
时间:2022-12-25 21:43:22

Is it possible, for a pointer variable p, that p<(p+1) is false? Please explain your answer. If yes, under which circumstances can this happen?

对于指针变量p, p<(p+1)是否为假?请解释你的答案。如果是,在什么情况下会发生这种情况?

I was wondering whether p+1 could overflow and be equal to 0.


E.g. On a 64-bit PC with GCC-4.8 for a C-language program:


int main(void) {
   void *p=(void *)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;

   printf("p      :%p\n", p);
   printf("p+1    :%p\n", p+1);
   printf("Result :%d\n", p<p+1);

It returns:


p      : 0xffffffffffffffff
p+1    : (nil)
Result : 0

So I believe it is possible for this case. For an invalid pointer location it can happen. This is the only solution I can think of. Are there others?


Note: No assumptions are made. Consider any compiler/platform/architecture/OS where there is a chance that this can happen or not.


5 个解决方案



Is it possible, for a pointer variable p, that p<(p+1) is false?

对于指针变量p, p<(p+1)是否可能是假的?

If p points to a valid object (that is, one created according to the C++ object model) of the correct type, then no. p+1 will point to the memory location after that object, and will always compare greater than p.


Otherwise, the behaviour of both the arithmetic and the comparison are undefined, so the result could be true, false, or a suffusion of yellow.


If yes, under which circumstances can this happen?


It might, or might not, happen with


p = reinterpret_cast<char*>(numeric_limits<uintptr_t>::max);

If pointer arithmetic works like unsigned integer arithmetic, then this might cause a numeric overflow such that p+1 has the value zero, and compares less than p. Or it might do something else.




What if I'm programming on DOS, and I have a far pointer (one composed of a segment and an offset), and it's pointing to the last address in the segment, and I add one to it, and the pointer wraps around? It looks like when you're comparing them, you normalize the pointers, so the second pointer p+1 would be less than p.


This is a stab in the dark though, I don't have a DOS C compiler handy to test on.

这是一个暗处,我没有一个DOS C编译器可以测试。



Very simple: It cannot happen if there is no undefined behaviour involved. It can happen very easily in the presence of undefined behaviour. For details, read a copy of the C Standard or C++ Standard.


As a result, a conforming compiler is allowed to not evaluate the < operator at all and use 1 or true as the result instead. The same is true for arithmetic with signed integers (but not for unsigned integers, where it is possible for entirely legal code to have x > x+1).

因此,一个符合条件的编译器被允许完全不计算 <运算符,而是使用1或true作为结果。对于有符号整数的算术也一样(但对于无符号整数,完全合法的代码有可能有x> x+1)。

Your example code isn't even C or C++, so you seem to have used the compiler in a mode where it isn't a standard conforming C or C++ compiler.




It could happen with an invalid pointer.


But if the pointer points to a valid memory location, on many operating systems (e.g. Linux), it practically never happens (at least if the sizeof(*p) is not too big), because in practice the first and last pages of the address space are never mapped (but you could force a mapping with mmap & MAP_FIXED).

但如果指针指向一个有效的内存位置,在许多操作系统(如Linux),它几乎从来没有发生(至少如果sizeof(* p)不是太大),因为在实践中第一页和最后一页的地址空间是没有映射(但是你可能迫使一个映射mmap & MAP_FIXED)。

For freestanding implementations (i.e. inside a kernel, or on some microcontroller), things are different, and implementation specific (perhaps might be undefined behavior, or unspecified behavior).




According to Pointer comparisons in C. Are they signed or unsigned? on Stack Overflow:


You can't legally compare arbitrary pointers in C/C++. The result of such comparison is not defined.

在C/ c++中,不能合法地比较任意指针。这种比较的结果没有定义。



Is it possible, for a pointer variable p, that p<(p+1) is false?

对于指针变量p, p<(p+1)是否可能是假的?

If p points to a valid object (that is, one created according to the C++ object model) of the correct type, then no. p+1 will point to the memory location after that object, and will always compare greater than p.


Otherwise, the behaviour of both the arithmetic and the comparison are undefined, so the result could be true, false, or a suffusion of yellow.


If yes, under which circumstances can this happen?


It might, or might not, happen with


p = reinterpret_cast<char*>(numeric_limits<uintptr_t>::max);

If pointer arithmetic works like unsigned integer arithmetic, then this might cause a numeric overflow such that p+1 has the value zero, and compares less than p. Or it might do something else.




What if I'm programming on DOS, and I have a far pointer (one composed of a segment and an offset), and it's pointing to the last address in the segment, and I add one to it, and the pointer wraps around? It looks like when you're comparing them, you normalize the pointers, so the second pointer p+1 would be less than p.


This is a stab in the dark though, I don't have a DOS C compiler handy to test on.

这是一个暗处,我没有一个DOS C编译器可以测试。



Very simple: It cannot happen if there is no undefined behaviour involved. It can happen very easily in the presence of undefined behaviour. For details, read a copy of the C Standard or C++ Standard.


As a result, a conforming compiler is allowed to not evaluate the < operator at all and use 1 or true as the result instead. The same is true for arithmetic with signed integers (but not for unsigned integers, where it is possible for entirely legal code to have x > x+1).

因此,一个符合条件的编译器被允许完全不计算 <运算符,而是使用1或true作为结果。对于有符号整数的算术也一样(但对于无符号整数,完全合法的代码有可能有x> x+1)。

Your example code isn't even C or C++, so you seem to have used the compiler in a mode where it isn't a standard conforming C or C++ compiler.




It could happen with an invalid pointer.


But if the pointer points to a valid memory location, on many operating systems (e.g. Linux), it practically never happens (at least if the sizeof(*p) is not too big), because in practice the first and last pages of the address space are never mapped (but you could force a mapping with mmap & MAP_FIXED).

但如果指针指向一个有效的内存位置,在许多操作系统(如Linux),它几乎从来没有发生(至少如果sizeof(* p)不是太大),因为在实践中第一页和最后一页的地址空间是没有映射(但是你可能迫使一个映射mmap & MAP_FIXED)。

For freestanding implementations (i.e. inside a kernel, or on some microcontroller), things are different, and implementation specific (perhaps might be undefined behavior, or unspecified behavior).




According to Pointer comparisons in C. Are they signed or unsigned? on Stack Overflow:


You can't legally compare arbitrary pointers in C/C++. The result of such comparison is not defined.

在C/ c++中,不能合法地比较任意指针。这种比较的结果没有定义。