
时间:2022-10-11 21:18:17

I'm new to Powershell, and need some guidance. I need to create a script which will enable a operator to create a remote user folder based on the operator's (string) input. The script would then take that input, create the folder, name it, and then permission it according to the input. So far, I have the "create" part working using this:



$directory = Read-Host "Enter Path"

$username = Read-Host "Enter Username"

'Create and name directory

new-item -Path $directory -name $username -ItemType directory

Using the above script, the operator is asked where the folder should be created, and what the folder name should be. in our case, the folder name is the same as the user's name (AD account name). As I said, this is working. The folder gets created, and is inheriting permissions. I now need to find a way to also permission that folder based on the operator's input of the user's NAME (AD account), and give that user Full Control for the parent/child folders, while keeping the inheritance.


I am assuming that the script would need to check the NAME against AD, so that it can make sure the NAME is a valid AD account..? As I said, I am new to Powershell. :)

我假设脚本需要检查NAME对AD,以便它可以确保NAME是一个有效的AD帐户..?正如我所说,我是Powershell的新手。 :)

Is this even possible? Thanks!


3 个解决方案



looks like what you need PowerShell - Editing permissions on a file or folder

看起来像你需要的PowerShell - 编辑文件或文件夹的权限

try reading get-help Get-Acl -full and for Set-Acl commandlets

尝试阅读get-help Get-Acl -full和Set-Acl命令行开关



You don't "need" to check against AD, but it is a good idea.


I personally prefer QAD cmdlets. You get them when you download PowerGUI, although Powergui is not required.

我个人更喜欢QAD cmdlet。下载PowerGUI时可以获得它们,但不需要Powergui。

For setting the user, you can simply do:


$User = Read-Host -input "enter user to grant access"
if(get-qaduser $user) {set-Acl $Path $ACLs}
else{write-host "Cannot find user"}



PowerShell ACLs are a bit over complicated. I'd suggest using the icacls command for setting the acl:

PowerShell ACL有点过于复杂。我建议使用icacls命令来设置acl:

PS C:\> icacls /?

As for checking the user against AD you need to query the AD. This way is messy but you don't need to install anything "http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff730967.aspx"


This way is easy, but you need the Remote Administration Tools PowerShell AD Module installed.

这种方式很简单,但您需要安装远程管理工具PowerShell AD模块。

(Get-ADuser -Filter {Name -eq $username}).count -ne 0



looks like what you need PowerShell - Editing permissions on a file or folder

看起来像你需要的PowerShell - 编辑文件或文件夹的权限

try reading get-help Get-Acl -full and for Set-Acl commandlets

尝试阅读get-help Get-Acl -full和Set-Acl命令行开关



You don't "need" to check against AD, but it is a good idea.


I personally prefer QAD cmdlets. You get them when you download PowerGUI, although Powergui is not required.

我个人更喜欢QAD cmdlet。下载PowerGUI时可以获得它们,但不需要Powergui。

For setting the user, you can simply do:


$User = Read-Host -input "enter user to grant access"
if(get-qaduser $user) {set-Acl $Path $ACLs}
else{write-host "Cannot find user"}



PowerShell ACLs are a bit over complicated. I'd suggest using the icacls command for setting the acl:

PowerShell ACL有点过于复杂。我建议使用icacls命令来设置acl:

PS C:\> icacls /?

As for checking the user against AD you need to query the AD. This way is messy but you don't need to install anything "http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff730967.aspx"


This way is easy, but you need the Remote Administration Tools PowerShell AD Module installed.

这种方式很简单,但您需要安装远程管理工具PowerShell AD模块。

(Get-ADuser -Filter {Name -eq $username}).count -ne 0