
时间:2022-10-27 22:47:34

This is how i am comparing 2 Strings value, the values are in number, It works perfectly fine until it receive a value equal or greater than 10.


So i need to convert these values to integer.


TXCartData class has String rowID

TXCartData类具有String rowID

This is what i was doing.


Collections.sort(data, new Comparator<TXCartData>() {
    public int compare(TXCartData lhs, TXCartData rhs) {
        return lhs.rowId.compareToIgnoreCase(rhs.rowId);

I have tried to change rowID to integer, but its giving me an error message, as its expecting 0 or 1 in output, and 1==1 returns true of false.

我试图将rowID更改为整数,但它给出了一条错误消息,因为它在输出中期望为0或1,而1 == 1则返回true为false。

This is what i tried.


Collections.sort(data, new Comparator<TXCartData>() {
    public int compare(TXCartData lhs, TXCartData rhs) {
        return Integer.parseInt(lhs.rowId)== Integer.parseInt(rhs.rowId);

The data list is very large, I sort it three times by using Comparatorand get accurate result, The first 2 are strings and it sorted them accurately, but on the last one it fails.


5 个解决方案



pls try this


 Collections.sort(data, new Comparator<TXCartData>() {
        public int compare(TXCartData lhs, TXCartData rhs) {
            int n1=Integer.parseInt(lhs.rowId);
            int n2=Integer.parseInt(rhs.rowId);
            if (n1>=n2){
                return 1;
            return -1;



change the return type of your compare function


public boolean compare(TXCartData lhs, TXCartData rhs) {
        return Integer.parseInt(lhs.rowId)== Integer.parseInt(rhs.rowId);



Classes that has a natural sort order (a class Number, as an example) should implement the Comparable interface, whilst classes that has no natural sort order (a class Chair, as an example) should be provided with a Comparator (or an anonymous Comparator class).


public class Number implements Comparable<Number> {
    private int value;

    public Number(int value) { this.value = value; }
    public int compareTo(Number anotherInstance) {
        return this.value - anotherInstance.value;

public class Chair {
    private int weight;
    private int height;

    public Chair(int weight, int height) {
        this.weight = weight;
        this.height = height;
    /* Omitting getters and setters */
class ChairWeightComparator implements Comparator<Chair> {
    public int compare(Chair chair1, Chair chair2) {
        return chair1.getWeight() - chair2.getWeight();
class ChairHeightComparator implements Comparator<Chair> {
    public int compare(Chair chair1, Chair chair2) {
        return chair1.getHeight() - chair2.getHeight();



List<Number> numbers = new ArrayList<Number>();

List<Chair> chairs = new ArrayList<Chair>();
// Sort by weight:
Collections.sort(chairs, new ChairWeightComparator());
// Sort by height:
Collections.sort(chairs, new ChairHeightComparator());

// You can also create anonymous comparators;
// Sort by color:
Collections.sort(chairs, new Comparator<Chair>() {
    public int compare(Chair chair1, Chair chair2) {



You're doing fine just change '==' to '-' in your code. This will work ...

你做的很好,只需在代码中将'=='改为' - '即可。这将有效......

Collections.sort(data, new Comparator<TXCartData>() {
        public int compare(TXCartData lhs, TXCartData rhs) {
        return Integer.parseInt(lhs.rowId)- Integer.parseInt(rhs.rowId);



Try to use:


Integer.compare(int,int) and Integer.lowestOneBit(int)

int result = Integer.lowestOneBit(Integer.compare(Integer.parseInt(number1), Integer.parseInt(number2)));



pls try this


 Collections.sort(data, new Comparator<TXCartData>() {
        public int compare(TXCartData lhs, TXCartData rhs) {
            int n1=Integer.parseInt(lhs.rowId);
            int n2=Integer.parseInt(rhs.rowId);
            if (n1>=n2){
                return 1;
            return -1;



change the return type of your compare function


public boolean compare(TXCartData lhs, TXCartData rhs) {
        return Integer.parseInt(lhs.rowId)== Integer.parseInt(rhs.rowId);



Classes that has a natural sort order (a class Number, as an example) should implement the Comparable interface, whilst classes that has no natural sort order (a class Chair, as an example) should be provided with a Comparator (or an anonymous Comparator class).


public class Number implements Comparable<Number> {
    private int value;

    public Number(int value) { this.value = value; }
    public int compareTo(Number anotherInstance) {
        return this.value - anotherInstance.value;

public class Chair {
    private int weight;
    private int height;

    public Chair(int weight, int height) {
        this.weight = weight;
        this.height = height;
    /* Omitting getters and setters */
class ChairWeightComparator implements Comparator<Chair> {
    public int compare(Chair chair1, Chair chair2) {
        return chair1.getWeight() - chair2.getWeight();
class ChairHeightComparator implements Comparator<Chair> {
    public int compare(Chair chair1, Chair chair2) {
        return chair1.getHeight() - chair2.getHeight();



List<Number> numbers = new ArrayList<Number>();

List<Chair> chairs = new ArrayList<Chair>();
// Sort by weight:
Collections.sort(chairs, new ChairWeightComparator());
// Sort by height:
Collections.sort(chairs, new ChairHeightComparator());

// You can also create anonymous comparators;
// Sort by color:
Collections.sort(chairs, new Comparator<Chair>() {
    public int compare(Chair chair1, Chair chair2) {



You're doing fine just change '==' to '-' in your code. This will work ...

你做的很好,只需在代码中将'=='改为' - '即可。这将有效......

Collections.sort(data, new Comparator<TXCartData>() {
        public int compare(TXCartData lhs, TXCartData rhs) {
        return Integer.parseInt(lhs.rowId)- Integer.parseInt(rhs.rowId);



Try to use:


Integer.compare(int,int) and Integer.lowestOneBit(int)

int result = Integer.lowestOneBit(Integer.compare(Integer.parseInt(number1), Integer.parseInt(number2)));