Javascript性能:reduce() vs for-loop

时间:2022-12-04 21:19:39

I was attempting this Codewars challenge and the problem involves finding the divisors of a number and then calculating the sum of these divisors squared. I found two approaches to this problem.


The first approach is based on another * questions about finding the sum of all divisors and seems clever at first:


function divisorsSquared(n) {
  // create a numeric sequence and then reduce it
  return [...Array(n+1).keys()].slice(1)
   .reduce((sum, num)=>sum+(!(n % (num)) && Math.pow(num,2)), 0);

The second approach I used was using a simple for-loop:


function divisorsSquared(n) {
  var sum = 0;
  for(var i = 1; i<= n; i++){
     if(n % i === 0) sum += Math.pow(i,2); 
  return sum;

Now I noticed that the first approach is significantly slower than the second and a quick jsperf test confirms this.


My questions are: Why is the first approach so much slower and what approach is preferable in production code?


On Codewars I notice that for many challenges there are clever one-line solutions using similar array methods. As a beginner, may such solutions be considered better practice than for-loops, even if performance is worse?


3 个解决方案



Functional or imperative approaches makes a difference in JS. Imperative always wins. Yet, the real thing is most of time a better algorithm is the winner. Your code is a naive approach. You can tune it to work much better just by checking the integers up until the square root of the target value and you will get two answers per check. If target is 100 if 2 is a dividend then 100/2 must be a dividend too.. So it's fair to check up to Math.sqrt(100) - 1 and handle 10 with care in order to not consider it twice.

函数或命令式方法对JS有影响。必须总是赢家。然而,真正的问题是大多数时候,更好的算法才是赢家。您的代码是一种幼稚的方法。你可以通过检查整数直到目标值的平方根,然后得到两个答案。如果目标是100如果2是股息那么100/2也一定是股息。因此,检查Math.sqrt(100) - 1并小心地处理10,以便不考虑它两次是公平的。

Accordingly now the functional solution with reduce beats the imperative naive solution.


function divisorsSquared(n) {
  var sn = Math.sqrt(n);
  return Array.from({length:~~sn-1},(_,i) => i+1)
              .reduce((s,m) => n%m ? s : s + m*m + (n/m)*(n/m), 0) + (n%sn ? 0 : sn*sn);
var result = 0;
console.time("functional and tuned");
result = divisorsSquared(1000000);
console.timeEnd("functional and tuned");
console.log("for input: 1000000 the result is:",result);

function dvssqr(n) {
  var sum = 0;
  for(var i = 1; i<= n; i++){
     if(n % i === 0) sum += Math.pow(i,2); 
  return sum;

console.time("imperative and naive");
result = dvssqr(1000000);
console.timeEnd("imperative and naive");
console.log("for input: 1000000 the result is:",result);



  • Array(n+1) allocates an array with n + 1 elements, Array(n+1).keys() returns an iterator over the created array's indices, but the spread operator [...Iterator] helps "unwrap" this iterator into yet another array, then finally slice(1) comes along to copy the secondly created array starting at index 1 which allocates yet another array (third one) with the number 0 discarded. So that were 3 allocations but 2 were dicarded. Your for-loop does not allocate any arrays, it is a simple traversal in O(n) with only 2 allocations for i and sum, so it is more efficient
  • 数组(n+1)分配一个包含n+1元素的数组,数组(n+1).keys()返回一个迭代器,遍历创建的数组的索引,但是扩展操作符[…迭代器]帮助将这个迭代器“展开”到另一个数组中,最后切片(1)复制第二个创建的数组,该数组从索引1开始,它分配了另一个数组(第三个),并将数字0丢弃。这是3个分配但2个被分配。for-loop不会分配任何数组,它只是O(n)中的一个简单遍历,只有2个分配给i和sum,所以它更高效
  • sum+(!(n % (num)) && Math.pow(num,2)) is essentially the same as if(n % i === 0) sum += Math.pow(i,2); but the if approach is way more readable. If I were the judge, I would pick the second approach because it is more memory efficient, yet it favors readability.
  • 总和+(!(n % (num)) && Math.pow(num,2)本质上与(n % i == 0)和+= Math.pow(i,2)相同;但是if方法更具有可读性。如果我是法官,我会选择第二种方法,因为它更节省内存,但更有利于可读性。



Looking into the code, for loop is obviously less complex and more readable.


Consider you are working within a team, maximum number of your team members will know what the code is doing right away. Some will have to look up what the reduce() method is, but then they'll also know what's going on. So here, a for loop is easier for others to read and understand.


On the other side, native array functions (filter(), map(), reduce()) will save you from writing some extra code and also slower in performance.


For a beginner, I think for-loops should be better over native array functions.




Functional or imperative approaches makes a difference in JS. Imperative always wins. Yet, the real thing is most of time a better algorithm is the winner. Your code is a naive approach. You can tune it to work much better just by checking the integers up until the square root of the target value and you will get two answers per check. If target is 100 if 2 is a dividend then 100/2 must be a dividend too.. So it's fair to check up to Math.sqrt(100) - 1 and handle 10 with care in order to not consider it twice.

函数或命令式方法对JS有影响。必须总是赢家。然而,真正的问题是大多数时候,更好的算法才是赢家。您的代码是一种幼稚的方法。你可以通过检查整数直到目标值的平方根,然后得到两个答案。如果目标是100如果2是股息那么100/2也一定是股息。因此,检查Math.sqrt(100) - 1并小心地处理10,以便不考虑它两次是公平的。

Accordingly now the functional solution with reduce beats the imperative naive solution.


function divisorsSquared(n) {
  var sn = Math.sqrt(n);
  return Array.from({length:~~sn-1},(_,i) => i+1)
              .reduce((s,m) => n%m ? s : s + m*m + (n/m)*(n/m), 0) + (n%sn ? 0 : sn*sn);
var result = 0;
console.time("functional and tuned");
result = divisorsSquared(1000000);
console.timeEnd("functional and tuned");
console.log("for input: 1000000 the result is:",result);

function dvssqr(n) {
  var sum = 0;
  for(var i = 1; i<= n; i++){
     if(n % i === 0) sum += Math.pow(i,2); 
  return sum;

console.time("imperative and naive");
result = dvssqr(1000000);
console.timeEnd("imperative and naive");
console.log("for input: 1000000 the result is:",result);



  • Array(n+1) allocates an array with n + 1 elements, Array(n+1).keys() returns an iterator over the created array's indices, but the spread operator [...Iterator] helps "unwrap" this iterator into yet another array, then finally slice(1) comes along to copy the secondly created array starting at index 1 which allocates yet another array (third one) with the number 0 discarded. So that were 3 allocations but 2 were dicarded. Your for-loop does not allocate any arrays, it is a simple traversal in O(n) with only 2 allocations for i and sum, so it is more efficient
  • 数组(n+1)分配一个包含n+1元素的数组,数组(n+1).keys()返回一个迭代器,遍历创建的数组的索引,但是扩展操作符[…迭代器]帮助将这个迭代器“展开”到另一个数组中,最后切片(1)复制第二个创建的数组,该数组从索引1开始,它分配了另一个数组(第三个),并将数字0丢弃。这是3个分配但2个被分配。for-loop不会分配任何数组,它只是O(n)中的一个简单遍历,只有2个分配给i和sum,所以它更高效
  • sum+(!(n % (num)) && Math.pow(num,2)) is essentially the same as if(n % i === 0) sum += Math.pow(i,2); but the if approach is way more readable. If I were the judge, I would pick the second approach because it is more memory efficient, yet it favors readability.
  • 总和+(!(n % (num)) && Math.pow(num,2)本质上与(n % i == 0)和+= Math.pow(i,2)相同;但是if方法更具有可读性。如果我是法官,我会选择第二种方法,因为它更节省内存,但更有利于可读性。



Looking into the code, for loop is obviously less complex and more readable.


Consider you are working within a team, maximum number of your team members will know what the code is doing right away. Some will have to look up what the reduce() method is, but then they'll also know what's going on. So here, a for loop is easier for others to read and understand.


On the other side, native array functions (filter(), map(), reduce()) will save you from writing some extra code and also slower in performance.


For a beginner, I think for-loops should be better over native array functions.
