
时间:2022-11-08 22:31:11

From the code below I am able to use a predicate search and find all the merchants that have an Id greater than 4, using a similar approach how would I go about returning all the merchants and their vouchers where the Voucher had a VoucherTypeID of 3 lets say.


Thanks in Advance


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        List<Merchant> merchants = new List<Merchant>(10);
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
             List<Voucher> vcs = new List<Voucher>();
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)

                vcs.Add(new Voucher(j,"Voucher" + j.ToString(),i, j, "Type_" +j.ToString()));

              merchants.Add(new Merchant(i, i.ToString() + "_Merchant",vcs));

        //This will return all the merchant's where the ID is greater than 4

        Predicate<Merchant> filterByID;
        MerchantFilter filter = new MerchantFilter(4);
        filterByID = new Predicate<Merchant>(filter.FilterByMerchantGT4);
        List<Merchant> filteredMerchants = merchants.FindAll(filterByID);  


    public class MerchantFilter 
        private int idValue;
        public bool FilterByMerchantGT4(Merchant merch) 

            return merch.MerchantID > idValue;
        public MerchantFilter(int value)
            idValue = value; 

public class Merchant
    public int MerchantID { get; set; }
    public string MerchantName { get; set; }
    public List<Voucher> MerchantVouchers { get; set; }
    public Merchant(int id, string Name, List<Voucher> vouchers)
        MerchantID = id;
        MerchantName = Name;
        MerchantVouchers = vouchers;

public class Voucher
    public int VoucherID { get; set; }
    public string VoucherName { get; set; }
    public int MerchantVoucherID { get; set; }
    public int VoucherTypeID { get; set; }
    public string VoucherTypeName { get; set; }
    public Voucher(int ID, string Name, int merchantID, int typeID, string TypeName)
        VoucherID = ID;
        VoucherName = Name;
        MerchantVoucherID = merchantID;
        VoucherTypeID = typeID;
        VoucherTypeName = TypeName;

1 个解决方案



Using linq, you could do this:


var query = from merchant in merchants
            let filteredVouchers = from voucher in merchant.MerchantVouchers
                                   where voucher.VoucherTypeID == 3
                                   select voucher
            select new { merchant, filteredVouchers };

or, equivalently, this:


var query =
        merchant =>
            filteredVouchers = merchant.MerchantVouchers.Where(voucher => voucher.VoucherTypeID == 3)
        .Select(t => new { t.merchant, t.filteredVouchers });

or, avoiding linq:


foreach(var merchant in merchants)
    var filteredVouchers = merchant.MerchantVouchers.FindAll(v => v.VoucherTypeID == 3);
    //...some useful code here

Notice how you don't need to define the MerchantFilter class. You can use a lambda expression to define the argument to the FindAll method.




Using linq, you could do this:


var query = from merchant in merchants
            let filteredVouchers = from voucher in merchant.MerchantVouchers
                                   where voucher.VoucherTypeID == 3
                                   select voucher
            select new { merchant, filteredVouchers };

or, equivalently, this:


var query =
        merchant =>
            filteredVouchers = merchant.MerchantVouchers.Where(voucher => voucher.VoucherTypeID == 3)
        .Select(t => new { t.merchant, t.filteredVouchers });

or, avoiding linq:


foreach(var merchant in merchants)
    var filteredVouchers = merchant.MerchantVouchers.FindAll(v => v.VoucherTypeID == 3);
    //...some useful code here

Notice how you don't need to define the MerchantFilter class. You can use a lambda expression to define the argument to the FindAll method.
