int  NA NA 86 66 NA 86 NA 70 NA 60 ...
$ A18.34.IMP..000.: int  NA NA 89 154 NA 89 NA 123 NA 97 ...
$ HH.IMP..000.    : int  NA NA 141 476 NA 141 NA 461 NA 434 ...
$ ISCI            : chr  "IT3896" "IT3896" "IT14429" "ITES15443H" ...
$ Creative        : chr  "Rising Costs30 (Opportunity Scholar - No Nursing)" "Rising Costs30 (Opportunity Scholar - No Nursing)" "Rising Costs30 (Opportunity Scholar - No Nursing)" "Matthew Traina (B. EECT/A. CEET) :60 (no loc)" ...
$ Program         : chr  "NUVO CINEMA" "NUVO CINEMA" "BONUS" "Law & Order: SVU" ...
$ Rate            : chr  "$0.00" "$0.00" "$0.00" "$0.00" ...

1 个解决方案



When a column was set as "Currency" in Excel, the values in the thousands or greater have a comma in them as well as the dollar sign prefix. For example, a value might look like $1,200.00. The problem you were having was because you were removing the dollar signs but not the commas, so when you tried to convert to numeric you get NA.


as.numeric(c("0", "0", "1,200"))
[1]  0  0 NA
Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion 

You can remove the dollar signs and commas in one step using gsub. I found an example of how to do this in a comment to this answer.


as.numeric(gsub("[$,]", "", c("$0", "$0", "$1,200")))
[1]    0    0 1200

So the code that should work for your dataset is


as.numeric(gsub("[$,]", "", NImp$Rate))



When a column was set as "Currency" in Excel, the values in the thousands or greater have a comma in them as well as the dollar sign prefix. For example, a value might look like $1,200.00. The problem you were having was because you were removing the dollar signs but not the commas, so when you tried to convert to numeric you get NA.


as.numeric(c("0", "0", "1,200"))
[1]  0  0 NA
Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion 

You can remove the dollar signs and commas in one step using gsub. I found an example of how to do this in a comment to this answer.


as.numeric(gsub("[$,]", "", c("$0", "$0", "$1,200")))
[1]    0    0 1200

So the code that should work for your dataset is


as.numeric(gsub("[$,]", "", NImp$Rate))