PTA List Components

时间:2021-08-29 22:47:20

For a given undirected graph with N vertices and E edges, please list all the connected components by both DFS and BFS. Assume that all the vertices are numbered from 0 to N-1. While searching, assume that we always start from the vertex with the smallest index, and visit its adjacent vertices in ascending order of their indices.

Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line gives two integers N (0<N<=10) and E, which are the number of vertices and the number of edges, respectively. Then E lines follow, each described an edge by giving the two ends. All the numbers in a line are separated by a space.

Output Specification:

For each test case, print in each line a connected component in the format "{ v1 v2 ... vk }". First print the result obtained by DFS, then by BFS.

Sample Input:

8 6
0 7
0 1
2 0
4 1
2 4
3 5

Sample Output:

{ 0 1 4 2 7 }
{ 3 5 }
{ 6 }
{ 0 1 2 7 4 }
{ 3 5 }
{ 6 }



//  main.c
//  List Components
//  Created by 余南龙 on 2016/12/6.
//  Copyright © 2016年 余南龙. All rights reserved.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAXV 10000
int Graph[MAXV][MAXV];
int visit[MAXV], connected[MAXV];
int N, E, top;

void DFS(int v){
    int i;

    connected[++top] = v;
    visit[v] = ;
    ; i < N; i++){
         == Graph[v][i]&& == visit[i]){

void BFS(int v){
    , j = , i;

    Q[++tail] = v;
    visit[Q[j]] = ;
        connected[++top] = Q[j];
        ; i < N; i++){
             == Graph[Q[j]][i]&& == visit[i]){
                Q[++tail] = i;
                visit[i] = ;
        if(tail < j){

void Init(){
    int i, u, v;

    scanf("%d%d", &N, &E);
    ; i < E; i++){
        scanf("%d%d", &u, &v);
        Graph[u][v] = Graph[v][u] = ;

void Output(){
    int i;

    printf("{ ");
    ; i <= top; i++){
        printf("%d ", connected[i]);

int main(){
    int j;
    memset(visit, , MAXV * sizeof(int));
    top = -;
    ; j < N; j++){
         == visit[j]){
            top = -;
    memset(visit, , MAXV * sizeof(int));
    top = -;
    ; j < N; j++){
         == visit[j]){
            top = -;