
时间:2021-05-11 21:37:55

I want to display a message box when any person clicks on the menu item which is not enabled I have tried the following coding but it is not displaying the message box.



private void updateFineDetailsToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (updateFineDetailsToolStripMenuItem.Enabled == true)
        frmUpdateFineDetails objUpdateFineDetails = new frmUpdateFineDetails();
        objUpdateFineDetails.MdiParent = this;
    else if (updateFineDetailsToolStripMenuItem.Enabled == false)
        MessageBox.Show("Unauthorized Person");

By default I have set the enabled status to false and when the form loads I am checking whether the user is administrator, if the user is admin then this menu item will be enabled for all other user who logs into the application the above menu item has to be disabled.


Please note that the above coding does not generate any error, but it does not even display the messagebox as unauthorized person.


Can anybody help me out in performing this task?


Thanks in advance!


5 个解决方案


The whole idea of disabling a menu item or a button is to prevent the user from interacting with it. Typically the control will also be rendered in a way so that this becomes clear to the user. If you want to prevent the user from taking certain actions, for instance based on whether the user is an administrator or not, you can use one of three approaches:


  • Keep the control enabled and inform unauthorized users that the function is not available if he or she invokes it
  • 启用控件并告知未经授权的用户,如果他或她调用该功能,则该功能不可用

  • Disable the control
  • 禁用该控件

  • Hide the control
  • 隐藏控件

In the later two cases there is no interaction, since the user cannot invoke the command. I usually tend to prefer to hide the command, if the access to it is role based (meaning that if I don't have access to the command when I start the application, it will not happen at any point while running it), or disabling it if the availability of the command is related to data state.



As I understand, a disabled menu item does not raise Click events.



If you need to display the error message then enable the menu item.


If admin clicks then default action occurs and if other users click show a message box and prevent the default action.


From your code I think you can do this just by enabling the menu item.



Disabling a menu item isn't a cosmetic display issue, it does just what you'd expect from the term - it disables the menu item.

禁用菜单项不是化妆品显示问题,它只是你对术语的期望 - 它会禁用菜单项。

When disabled, the menu item is effectively inert - it will not raise the click event, and there's no (straightforward) way to make it do so.

禁用时,菜单项实际上是惰性的 - 它不会引发单击事件,并且没有(直接)方式来实现它。

I can guess at your motivations - to explain to your users why the particular menu item is unavailable to them - but you'll need to find a different approach, one that works with the system, not against it.

我可以猜测你的动机 - 向你的用户解释为什么特定的菜单项对他们不可用 - 但是你需要找到一种不同的方法,一种适用于系统的方法,而不是它。

Some possible approaches ...


  • Leave the menu item disabled, allowing the user to select it - you can then make a role based choice on how to handle the event.
  • 保持菜单项处于禁用状态,允许用户选择它 - 然后您可以基于角色选择如何处理事件。

  • Disable the menu item and provide feedback elsewhere in your UI telling the user what level of access they have.
  • 禁用菜单项并在UI中的其他位置提供反馈,告诉用户他们具有什么级别的访问权限。

  • Display a tooltip with the reason for disabling the control
  • 显示工具提示,其中包含禁用控件的原因

  • Leave the menu item enabled, but change it's display to look inactive (this is hard to achieve 100%); this will allow the events to fire and your handler to be invoked
  • 保持菜单项已启用,但将其显示更改为不活动(这很难达到100%);这将允许触发事件并调用您的处理程序

  • Create a separate "Explain" menu item, perhaps on the "Help" menu; when invoked, all disabled menu items become enabled, and will explain to the user why the command is unavailable.
  • 创建单独的“说明”菜单项,可能在“帮助”菜单上;在调用时,所有禁用的菜单项都将启用,并将向用户解释命令不可用的原因。

  • Some systems display a line of help text relevant to the highlighted menu item on the status bar - you could leverage this to explain availability: "Maintain customer details (requires Administrator role)"
  • 某些系统显示与状态栏上突出显示的菜单项相关的一行帮助文本 - 您可以利用此文档来解释可用性:“维护客户详细信息(需要管理员角色)”


a disabled control does not raise Click events. you should simulate that state! for example:


  1. enable menu item
  2. 启用菜单项

  3. change menu item's forecolor to SystemColors.GrayText
  4. 将菜单项的forecolor更改为SystemColors.GrayText

  5. save state of item in item's tag (enable or disable)
  6. 保存项目标签中的项目状态(启用或禁用)

  7. if click event raised, first check item's tag
  8. 如果点击事件引发,首先检查项目的标签

  9. change menu item's forecolor to normal fore color if enabled item.
  10. 如果启用项目,则将菜单项的前景颜色更改为正常前色。


The whole idea of disabling a menu item or a button is to prevent the user from interacting with it. Typically the control will also be rendered in a way so that this becomes clear to the user. If you want to prevent the user from taking certain actions, for instance based on whether the user is an administrator or not, you can use one of three approaches:


  • Keep the control enabled and inform unauthorized users that the function is not available if he or she invokes it
  • 启用控件并告知未经授权的用户,如果他或她调用该功能,则该功能不可用

  • Disable the control
  • 禁用该控件

  • Hide the control
  • 隐藏控件

In the later two cases there is no interaction, since the user cannot invoke the command. I usually tend to prefer to hide the command, if the access to it is role based (meaning that if I don't have access to the command when I start the application, it will not happen at any point while running it), or disabling it if the availability of the command is related to data state.



As I understand, a disabled menu item does not raise Click events.



If you need to display the error message then enable the menu item.


If admin clicks then default action occurs and if other users click show a message box and prevent the default action.


From your code I think you can do this just by enabling the menu item.



Disabling a menu item isn't a cosmetic display issue, it does just what you'd expect from the term - it disables the menu item.

禁用菜单项不是化妆品显示问题,它只是你对术语的期望 - 它会禁用菜单项。

When disabled, the menu item is effectively inert - it will not raise the click event, and there's no (straightforward) way to make it do so.

禁用时,菜单项实际上是惰性的 - 它不会引发单击事件,并且没有(直接)方式来实现它。

I can guess at your motivations - to explain to your users why the particular menu item is unavailable to them - but you'll need to find a different approach, one that works with the system, not against it.

我可以猜测你的动机 - 向你的用户解释为什么特定的菜单项对他们不可用 - 但是你需要找到一种不同的方法,一种适用于系统的方法,而不是它。

Some possible approaches ...


  • Leave the menu item disabled, allowing the user to select it - you can then make a role based choice on how to handle the event.
  • 保持菜单项处于禁用状态,允许用户选择它 - 然后您可以基于角色选择如何处理事件。

  • Disable the menu item and provide feedback elsewhere in your UI telling the user what level of access they have.
  • 禁用菜单项并在UI中的其他位置提供反馈,告诉用户他们具有什么级别的访问权限。

  • Display a tooltip with the reason for disabling the control
  • 显示工具提示,其中包含禁用控件的原因

  • Leave the menu item enabled, but change it's display to look inactive (this is hard to achieve 100%); this will allow the events to fire and your handler to be invoked
  • 保持菜单项已启用,但将其显示更改为不活动(这很难达到100%);这将允许触发事件并调用您的处理程序

  • Create a separate "Explain" menu item, perhaps on the "Help" menu; when invoked, all disabled menu items become enabled, and will explain to the user why the command is unavailable.
  • 创建单独的“说明”菜单项,可能在“帮助”菜单上;在调用时,所有禁用的菜单项都将启用,并将向用户解释命令不可用的原因。

  • Some systems display a line of help text relevant to the highlighted menu item on the status bar - you could leverage this to explain availability: "Maintain customer details (requires Administrator role)"
  • 某些系统显示与状态栏上突出显示的菜单项相关的一行帮助文本 - 您可以利用此文档来解释可用性:“维护客户详细信息(需要管理员角色)”


a disabled control does not raise Click events. you should simulate that state! for example:


  1. enable menu item
  2. 启用菜单项

  3. change menu item's forecolor to SystemColors.GrayText
  4. 将菜单项的forecolor更改为SystemColors.GrayText

  5. save state of item in item's tag (enable or disable)
  6. 保存项目标签中的项目状态(启用或禁用)

  7. if click event raised, first check item's tag
  8. 如果点击事件引发,首先检查项目的标签

  9. change menu item's forecolor to normal fore color if enabled item.
  10. 如果启用项目,则将菜单项的前景颜色更改为正常前色。